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A New CoDz group (Discussions and Views)

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Since being a long term member on CoDz, It's safe to say that many people come and go.

and with out with the old, come? In with the new! I've recently taken to meeting members and guests online to hit up some Zombies on WaW/BO and BO2, I have also noticed an abundance of new members signing up, and expressing their views for CoDz only to be met with, what seems like an unhelpful and rather nasty community. Now, I am in no way, saying that CoDz is an unfriendly community as a matter of fact, it seems that the nasty members are too, new to the CoDz forum and feel obligated to be nasty and often spiteful to their newer peers. I propose a CoDz group! A group dedicated to making the forum a happy and cheerful place. A group that will welcome new members, fill them in with the details on whats happening (to cut down on re-posts of speculations from other sites, WTG,7Sins,NGT) and to also get them around the rules because lets me honest here, most of them probably skipped over the rules. They never use the search bar and lack the respect for older more experienced members. Everyone has a busy life and all, So we could help with highlighting posts for the Mods/Admins/VIP's too lock to stop the site getting clogged up! we could also help with community play dates? If anyone needs some experienced gamer's for the EE's? We'll be there on hand? I dunno, I really want to help this site as it seems to have fallen in quality and Carbon created this site for speculation, not speculation and "Y U NO CREDIT HERE" "USE THE SEARCH BAR." So if anyone is with me, hit me with a PM, Post ideas here if you have other Views that could help the site in anyway?


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Well said Delta. Perhaps a "Codz Starter guide" might be a good way to introduce new comers into how things work around here, for example, as you said: The search bar. I'm trying to think of a logical reason for this flurry of Unhelpfullness, however, it just looks like one of those things really...perhaps the same happened when Black Ops 1 was released...

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Its hard for me to not get a bit offended when I read this. I was briefly one of those ppl who was bashing people BUT I turned a new leaf and issued apologies. I came into this forum never having been on one before, and it is VERY confusing. I came for discussion and answers, I didnt realize there was a very strict and specific structure to the site. I didn't realize that my posts were in the wrong spots and labeled and structured incorrectly. I stepped on alot of peoples toes to say the least and offended some long time "senior" members. it was within the first week I was getting mail from Moderators that were bitching me out in the nicest way possible. :) Even if my record on this forum disqualifies me from being able to join said group, I think that it would be a fantastic help to newbies and even members like me who still may have some questions or need some help.

for example I have no idea how to post images.

No idea how to upload screenshots from my ps3.

I don't quite undertand the icons or groups.

Also as you said before, helping people in game as well as just making sure the forums are being correctly used. I have a few times politely msged people about incorrectly using certain forums and I feel like it is not my place to do so. I just wanted to be helpful to them so they didnt experience what I did.

Great Idea

I hope they implement it.


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