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Possible Upcoming Zombie Maps (What do you think?)

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*This is not a section for you to post random maps that there are no clues for. These are potential maps that we have data, proving that this is a potential zombies map.

I think after Die Rise, Atlantis may take place.

Data: We know that the Sea Gem happened around the time Die Rise takes place. And I believe Russman makes a comment about Atlantis.(Not positive)

After Sea Gem, I believe the Paris Map will take place.

Data: There is a 935 base located near the Eiffel tower.

After Paris, I believe we will be back in Space, for the 4th and final zombies map. This will be where it all ends.

Also, around the same time Die Rise takes place, that year there was a numerous amounts of space achievements made by the U.S. (See Gemini)

I have no data for this except that the 04 characters will be back for BO2, and they are still on the Moon if they are alive.

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I don't think we'll be donating a whole map to Atlantis... My theory about it is that when the final dlc comes out we will be able to purchase nuke town with it yes? Because it wouldn't be fare to have to purchase a season's pass if your just going to buy all the maps ahead of time ... So therefor nuketown will be a map, but I think trayarch will do what the did with moon and release nuketown with three other maps as well, say Atlantis, and two other places...

We know marelton was in nuketown when the moon events occured..

So purhaps the other three maps can tell us where russman, misty, and Samule were durring the uprising..,

So that's three all new zombie survival maps, nuketown zombies, an all new zombies epic, and a new mode: Demonic anouncer...

This four player game allows each player to take over part of richtofen and attempt to stop the human's from leaving tranzit... To do this your armed with zombies, the ability to control Samule to some extent (he won't kill his fronds but he has the same effect on them as in greif), denizens, and the avagadro...

Much like in campaign you could control a small army with the claw and foot soldiers... But here you control zombie's in the same way: Each player has 8 zombie's of their own and controls how they should react, by over view or by first person control of a zombie (like in turned) or Samule (greif), the avagadro (Basicly like a zombie but you move in burst, must be knifed, and can shoot one shot before having to move again, ther can be only one avagadro and he works like a care package, where after a certain amount of kills he is usable by one player until he dies), and the denizens (which you just lash at one player's head and slow them down...) as the rounds go up, the four survivors gain more and more powerful weapons, making them harder to kill... Hitting the box will up-or-de grade their weapons, or you can just move it out of their reach... How long can your team of overlords last before they're beyond your reach? In which I mean they cross the bridge after town... (they start at the depot and every round they restart there, but the doors they bought will stay open)...

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