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Die Rise is TranZit (Theory)


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What's going on my fellow Zombie Conspirators? I have a very possible theory to the new map Die Rise, be sure to tell me what you think. Again, I'm new to the CoDZ community appologize for reposts.

First off, I've I responded to someone else's post in a previous Thread, I'll link that for you now.

Evidence strongly points in the direction of this being a new TranZit map. It just makes sense. For Example, Green Run is the complete TranZit map, it is broken down into multiple "Survival" maps. With that said, whenever you are playing Survival, you play as CDC or CIA. You never play as the characters from TranZit. So, Die Rise is going to be the new TranZit map and will be broken down into multiple Survival maps, played as CDC, CIA, or possibly a new group. I'm thinking a new group. Since, America allied with China in campaign mode and the uniforms of the zombies appear to be of campaign style, its quite a possibility you'll play as Troops from either side. Just an Idea.

Now that you read through that you have an idea where I'm going.

My Theories on TranZit Die Rise, w/ valid points/arguments.

:idea: Teleportation Theory

Teleportation has been a huge part of Black Ops Zombies, involving teleportation through labs even to the moon. If you can teleport to the moon, it would be easily possible to teleport to the opposite side of the world.

I believe that the spire in Green Run is actually a teleporter. If you think about it, the spire draws energy/orbs from the Teleportation lamps across TranZit. With that said, the NavCard contains the Coordinates to the Die Rise location.

I believe that Marlton is the only one who can properly understand Teleportation so he stays behind to operate the NavCard reader while the others teleport. It has always been said that Marlton plays an important role in Green Run. Thus, this is the reason Marlton is not shown in the Die Rise trailer. With that said, It is highly possible that a new character will be introduced in Die Rise possibly a Soldier of some kind. I'll elaborate more of this later.

Summary: 1. The spire is a teleporter. - 2. Marlton stays behind to activate the spires teleporter. - 3. New character introduced in Die Rise.

:idea: TranZit - Die Rise Story (Theory)

BAM! There you are on the top of a sky scraper located in China. You look from left to right, and begin to wonder if leaving Marlton behind was a good idea. The next moment you hear a helicopter flying in your vicinity. The helicopter lands and a soldier dismounts and asks how you got here and survived. The soldier tells you that its only him and his pilot and they are looking for survivors of their team.

There's the possible beginning, it explains the helicopter and the lack of Marlton in the trailer. Do you really think that Treyarch is going to reveal a new character without showing the disappearance of the last?

I believe the story is going to be on the lines of looking for survivors, ultimately finding none, then being drug back into the main TranZit story line continuing on the side you chose in Green Run. The new character may provide new means of knowledge and fire power, "The Peacekeeper." Think Treyarch is going to introduce a new weapon and not give it to the dedicated zombie players? If they don't they're frigging crazy.

Now as for continuing the story line, What could possibly be useful to the factions in a China Sky Rise? The only thing I can think of is completing the third of the three towers required by the Group 601. If you're wondering what I'm talking about I'll provide a link for you explaining towers.


Summary: 1. Marlton is gone, new character introduced. - 2. Peacekeeper in Die Rise - 3. Group 601 based story line. - 4. Possibly another Tower Based Objective

Well, that's all folks. Tell me what you think. Make sure you check out the video link above. If you have any thoughts be sure to respond.

Blitz Out.

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This is a very nice theory you have going on! I like the connections you make between Marlton and his absence in Die Rise; it's relieving to escape the whole possibility of him "dying off". I'm not too keen on the pylon being a teleporter, since the whole purpose of its existence was to channel energy to either entity (Maxis/Richtofen) via whatever was used as an energy source (electricity/115). But I do thoroughly admire your observation of Marlton's characteristics; he does some like the kind of person to be knowledgeable of creating/modifying a teleporter. We know that teleportation is a key factor here with the appearance of Denizen portals and MTD blueprints at the workbenches. I understand the survivor in Die Rise, however, I don't exactly think he has a pilot. Maybe that person arrived in Die Rise via that helicopter and it settled down in Die Rise but doesn't have enough juice to really go further...that could possibly be a way to access it.

You have a lot of great points though. I admire your creativity; keep these theories comin'!

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I do expect it to be Tranzit, but when looking at the Revolution trailer, it doesen't look like there is town and stuff like dinner, so i don't think it will be splited up. There is a helicopter in Die Rise logo, so we will probably fly, that is epic. There will deffinetly not be a Bus lol but helicopter is even better, but does that makes it less challenging? You don't need to kill zombies when you are at the helicopter since it flyes, or it flyes really low and zombies will jump up on the heli, can't wait for die rise :D

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I do expect it to be Tranzit, but when looking at the Revolution trailer, it doesen't look like there is town and stuff like dinner, so i don't think it will be splited up.

Die Rise most likely has numerous amounts of Sky Scrapers throughout the map. Although, there's no proof that th.y all will be playable. In theory the helicopter is the new means of Transit building to building. Here's another theory, you can run building to building by ground level or possibly ridges created by debris. With that said, its most likely that the bridges/streets will be covered by fog with a new version of "denizen," perhaps one that can fly and knock you off the bridges. So, it'll be safer to fly or will it.....? :twisted:

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