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PDW-57 strategy

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Just wondering if anyone else uses this strategy to get the PDW-57 on the 2nd round.

At spawn, line up two zombies, duck and shoot the first one six times in the stomach, then knifekill. Then hit the 2nd zombie in line with another 3 bullets in the stomach, then also knifekill.

Finish the rest of round one with using same method, and right when round changes, open door and drop down onto roof of Quick Revive elevator. Hop up to PDW-57 level and get a few more kills (if needed) to buy gun off the wall.

After that, I shoot twice in the stomach and knifekill. On round 3 you can shoot them 3 times in the stomach with the PDW and then knifekill, but it gets a bit hectic, so I go for headshots after round 2.

Get atleast 3250 with your back to the window to the left of the PDW on the wall, then take the top of the QR elevator back up to spawn, ride the freight elevator down, and open power room. And if luck is on my side, Juggernog will be one of the two perks in the power room.

Drink Jug, then get to roof. Continue with back to window beside Nav Card table.

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Good little starting strategy. Nice!

You can also drop down to the PDW without using the elevator by dropping down from the ledge right past the elevator.

I also like to hang out in the PDW room til around Round 10 to build up points. Zombies only come from one way, only one barrier to watch, and building the Trample Steam pretty much ensures you won't have any problems.

Thanks for posting this!

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Shoulda added that its way easier to build the Trample Steam in the early rounds. And the easiest way to build it is to take a part with you down to the Table level via the elevator, and add it quick and get back on the top of the QR elevator and go back up for another part.

You can speed it up a little by staying on the top of the elevator when it reaches the top level and getting off when the buzzer sounds.

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Yeah I do this from time to time. Depends on my start strategy.

I'm going to build the Trample Steam early, or grab QR early, then the PDW is right there.

If you are the kind of player that wants a decent gun ASAP, the PDW is def your best choice. It becomes a great point builder in the early game.

And if you are hitting high rounds where ammo seems scarce, a PAP'd PDW in the chinese restraunt is a solid strategy to use.

- Mix

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Just fyi for any afraid to try: from the start room, open door, walk past escalator debris, turn around, back off of edge, as you begin to fall push forward to drop to pdw level without using elevator.

So you could do this with 2-4 people right from start.

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