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NavCard theory.

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So with the discovery of Die Rise's new NavCard machine and it accepting the TranZit NavCard I have came to a theory. What if, the previous card works for the new machine in a loop? example

TranZit Card > Die Rise Table (Accepted), Die Rise Card > DLC 2's Table (Accepted)

DLC 2's Card > DLC 3's Table (Accepted, DLC 3's Card > DLC 4's Table (Accepted),

DLC 4's Card > TranZit's table. and then conclusion?


TranZit Card > Die Rise Table (Accepted), Die Rise Card > DLC 2's Table (Accepted)

DLC 2's Card > DLC 3's Table (Accepted, DLC 3's Card > TranZit Table then with all 3 cards maybe a final outcome on the last map? Big conclusion to this years "series" of zombie episodes?


TranZit Card > Die Rise Table (Accepted), Die Rise Card > DLC 2's Table (Accepted)

DLC 2's Card > DLC 3's Table (Accepted, DLC 3's Card > DLC 4's Table (Accepted), DLC 4's Card > TranZit's Table and then effects are on last map?

The combinations are endless but yeah, It seems really plausible for it to follow this order, who knows? I'm just throwing out my ideas to you guys.

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