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Hello all, my name is Ari.. I'm 21 from Ohio in the United States.. My hobbies are video gaming, listening to music, drinking and just plain chilling.

My Gamertag is: Sharpy420

I play all CoD:Zombies, even popping in World at War every so often.

I'm just looking to meet a few cool people to play zombies with and hopefully a few people who are down to figure out future Easter Eggs, and also I need some help with the TranZit one so if anyone can help out just send me a message on xbox live.

Well I look forward to my future here at the cod zombies forums, and I hope you all have a good one!

// Sharpy

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Welcome to the community, Ari! So I see that your hobbies are relatively similar to what 90% of our members do as well (maybe not the drinking aspect, but who knows). We have a nifty little section for those moments when you're looking to assemble either an Easter Egg/Side Quest hinting squad, or just a team of fun players to slay freakbags here:


Enjoy your stay, and continue to participate in our many, many discussions. Hope to see you around often, friendo. :)

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