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Tower of Babble - Maxis Side - Turbines at the Pylon


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Hi guys... I don't mean to beat a dead horse but I've read pretty much every thread on this on this website and I can't find an answer to what I'm looking for.

Whether one believes the EE is complete until the next DLC or not... I for one don't, but I admit it's probably just wishful thinking... So I'm not asking anyone to try anything or going to say I have the answers.. because I don't.

I do however have a few guys that share my thoughts and we want to keep experimenting with this.

So I have been unsuccessful in the TOB about 5 times now. Rict side because after 15 rounds of killing zombies under the pylon I never got enough 110 (From everything I have read because I didn't use explosive weapons once, and the other time because two of my teammates were killing zombies at the diner while two of us were under the tower which apparently is a no-no that wasn't outlined to me). Maxis last night because I think I EMP'd the electric zombie when he wasn't directly under the tower (jumped the gun when I heard "Kill him now".

Anyways I am not asking for help with the TOB... but I guess I just don't understand exactly WHY I am doing what I am doing as I do it... I have read the guide on this site as well as seen the videos....

But I am confused as to WHY the next step after turning off the power is to put too turbines down at the spire. I didn't hear anything from Maxis telling me to do this... Maybe I just didn't hear it but I was paying pretty good attention last night.

The only reason I ask is because after turning EDIT: [off] the power as asked, I put a turbine down at the bridge and heard him talk about the first point.. etc. etc... (I know it's not new news) and this was before I put anything down at the pylon.

I have a grip on the TOB from the guides posted (which appears to be the same guide posted 1000 times acrossed the internet) and I can't help but think I'm doing things in the incorrect order.

So I guess what I'm asking is... WHY is the next step the turbines at the pylon.. does he say something?... Or could it just be that the achievement was unlocked at this stage for someone and got blasted on the net to do it this way. I can only imagine after everything that everyone on this forum (and others) has tried that the only possible way I could find something out that hasn't been found is if the underlying direction everyone has been going may be somehow incorrect....

The scalene, obtuse, triangle topics fascinate me as I don't think anyone truly understands this and I want to experiment with this... but I think this might have to come prior to the spire? Just for the simple reason that I naturally put the turbine down at the teleporter prior to the spire and that was the first I again "heard the voices" . I'm sure most were supposed to do this since Treyarch leads you to the teleporters by the earlier achievement they give you on teleporting...

anyways sorry for the long post but other than that it unlocks the achievement is there a reason that the turbines at the spire are the next set of voices that I am supposed to be listening too?

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About Richtofen's side.. You MUST kill the zombies under the tower with explosives.. Mustang Sally is best IMHO. Only takes about 30-40 zombies before he speaks to you again about reducing the power by a factor of four.. So your buddies at the diner can be killing away also, you'll definately get 40 zombies under the tower..

On Maxis's side, I believe he says something about he needs power at the pylon.. Perhaps someone else can chime in on that.


Well he never says you have to put turbines under it. That makes the Easter Egg harder, thats what treyarch wanted.

But after you place the first turbine you will hear something like this "Great, Power, we need more off it!"

and when you place the second turbine he will say something like this "Yess, more power! But we need more of it, something portable, might even alive.

So thats proof why you need to put the turbines, its a needed step to complete Maxises side. After that you have to emp the monster and put turbines under the lamp, but you probably alredy know that ;)


Don't emp the electric guy until he is trapped by the turbines. Also you probably dont want to put the turbines out until he has spawned on you, as your turbines will get beaten up by zombies, if you are not great at spawning him there. Sometimes, its easier to spawn him at diner and lead him there, or so I've heard.

Another maxis tip is to have someone at power who turns the power off right before you complete that step so that you can have perks all the way up until that point.

As for Richtofen, as mentioned above you need explosives when collecting the 115. Richtofen says something like "bring them to the stone and make them go boom".

Ray gun and m&s are the easiest to do this with.

Other Richtofen tips are; you don't need the whole table built to do it. Only the obelisk piece is sufficient. Also you only need two players to get emps, not four. Just each emp a lamppost, teleport, and emp the lamppost you land at. This needs to be done at the same time.

It's a little tricky and sometimes you land at the lamppost that your teammate already emp'd, which is bad luck. A trick for making this easier is that while teleporting you can press your special grenade button and you will get the throwing animation and toss it as soon as you land. Make sure you are looking at the ground so you don't launch it.

Hope that helped some.


Thanks for the replies.

Just a couple of things.. one - on the Rict side... I had two of us under there (after we heard you needed exploses) with Mustang Sallys and PAP'd Ray guns. Killed zombies up until round 14 (probably 200 kills) and he didn't say anything about having enough.

I heard after that all 4 needed to be under there (or possibly all 4 needed explosives because any knife or non explosive kill will reset the count maybe). So I'm not sure if you have done it the other way but it most definitely did not work for me....

We even thought maybe he said it and it just didn't come through so we EMP'd the lamps and he said it was the wrong order...

But BESIDES All of that (because that wasn't what I meant to get at):

I guess I just don't understand why we think that the order is correct of putting the turbines down at the tower.

I understand what he says when you do it... However if you put a turbine down at one of the street lamps first he asks you to complete the vertices... I just have the feeling that everyone is doing it the same wrong way because it makes no sense why the tower should be the next step to me....

I guess, from a programmers standpoing who has made a few flash games (mostly escape the room puzzle games, where certain things have to be done in order to get to different parts of the room) I could see from my past mistakes how certain things could be unlocked even though I didn't mean for them to in that order... However if there is a correct order and everyone is doing it the wrong way it would make sense why nothing else is getting figured out.

For the most part I think I got my answer. If I didn't miss anything and he actually doesn't lead us to the tower than I'm going to test the pylon theories first... creating the angles first, prior to powering up the tower... Because in his quotes, it makes more sense to put the pylons down first and then "Connect the system" which from what I mapped out... looks to me like their are only about two possibilities (I'm thinking the CABIN Light post, the DINER, and the PYLON), which of course is what leads me to the next step where he talks about needing more power.

Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.. as I don't want to go down the same path as everyone else, or I'm sure if there was something we were missing someone would have found it AFTER the EE.. I just think maybe it's Pre-EE where something could be done wrong.


We even thought maybe he said it and it just didn't come through so we EMP'd the lamps and he said it was the wrong order...

Well only Samuel can hear his quotes, so you need to make sure that whoever is Samuel is paying attention. You will also know you are ready to emp because the lamps look different.

I don't know maybe you need all four people at the pylon. I don't see why though, as long as you're giving the stone enough 115 it should work.


If anyone in your party has done whatever side you're attempting, it won't work.. So if the pylon is already lit blue, you can't do Richtofens.. If it's lit red, you can't do Maxis's..

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