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Bridging the Gap - Tranzit/Die Rise and the Future

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This post is going up for a lot of reasons. One being a month's worth of speculation and attempting to envision an ever changing world that even its creators will have no control over. Zombies is a game, it's created, tested and developed. Something funny happens along the way though, at some point in time a game becomes it's own entity.

Through a games release a monster is created with all horrific acts and glitches. With patches and mending the monster is made manageable but from then on its a domino effect from public outcries for different changes and improvements down to what just works in the game.

All of this has accumulated to what I believe is now a new generation of Zombies. We are now in the beginning stages of a revolution that has only now started to fully impact all of the community.

Now for what started this post in the very beginning, the elusive double nav card.

When I first heard theories of navcards working on other maps I was disgusted, when it was proven true I was ready to give up on a game that obviously required you to pay out more money to accomplish something on the first mission you already bought. To my astonishment a week after the release of Die Rise I received a Die Rise navcard while playing with a friend. I was really surprised considering I never even purchased the map pack and was playing tranzit with him. A couple of games later I saw the double navcard upon first entering the game and have since had it 3 times.

There's more details to my navcard experiences but thats probably for a different thread. Here is where my problem came up, where do I post this? In all previous maps all items and events were section based. It was clean, precise, and everyone knew where to go. But where do I post about both navcards? Obviously we have now identified these as "Tranzit Navcard" and "Die Rise Navcard", if I discovered how to legitimately always have both or am able to replicate receiving them then does it go in tranzit or dierise section?

The problems just escalate from there. Do I double post? Do I link one to the other or just go general with it? We all have now seen the huge increase in misplaced and spammed threads that are swarming this forum and all the others. This problem has always existed to a degree with things such as timelines and weapons but general discussion was always the go-to guy when you weren't sure.

This spills over into databases, gaming guides, even the very definition of a Easter Egg has been made obsolete. How can we say we have the complete Easter Egg guide when obviously we are all waiting around for the last navcard to insert into the first map to do something. When we do have the complete guide do we insert links to each thread explaining where the navcards are per map or do we list it in general and also make one per map to be specific?

Our current standards and practices are flexible. Learning to skim topics and trusting those that you know post only credible things help tone down the overwhelming amount of discussions going on. The unfortunate part is popularity is growing. CoDZ itself is getting more and more sign ups as evident by the massive amount of first posters lately. I myself have only been playing zombies for less then 2 months but have fully submersed myself in its world and entertainment.

This is not a post of negativity. In fact it's the complete opposite. I can sit here typing this completely excited just thinking about doing a turbine test run to research its effects on multiple build-ables and if there combined draw shorten its "on" time compared to single use. I'm still hooked on discovering Tranzit secrets and I have 2 other maps to explore! This post is about discussing ways to improve data sharing, improve proper placements and hopefully bring out those that are our brightest and who will come up with the next stage this community needs to share our love for this game.


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Sweet jesus, that was one hell of a post man. I am thoroughly impressed. You seem to have an extreme passion for Zombies, as well as the CoDz community, within a very short time span. You also seem to have a unique way with your words that reminds me of an old friend from here. And I respect the fact you want to make sure you're posting in the right area first. Shows you have alot of respect for this place. We are lcuky to have had you join.

As for where you should post it, I would say post it in the General Zombies section as it's going to cover a variety of maps. It's kind of an all-encompassing thread that covers everything about the Navcards. Title it something like "The Navcards of Zombies" or something, so people know that you'll be covering multiple Navcards.

Now if you wanted to make a map specific thread about a certain Navcard, how to have the Navcard be accepted in Die Rise for instance, then another seperate post in the map specific Die Rise would be perfectly fine. You could then link that map specific thread in your overall Navcard thread in the General Zombies section. That would be perfectly fine, and a somewhat common practice for some here.

I say go for it.

I look forward to reading through that Navcard thread when you release it, you've already sparked my interest. I've never seen someone have both Navcards simultaneously. Welcome to CoDz, you better stick around.

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