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Anyone miss the good ol' days?

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So I doubt i'm alone here when i say this... Does anyone else miss the old World At War Zombies? I mean when there was more focus on the killing of zombies then the easter egg. I feel like Treyarch is putting more effort into the easter egg rather than the gameplay itself.

I miss coming home from a long day at school and destroying undead nazis with awesome weapons while rocking out to elena siegman in the background. It just felt.... right and i haven't felt this on black ops 1 or 2.

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To me, the gameplay is much more refined in BO2 than in WaW.


WaW = Hardest because of semi-clunky gameplay and more double-hits

Black Ops = medium because of smoother controls and less double hits; traps and other mechanics + perks

BO2= Easy zombie hit slower so you can run past them with ease.


I feel you OP. I miss the simple killing of zombies. I do enjoy the story tremendously, but seeing who could get the highest round amongst my friends was much more fun. I honestly am way worse at BO2 Zombies than either of the previous two.


  Bronsauce66 said:
So I doubt i'm alone here when i say this... Does anyone else miss the old World At War Zombies? I mean when there was more focus on the killing of zombies then the easter egg. I feel like Treyarch is putting more effort into the easter egg rather than the gameplay itself.

I miss coming home from a long day at school and destroying undead nazis with awesome weapons while rocking out to elena siegman in the background. It just felt.... right and i haven't felt this on black ops 1 or 2.

Well thats not necessarily true. I felt the same way recently. I played Tranzit so much that I got extremely worn out on it. Then I re discovered Survival Mode. It has what your looking for. Especially when you start on round 20 or 10 on Town. There is the old adventure we all loved so much.

The EE or Quest really isnt that intricate in this game. Not nearly as bad as the old Black Ops EE Quests. People are just projecting a complexity onto it that doesn't necessarily exist.

This is one of the things frustrating me about the forums lately. Everyone is over analyzing every nook and cranny of the game looking for the "Endgame". I understand this is part of the process of discovery, but also I feel more and more everyday like we should stop fueling the fires and just let them tell us finally.

Zombo187 (PSN)


Hmm, well I think it depends on how you play the game. No one said you have to do all the easter eggs. No one said you have to set yourself up in round 1, therefore not killing a zombie for 30min. But I still know exactly what you mean. I sometimes get almost a heart attack when I see in theater mode, that there was a round taking the same time like the 10 rounds before.

Survival is no-frill, as it was said, exactly what you look for.


I don't...simply because I still play the waw maps. I had a couple of decent 2 man games on snn and dr a few days ago.

Bo was just so freaking easy. Most maps, i just suicide by like 30 to go to bed. Hate the 'kill your teammate as he revives you' glitch. I will probably play these the least.

Bo2 took some getting used to, but the survival ones are like ndu with perks and green run tranzit whatever it is alled is like several maps in one: tired of diner? Run farm, out of farm, town, depot...

I hate that the bo2 zombies have longer reach and strike faster. I love that you can now prove that most deaths are from glitches/errors in the game! Go theater mode zombies!

Weird that treyargh fixed glitches in waw, but left in the really cool gun glitches (and zombie magnets), in bo, they ignored almost every glitch except for the multigun glitch. That sucked.

Bo2 needs a good gun glitch.

Also, mule kick is an insult.

Edit: bo leaderboards: in a round-based game, lets track kills and highest score rather than rounds, because we really fd bo up in every aspect. Worst cod for me by far. I am genuinely surprised that 1. They named bo2 after the first failure, 2. That they were even allowed to make another cod after bo, and 3. That they did a great job on bo2... Most unexpected, to be honest.


I liked it when they based Easter eggs off maps, not maps off Easter eggs. Because of the end of the moon Easter egg, they're doomed to make each map a foggy post-apocalyptic wasteland.


  949 said:
I liked it when they based Easter eggs off maps, not maps off Easter eggs. Because of the end of the moon Easter egg, they're doomed to make each map a foggy post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Ugh. I really hoped that was not the case at the rise, but it seems to be. At least there is a headlamp or something that keeps them denizens away. Why is annoying and hard slowly replacing fun and innovative? (I'm looking at you, borderlands 2; so annoying- moon, denizens...)


Depends, WaW and BO1 had the best story (so far, we'll see by the end of this year)

WaW had terrible knifing, BO1 had the best, BO2 screwed it up again.

BO2 has better graphics, except for the players hands.

BO1 had better music (WaW also)

And everyone will agree, BO1 characters owns the hell out of our new heroes.


I guess i just liked the older theme to it. I'd rather slay Nazis in an abandoned swamp with an MP-40 then kill zombies in hospital clothes at some bus station. Just my opinion, i like the more old school, dark, gory side of zombies that world at war had. Things like the random screams of terror you'd hear in Verrukt , that just simply aren't there anymore. It just added more to the atmosphere


  Bronsauce66 said:
So I doubt i'm alone here when i say this... Does anyone else miss the old World At War Zombies?

You have no idea. XD

Also, what easter eggs there were remained open to theories, were as now it seems everything is painfully obvious.


  Tattoo247 said:
Depends, WaW and BO1 had the best story (so far, we'll see by the end of this year)

WaW had terrible knifing, BO1 had the best, BO2 screwed it up again.

BO2 has better graphics, except for the players hands.

BO1 had better music (WaW also)

And everyone will agree, BO1 characters owns the hell out of our new heroes.

It's not really the graphics and mechanics that i care about. I want the old school, scary, gory maps that we used to get

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