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New Patch...Idle Standing Hoards...WTF!!!


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Aight so everyone knows when the die rise map first came out it occasionally had the glitch where after whos who zombie would hoard your downed body so you couldnt ghost revive yourself...

NOW every dagum time someone goes down the whole hoard just sits there and rapes the body whos who or no...not to mention their are even more spots and occurences Where i turn a corner and there is a whole hoard just standing staring into oblivion waiting for me...

Did the patch even fix ANYTHING...I heard the an-94 death slide is still in effect...honestly is seems as though they patched everything in zombies except for the ACTUAL GLITCHES...

I understand zombies is slightly sci-fi when it comes to the legitimate science but I like to take the challenge of legitimizing what occurs in zombies...but how the crap is it that when I piut the sliquifier away it stops chain killing...THAT MAKES NO DAGUM SENSE...the gun was never broken and if people believe it is then they must have never played BO 1 as calling the jet gun or the sliquifier a wonder weapon are an insult to those...the sliquifier wasnt ever OP...the camping spots in which is was used were enormously OP...they are two completely different notions...not one in the same...how patching the gun...micellaneous other "bugs" and not patching the notorious death slide and now creating HOARDS of Idle zombies is beyond me...

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This also happens when regularly going down in an isolated area far from your team. Zombies generally go after the next person if you are downed. I think the zombies aren't respawning like they should, and are stuck because of it. After you bleed out, then they respawn near other teammates.

But this has happened before the patch...at least for me.

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I had them standing in corners yesterday.

This afternoon, while playing flinger games to learn stuff, i built the sliq, the lone round 2 zombie kept walking around upstairs from the sliq bench. He would come near the stairs, turn around, come back...(the debris was still there).

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