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Die Rise - my start


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Hey Guys, this is my quick and dirty guide to how I start on this map.

I won't lie, you need to know what you are doing for this strategy. Whilst I'm sure all good players can get setup, I think this is by far the most consistent way of getting where you need to be, guaranteed.

Start tranzit, take 3 downs for perma jugg.

Round 1 and 2. Straight in elevator, use a key and 'build' the lift to get it back up. Pick up another key. Stab all zombies, waste a bit of ammo, leave two zombies.

Jump across to power, you need 2750 points to make this work. Just stabbing all 14 zombies on rounds 1 and 2 will net you 2540 with max window boarding. You need to use your ammo to get above this to the required 2750. It's not a problem really.

Open power double doors, 750 door to left of power when looking out, and 1000 for the stairs.

Build the gun. Pick it up.

Jump on either power lift and get to top of this building.

Round 3 - get your stab on, probably won't make the points for Bowie unless you get a nice couple of drops, but you will get close. All zombies are 3 stabs, and with perma jugg you shouldn't have problems. Just know what is around you at all time. Once you have 3k, buy the Bowie.

Round 4 - if you haven't got the Bowie yet, you need to be a bit more careful. Got to the area above the MP5, do a bit of hoarding and then throw a nade, almost all zombs are now crawlers, and most are one stab.

Round 5 - 9. Just keep stabbing, get jugg whenever you feel like it, you don't really need it when you have perma jugg.

Your shopping list before the end of 9 is Bowie, Jugg, Mule Kick, Claymores (not totally necessary but nice), Stickies and Sallies. This is more than do able, and you will end up with from 3k to 6k spare. Do not get a free perk from the little dudes.

End of 9, jump from the dragon to the area with 2 lifts and 1 barrier. Buy QR and who's who if it's there. Use a lift to get back to spawn area, drop down to PDW gun and buy it, take who's who if not got it and get into the china room.

Set for game pretty much now. Rounds 10 - 20 I use Sallies freely, you won't run out of ammo and it's safer than the liquid gun in my opinion. Whenever you get a boss round save one, and go hit the box for monkeys if you wish. This is easily the most frustrating part on occasions. The other day it cost me 80k over 4 boss rounds, and 12 entire map circles.

Use PDW and sallies in conjunction for insta kill, this negates the need for speed cola. Never take a 5th perk, you want to be able to get who's who back if you recover. If you down in the first 30 rounds, and get spawned by the box location the other side of the bar, you can argue for a restart. It will cost you a QR whenever you get spawned here, as you won't manage to get to your body. Almost anywhere else that you spawn, run towards the PDW, hoard a bit and run back.

Past 25 the strategy becomes progressively easier. By 40 you need only 2 cutbacks. The key is to get as deep as you can into both the elevator side, and exit side of the room whenever you do them. Stay the hell away from the back wall. 90% of the kites are easy, but some are really tricky when a load flood over the bar drop thing. Most times you see this happening early, and be prepared with either a monkey or the liquid gun. Happy hunting.

http://www.twitch.tv/choppernator/b/363352106 - from 13 minutes into this video you can see all this in action.

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