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best zombie map ever!

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ok so i had an idea for a realy awesome zombie map. current name for it is dead rain.

ok just to give you an idea of this map, remember that mission in BO2 campaign (dont remember the name) where you have to hide from the helicopter like drones in that fluded streets? well its a lot like that.

random asortment of ideads.

the streets of this level is fluded.

if you stand still you will be drifted down stream.

its raing very hard somtimes making it hard to see.

lightning hits the water look out! it can weaken and stun you & the zombies!

perk machines float down stream! bye them quick or they will float down stream & you will have to wait for the to circle back around!

there are multiple broken up buldings to go in and out. similar layout idea to die rise.

the fluded streets water levels will randomly rise up and down. killing a player if there in the lower water levels.

riseing water currents will flow through the uper billding floors. making it harder to navigate but also alowing perk machine to follow the current through the billdings giveing the players access to them while the lower levels are unaccesibull.

can ride higher current levels from one bullding to anuther when they are high enuff (like in shengri la)

be carefull not to ride high curent levels of the buildings in to the the street it will drown you!!!

characters quotes will let you know when water levels seam to be lowering or rising.

the water currents strength is random every 30 seconds or might not change at all.

well thats my idea for a map sorry for the spelling in a hurry bye bye ;P

this map idea braut to you by undeadarcademachine ;D

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I like this idea, but the flooding streets could screw you up. Anyways very creativa and sounds fun, maybe a good perk idea would be something that lets you survive underwater :D


Wow, you were in a hurry. :mrgreen:

This is a pretty cool idea! Plus I should mention that both black ops and WaW had "triple crown" maps. These are areas based in multiplayer, zombie's, and campaign modes. For example, the baikonir cosmodrome was featured in launch, ascension, and executive order. Since we haven't had a zombies map yet based on either multiplaet or campaign, an idea like this might not be entirely impossible.

I don't like how distracting the water would be, and how it can kill you like that. If anything it should be like the swamps in shi no numa, slowing you down do zombies get you more easily. If it could just kill you nobody would ever go there. And forcing people to go there by putting perks there would just make the map too hard. I say nerf the floods a bit.

But yeah, I do love this Idea!


Heck if they do that why not Interpret the Wingsuit bit into zombies as well?

Or purhaps a new mode much like the side missions in campaign where you can play as the demonic anouncer trying to stop the group with zombies?

Or maybe a bit where you can control a claw, or ziggy device, cloaking could hide people from zombies, what about replacing claymores with pre-rigged bear traps? ... Or even give us a plane to fly an kills zombies...

So many things they COULD do... But they want to wait and draw out every last one of our breaths begging for it...


I don't think I could stresss enough how cool it would be if the environment took a bigger role in the future maps. And I'm not talking about lava cracks either... I liked the snowy touch to COTD, personally. I'd like to see some more weather effects or lighting shifts. Something that effects the gameplay, more than the player themselves.


an 8 player map, a really big really fun map :P

That no one could ever play due to lag... A better idea is to have a map with 8 characters and depending on if you helped maxis or Richtofen more determines which character you play as:

For example:

Maxis. Richtofen

Play as:

Dempsey. Misty

Takeo. Marelton

Nikolai. Russman

RichtoSam. Samuel

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