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Die Rise Quote pertaining to New Entity

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I had no internet yesterday, so I was playing Die Rise on Local Solo, and it was on Easy. I was playing as Samuel.

I decided to hit the box because I was bored. I received the M8AI. Then, Samuel said,"Now we're talking! Hey, where'd that other voice go?"

I later heard the voice again, but I'm sure this kinda confirms that there is indeed another entity.

Then again, I could be completely wrong.


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Err, I'm not sure. I haven't heard the quote, but I'll take your word for it. I've always been caught on the voice being Richtofen because of the opening cutscene. While Stuhlinger, Marlton and Misty are going down the elevator shaft, we hear this:

Misty: "Stup-inger! Get over here, now!"

Marlton: "Come on, come on, come on!"

Stuhlinger: "What do we do now?"

Misty: "We arm up, find a good place to defend, kick a**, that's it."

Distorted Voice/Other Voice: "Accept your fate. Begin anew!"

Stuhlinger: "I don't understand."

Marlton: "What are you talking about Stuhlinger? Misty made it pretty clear!

Distorted Voice, sounding a lot more like Richtofen: "Accept your fate. Begin Anew!"

Misty: "We're going down. We're going down fighting. (screams.)"

See it here:

(skip to about 0:50.)

So from this, and your quote as well as the possibility of there being multiple voices, we have two possibilities:

A) The Distorted Voice is Just Richtofen:

From the opening introduction, we hear the distorted voice and Richtofen's slightly distorted voice say the exact same thing. It is possible that it was repeated for us to know that the other voice is only Richtofen, gaining or losing power from TranZit's EE, based on perspective.


B) The Distorted Voice is a Separate Entity:

We all know that Richtofen heard many voices in his head after he touched the MPD. We hear him in Kino der Toten randomly screaming stuff like, "THE VOICES!!!" After killing a few zombies. Keep in mind it was "VOICES!!!," not "VOICE!!!" This means if Stuhlinger IS hearing another voice, it would actually have to be multiple voices, excluding Richtofen. The fact that Richtofen said the same thing as the voices means that they are friendly to him, and they ultimately share the same goals. The origin of these possible voices? Most likely something of the Vril-ya. Perhaps gods of them, or something like it, which would call into their minds to complete tasks for themselves.

We'll just have to wait and see which is correct, but I feel we need more than just that one quote to be sure. Good find, man!

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Err, I'm not sure. I haven't heard the quote, but I'll take your word for it. I've always been caught on the voice being Richtofen because of the opening cutscene. While Stuhlinger, Marlton and Misty are going down the elevator shaft, we hear this:

Misty: "Stup-inger! Get over here, now!"

Marlton: "Come on, come on, come on!"

Stuhlinger: "What do we do now?"

Misty: "We arm up, find a good place to defend, kick a**, that's it."

Distorted Voice/Other Voice: "Accept your fate. Begin anew!"

Stuhlinger: "I don't understand."

Marlton: "What are you talking about Stuhlinger? Misty made it pretty clear!

Distorted Voice, sounding a lot more like Richtofen: "Accept your fate. Begin Anew!"

Misty: "We're going down. We're going down fighting. (screams.)"

See it here:

(skip to about 0:50.)

So from this, and your quote as well as the possibility of there being multiple voices, we have two possibilities:

A) The Distorted Voice is Just Richtofen:

From the opening introduction, we hear the distorted voice and Richtofen's slightly distorted voice say the exact same thing. It is possible that it was repeated for us to know that the other voice is only Richtofen, gaining or losing power from TranZit's EE, based on perspective.


B) The Distorted Voice is a Separate Entity:

We all know that Richtofen heard many voices in his head after he touched the MPD. We hear him in Kino der Toten randomly screaming stuff like, "THE VOICES!!!" After killing a few zombies. Keep in mind it was "VOICES!!!," not "VOICE!!!" This means if Stuhlinger IS hearing another voice, it would actually have to be multiple voices, excluding Richtofen. The fact that Richtofen said the same thing as the voices means that they are friendly to him, and they ultimately share the same goals. The origin of these possible voices? Most likely something of the Vril-ya. Perhaps gods of them, or something like it, which would call into their minds to complete tasks for themselves.

We'll just have to wait and see which is correct, but I feel we need more than just that one quote to be sure. Good find, man!

It's all confusing, but I thought I might as well put it out here. I personally believe it's working with Richtofen, though it very well could be an Entity that controls The Flesh, trying to influence Stu against Richtofen.

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It's all confusing, but I thought I might as well put it out here. I personally believe it's working with Richtofen, though it very well could be an Entity that controls The Flesh, trying to influence Stu against Richtofen.

I won't take sides yet on the voices, there's simply not enough evidence/double meaning evidence for both. As for your idea on the other Entity, (or should we say Entities,) I'm not too sure. If Option B were to be correct, then Richtofen and these other Entities must be sharing the same goals, because they were both telling Samuel the same thing to do. To put it logically, you'd think people with the same goals would tend to work together to achieve their goals. But who knows with our crazy old German friend.

I'm just hoping we get a find that will resolve all these unfinished theories for us.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi , first reply by the way :) Well I was thinking about this and I thought that if richtofen has been hearing these voices for a long time then they would have wanted him to get in control because they implanted the paranoia and schemes ( e.g trapping maxis and Samantha) so in my eyes he is like a puppet for this entity because they can't alter the world . Just a thought

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The way I see it, the Distorted voice and Ric are the same. Its completely possible that its a new thing, however until said otherwise by Treyarch, I'll view it as the distorted voice in the cut scene is the way Stu hears Ric in his head.

Now as for the in game voices you got me there, right now I'm leaning toward he can hear the zombies thoughts or moans or whatever it is zombies do, in his head.

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