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After Die Rise Update , New Perks System!


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After updating to the Die Rise update , and getting Die Rise , I found a new update to the system , or maybe it is a glitch to my profiles.

1-Deadshot Daquiri Goes after killing 100 Zombies

2-Quick Revive Goes after 150 Revives

3-Juggernog Goes After 20 Downs in 1 game , or 50 total downs.

4-Red Instakill goes after game.

5-Iron Carpenter Goes after game.

These 2 perks I've found , I'm not sure what do they do , but they must do something:

1-Without having the carpenter, Run , Jump And Headshot an enemy while repairing a barrier , the barriers are still wood , but I've found out that you gain extra speed and longer sprinting distance.

2-I got an Insta-Kill , then instantly knifed 2 zombies in a row , and then I had a green mist around me , No , I didn't get the red insta kill , but I had extra knife power.

I'm not sure about this , but thats what I got on my account:


Friends' accounts:




I still have them in theatre mode , but the jump and hit one is gone , because I got host lost connection.

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Iron carpenter goes if you don't fix a certain amount of windows or similar (not sure), I get it and lose it multiple times in one game.

Same with the multiple headshots, it comes and goes during games; too many claymore/ semtex/ gk kills and it leaves until you headshot 2 zombs at once again.

Free jugger goes away at the start of round 15 (you will hear it). I believe that you still have it until game ends, but next game, it is gone. Not sure about your other options.

I am sure someone here knows better than I...

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