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My theory on acquiring PHD, and the EE ending.


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Hello, I put more thought than I should've into thinking about a way to purchase PHD on the new map Die Rise. And over the course of several days following the release of Die Rise (on Xbox LIVE) I have thought over several things relating to earning PHD and how it might relate to the Easter Egg.

The first key point of info was found from Jimmy Zielinski's Twitter account(below):

I'm the f'n janitor...What can I do for you?

In the tweet he states "I'm the f'n janitor...", working from that info we can infer some form of cleaning or maintenance is needed some where about the building. Leading us to believe someone, or something, might be around to fix the elevator. Thankfully, he offers us some help in the end of Jimmy's tweet.

Moving on, is the Easter Egg ending. While we know a Janitor's presence might be plausible the only question is, how? How do we get to this Janitor. The most likely way is by completing a set of hidden steps leading to the completion of a task, or an Easter Egg. With the Die Rise map always ending with the sound of a man walking and slamming a metal door we begin to question our being alone on these set of sky-scrappers. I believe the way to find (or interact) with the Janitor is by doing several steps that allow the Janitor's spirit to roam free, granting him the ability to fix the elevator and allow users to purchase PHD Flopper.

And that's what I have for you guys today, yet another theory on an Easter Egg that will continue to make us marvel over the puzzling story Treyarch has bestowed upon us. Maybe one day the story will become clear, just like every theory that has been born from every zombie map Treyarch has released.

Jimmy Zielinksi's tweet mentioned in Paragraph two:

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