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New Wonder Weapon (SLIQUIFIER)


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when people was talkin about the new wonder weapon in die rise, i assumed they was tlkin about getin it from the box, wich doesent seem to be the case, as it luks like we have to build it, the same way we had to build the jet gun :/ hopefuly isent as long to build as the jet gun was kinda a pain the ass, & tbh this gun luks beter then the jet gun, for simple fact it runs of ammo instead of a gage fingy, so does this mean wen we get a max ammo, it also applys to that?

also this we obviously take up ur buildable place, & with the return of mule kick u cud potentialy have 4 good guns xD

seriously cant wait to play this!

heres the vid of the new "wonder weapon" -



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ahh shet! by lukin carefuly at the vid it luks like it replaces 1 of your guns :/ wich is a bummer. can more then 1 person take this? or is it only 1 person same as jet gun?


"Check how to turn the power on in another video so i can get more money!"

"Check out my shameless advertising so i can get even more money!"

Anyway, the wonder weapon doesn't really seem all that...wonderful...?

Seems kinda not that effective really. Maybe he just didn't explain it that good? Or just didn't show good footage?

And I've heard once you build it that it goes into the box if you die, is that true?


And I've heard once you build it that it goes into the box if you die, is that true?

hm dno :/ still to be discoverd i supose lol it does seem more like a box weapon then a buildable tho, and it does take the place as 1 of your weapons, instead of jst being like a nortmal buildable were u have to press up (ps3) to use it. so maybe it could do that, or maybe you jst have to go back to the table and pick it up again :)


"Check how to turn the power on in another video so i can get more money!"

"Check out my shameless advertising so i can get even more money!"

what does that mean btw? :/ that isent my utube lol sum other guys who i dnt even no lol


"Check how to turn the power on in another video so i can get more money!"

"Check out my shameless advertising so i can get even more money!"

what does that mean btw? :/ that isent my utube lol sum other guys who i dnt even no lol

Yeah i knew it wasn't yours.

It just seems like in his Zombie videos that i have watched he always tells people to "Go and check out my other videos to learn to do what you need to do" instead of just telling them a quick way of doing it in that video.

Even if it's the littlest thing he still does it. And the only thing i would imagine him doing it for is because of the money he get's from views.

And plus that shameless advertising he did. That explains itself.


oh lol my bad xD i wudent no tbh im not subscribed to his channel, just found that video so i dont watch his vids regulary, but i understand what you mean & alot of youtubers do it enit lol they make about 2-5 vids on the same thing wich cuda all been explained in 1 tbh, say shet like "this is what it does"... "but if u wanna no how to do it go check out my other vid" its all kinda pointles reali


I like the Sliquifier a lot. It instantly vaporizes zombies, and the ones it doesn't get stuck and fall down on the liquid making them easy kills. And sometimes they slide out the building. Plus 50 shots is pretty good, and the parts aren't too hard to find.

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