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I be Gaycandybacon

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Hey I'm Gaycandybacon. That's my awesome gamertag. It gets mixed reviews, but it be a keeper.

You can call me by my real name Nick, if that makes you feel more comfortable. :lol: Some people call me Nipple, but that's another long "cool story bro" story that I don't feel like explaining because I'm lazy.

I'm me, I speak my mind. I can get crazy but really I'm just a down to earth guy.

This silly, laid back, nerdy, boytoy is just trying to make it in this world. And yes, even the internet world, because I'm that much of a wanker. That's British chaps. I think. :roll:

Well If you wanna play any zombies or simply just add me for shits and giggles. Just send a message my way saying how much you love me in the most nonsexual way possible (try and resist I dare ya :D ) and I'll accept your friend request.

Thanks! Hope to be here a while!



GO PACKERS! :mrgreen: (huge packers fan)

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Hey friendo, welcome to the community! A rather interesting gamertag, it is honestly. Never thought I'd come across something as creative as that. :lol:

You'll find lots of slayers who share the same zombie-lovin' as you, don't worry about that. You're welcome into the family anytime.

Hope to see you around more! :)


  InfestLithium said:
Hey friendo, welcome to the community! A rather interesting gamertag, it is honestly. Never thought I'd come across something as creative as that. :lol:

You'll find lots of slayers who share the same zombie-lovin' as you, don't worry about that. You're welcome into the family anytime.

Hope to see you around more! :)

Thanks. Glad someone admires my art of coming up with swheet gamertags. :twisted:

I usually don't get a welcoming crew to forums so this is a first! Thanks again! :geek:

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