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Mule Kick is lacking obviously, so...

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...we imagine it balanced.

Balance is important in game design. While I love zombies, there are some balance fails (bowie knife in bo1, for example), in this thread, we fix Mule Kick.

I see the camping aspect of Die Rise as being the closest to a reason for mk to exist as any. Camp high rounds, need more guns, theoretically.

Okay, but usually you can just run away and get ammo or another gun and there are simply better perks to buy (we will get it for free often, but it still fails at free-it really is that unbalanced).

So, my thought-out fixes: the price is way too high for a losable gunslot, obviously. So, how to price it right as is and how to balance it while keeping the current price.

I know this is simply academic, but being a game designer/balancer, it hurts to see such bad work done.

1. Price right: for taking up a valuable perk slot for a gunslot that you lose if downed, plus gun price, plus pap: 1000 points. Keep it the same, correct the price. It could be free, given how much additional 'cost' it has, but 1000 is fair enough.

2. Keep it 4000: this is a simple, yet effective balance; you don't lose the gunslot if downed, unless you respawn (or Who's Who clone lives). You keep it and can buy a different perk in its place.

Either one would fix this current subpar perk.


Happy gaming!

Bowie explained: waw had it right. Very expensive, yet you could get it soon enough to make it worth it and stayed if you died. It lasted through 11 (or 12, depending). Worth 3000. It could earn points early for late-game.

Bo came along and just failed all over itself as we all know: knife still 3000, but now you lose it if respawned (should cost maybe 2000 now), but wait! They made it usually harder to get and only lasts through 9 (and hit detection went way down, and it kills your teammate trying to revive you if you accidentally stabbed him while defending him while he revives [oh god, bo really is painful to remember]).

Bo2, they got a grip: still 3000, still only good through 9, but they (because of Grief) finally stopped it from teamkilling, still lost if respawned, but you can buy it as soon as you get 3000 in Tranzit and no doors need to be bought.

In Die Rise, getting it round 1-3 is reasonable.

Especially in Tranzit, the gk outshines the bk, but it still is often purchased in Die Rise and Tranzit due to placement.

Here's hoping Mule Kick gets the tweaks to make it worthy as well. Waw could have used mk, bo definitely never ever ever needed it and in bo2, it is still subpar.

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Mule Kick in Die Rise is a good addition. Not that it's a priority.

Because in Die Rise the Buildable weapon now takes up a weapon slot (as appossed to the Jet Gun in TranZit) it can be handy to have. I normally always keep my pistol & PaP it. Having Mule Kick can allow me to buy a 'points' gun aswell.

Now that we have the 'Jumping Jacks' who drop a Max Ammo every 5 rounds, you can use only the Squilifier & never run out of ammo. Pro's & Con's on which setup & strategy you use.

(BO1 classic maps pack featured the addition of Mule Kick to all maps)

I'm unsure on what to say about the balance of perks & weapons prices/damage?

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i actually disagree 100%. I don't see anything wrong with it at all. If you think 4000 is too much to pay for that benefit of a 3rd gun slot that's a decision you have to make, that's why they specifically allow you to only purchase 4 perks.

Yup. My reasoning was explained. There is no obligation to agree. I usually have my fair share of supporters when I opine, but that doesn't make me automatically right. Thanks for the feedback, though we disagree.

Thanks pinnaz as well. I am just opining away to see whether I am supported or argued with. Either I am on to something or getting my errs of thought corrected.

Any more? So far I stand by it being rather bad as is (still no obligation to feel the same for anyone).

Happy gaming all!

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