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~Wonder Weapon Analysis~

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Hey guys. just bringing you an analysis of some of the wonder weapons, looking specifically at their maximum killing potential, which is the highest number of kills you could possibly get with that weapon with full ammo. 

Magazine size: 3 shots

Reserve ammunition: 15 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 10 kills

Maximum kill potential: 180 kills

Drawbacks: Splash Damage

Magazine Size: 6 shots

Reserve ammunition: 30 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 10

Maximum kill potential: 360

Magazine size: 2 shots

Reserve ammunition: 12 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 336 kills

Drawbacks: Limited range

Magazine size: 4 shots

Reserve ammunition: 24 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 576 kills

Magazine Size: 3 shots

Reserve ammunition: 15 shots 

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 432 kills

Drawbacks: Immense splash damage

Magazine size: 6

Reserve ammunition: 30

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 864

Magazine size: 5 shots

Reserve ammunition: 20 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 600

Drawbacks: requires you to manually kick the enemies

Magazine size: 8 shots

Reserve ammunition: 40 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24 

Maximum kill potential: 1,152 kills

Wave Gun

Magazine size: 2 shots

Reserve ammunition: 12 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24 

Maximum kill potential: 336

Zap Guns Dual Wield

Magazine size: 8x2 shots

Reserve ammunition: 64 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 1

Maximum killing potential: 80 kills

Total unupgraded maximum kill potential: 416 kills

Max Wave Gun

Magazine size: 4 shots

Reserve ammunition: 24 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 576 kills

Porter's X2 Zap Guns Dual Wield

Magazine size: 12x2 shots

Reserve ammunition: 100 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 1

Maximum kill potential: 124 kills

total upgraded maximum kill potential: 700 kills


Magazine size: 10 shots

Reserve ammunition: 40 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 24

Maximum kill potential: 1200

Drawbacks: enemies die over the course of about 10+ seconds.

Alright. So now that the numbers have been worked out, here is my logical list of these weapons in order from most to least powerful based on maximum killing potential. 

#6: Wunderwaffe DG-2

#5: Thindergun

#4: Wave Gun / Zap Guns

#3: Scavenger

#2: 31-79 JGb215

#1: Sliquifier

Ok guys, as you will have noticed, I left out 2 types of weapons: grenades and weapons whose damage is affected by round number. I chose to save them for last as they are potential... Complications. I'll start with grenades. Note: all wonder-weapon grenades have 3 max grenades held at a time.

This distracts zombies for approximately seven seconds, then explodes. The explosion is rarely lethal, though its ability to distract zombies is its main selling point anyway. It should be noted that it can damage or even kill you if you are within range, however unlikely that may be. 

These are an instant kill on any round, and have a large radius. Each one has a maximum kill potential of 24. However powerful they may be, They do not offer the mine t of peace provided by the monkeys, and have devastating splash damage. Also you will almost ALWAYS be in close proximity to the zombies you're targeting. 

This offers the same "moment of peace" as monkey bombs, but any zombie who reaches the black hole will be killed instantly, giving this a 24 zombie maximum killing potential. It also allows you to jump into the black hole and teleport to a safe zombie-free area. 

This has a wide variety of effects, some of which are good, others absolutely horrible. It can do anything from upgrading your gun instantly to literally killing you immediately. It is unreliable and inconsistent, and therefore unfavorable. 

Based on these analyses, here is the order of the special grenade wonder weapons in order from most to least helpful.

#4: Q.E.D.

#3: Maytroshka Dolls

#2: Cymbal Monkeys

#1: Gersch Device

Ok, so, on to the other two. I can't really compare them to each other since they aren't the same type of weapon at all. As they do not have Infinite damage, I will use a nice middle-low round to show their damage. I am therefore basing the following on their effectiveness against approximately level 20 zombies. 

Magazine Size: 6 Shots

Reserve ammunition: 24 Shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 12 (2 shots can take out 24 zombies)

Maximum kill potential: 288 kills

Magazine Size: 9 shots

Reserve ammunition: 36 shots 

Maximum fatalities per shot: 12 (2 shots can take out 24 zombies)

Maximum kill potential: 540 kills

Magazine size: 20 shots

Reserve ammunition: 160 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 1/3 (3 shots kill a zombie on round 20)

Maximum kill potential: 60 kills 

Magazine size: 40 shots

Reserve ammunition: 200 shots

Maximum fatalities per shot: 1/2 (2 shots can kill s zombie on round 20)

Maximum kill potential: 120 kills

So... Yeah. Those last two may not be 100% accurate, but it still gives a decent perspective to New players on their effectiveness. 

Well, yeah! That's my guide for all of your wonder-weapony needs. Feedback, comments, suggestions are welcomed greatly.

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I disagree with some points in this thread.

You should not have separated the Winter's Howl and Ray Gun from the other Wonder Weapons. Your reasoning for doing so is fallible because the Scavenger does not deal infinite damage.

When determining which weapons are better solely based on killing capacity, you get:

1. Sliquifier

2. The Fractalizer

3. Porter's X2 Zap Gun Dual Wield / Max Wave Gun

4. Zeus Cannon

5. Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ

6. V-R11 Lazarus

7. Hyena Infra-Dead

8. Winter's Fury

9. Porter's X2 Ray Gun

As for the grenades, the Gersch Device and Monkey Bomb are in their right place. However, the Quantum Entanglement Device far exceeds the use of Matryoshka Dolls. Matryoshka Dolls bounce around seemingly randomly, creating chaos. The QED's benefits far outweigh its drawbacks. Btw, the QED NEVER kills you immediately. If someone told you that, it was a lie. If that happened to yourself, you were disillusioned.

Also, Monkey Bombs are VERY lethal to zombies, capable of creating crawlers even in the 30's in Rounds.Think about it this way. Stielhandgranates did 1,400 damage. Monkey Bombs did 30,000.

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