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Difficulty of zombies since newest update

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I don't think there is much a difference besides the non-spawn sessions at the end of a round. I played a few games recently, and the only thing I noticed is that they are no longer afraid to hit you from a distance. But they actually seem easier to navigate through if you get caught in a crowd.

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I don't think there is much a difference besides the non-spawn sessions at the end of a round. I played a few games recently, and the only thing I noticed is that they are no longer afraid to hit you from a distance. But they actually seem easier to navigate through if you get caught in a crowd.

Politely, what is this? So the basic structure of how the zombies behave has been changed? I have played a lot but not posted too much. Read a lot of threads. Is this not somewhere between sacrilege, blatant stupidity and careless wanton lack of caring?

1. getting caught from behind and sometimes dropped on only one or no hits.

2. going red screen and looping the zombies and getting murdered where it used to be safe.

3. feeling the need to run all over without jug as I seem to go down almost carelessly.

4. #@@!!$$@!~!#$%$%^%#!!

This is ridiculous. I deal with stupid kill hogs even amongst players I know too often. I train areas, go down rarely and watch others kill my zombs time and time again. Regularly I end up with massively less kills than I should earn. To leave me playing with skulls all the time. And making this game almost not fun now. And this game has been built to base value on the awful idea that a kill total is of maximum importance, making it harder to team up and run those trains and put away those rounds. I like too much playing this game over the last few years. Way too many hours. I really enjoy that the way I play makes finding Randoms and building a team happen often. To overcome ignorant self interest that detriments the team and the chance to go far. And to find players I look forward to seeing. But I realize too many of the good players I have met use me to get flush with kills and damn the game. I continually delete these people now. I wish they did not do this, but what can you do. I'm not Chopper and can run anywhere at anytime. I'm just a getting good, experienced player who wants to enjoy time spent playing. Not some groin measuring game where we all try to max kills. And damn the teammates who have no money to get perks and guns and who will eventually just sadly leave the game. I understand. Your groin is small. If your kills are large enough perhaps now one will notice. :lol:

But now this game is harder for me? The player standing in the window for the box on town gets to stand there and kill whatever they want from the window and my running trains has been made harder? I often play by feel. When I feel the hit from behind I move. Now I, far too often, go from no hits to down. Like a real gunshot. I'm angry, frustrated and tired of it. I'll get over it. But now I have to try and relearn how to run. Or whether I need to run like an inexperienced idiot all over the place. Not cool.

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