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My thoughts of Samuel and Richtofen


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Hello people of the internet! My name is Scoldon and before we jump in the post i have to warn you: Firstly, many of you could not like this post because I will be covering alot of things that I have read from other posts, but understand that everything that I read I remember. So I'm sorry if anything from your posts are here. ;)

This post will cover information from WAW, Blops1 and Blops2.

Info from WAW:

1.Edward Richtofen

Info from Blops1:

1.Edward Richtofen

2.The M.P.D

Info from Blops2

1.Samuel J. Stuhlinger

2. "The Flesh"

Edward Richtofen:

We know alot of him, but the only thing that I will be saying is that he suffers from schizophrenia wich is a long term mental nervous breakdown.

We also know that Richtofen went mad after he touched the M.P.D. And the ipmortant part is that Richtofen started hearing "The Voices" I will talk about the voices a tad later. Now lets get to Poolinger

Samuel J. Stuhlinger:

Stuhlinger is like the new Richtofen. Why? Well, he can hear the voices as well and that he suffers from schizophrenia same as the Doc. Now in the Die rise intro, he hears two voices. One of them is Ed (Richtofen) and the other voice is uknown. Now i have read alot of posts and the most popular idea is that the second voice is the demon in the aether. I am not saying that I'ts not true quite the opposite, but I think that it is the Vril-ya themselves. Also in the starting video the other voice is talking with Stuhlinger (Or it's Richtofen i don't remeber) and Stuhlinger is saying that "If they found out about the flesh that they would kill him. (As I said I don't remeber) Now there are two possibilities: Either he ate "The Flesh" wich is the more popular one ,or he was bitten. Now that Isn't the best idea because the "thing" was bitting an arm, but I din't think that it was Samuel eatibg the flesh. Why you ask? Well look at the clothing on the "thing". It has some wierd silver stripes. I haven't seen silver stripes on Samuel's shirt. Also alot of people think that because he ate "The Flesh" it allows him to speak to Richtofen. Now i don't think It's true, because we have seen that he can teleport people, give and take life. (Sorry I took that from a post) So if he can give and take life and FOR CRYING OUT LOUD TELEPORT 4 PEOPLE FROM THE USA TO CHINA (Sorry for my caps) then why he wouldn't be able to get in Samuel's mind? Now the big question is:

Why Samuel? Why a conspiracy theorist, that hates the goverment, you ask? Ding ding ding! I think we have an answer! So the clues lead us that he trusts Richtofen because he wouldn't imagine that a voice in his head could possibly control zombies now could he? Nope! He thinks It's the goverment. But we still don't know why him. Please do write in the comments what you think about my idea! And please don't correct my mistakes. It annoys me ;)

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I believe he is talking to Richtofen in both cases. The voice says "accept your fate, begin anew". Then Richtofen says "accept your fate, begin anew" and the game starts over with them saying "have we been here before?".

Chances are Richtofen has been repeatedly saying "accept your fate, begin anew" every time they have to start over.

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