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TranZit Solo Challenge (Minimalist Slayer)


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To try and make GR a bit more interesting, I propose a challenge...


1) No Perks

2) No Power

3) No Jet Gun, any other buildable is acceptable

4) No PaP

5) No Mystery Box

6) No Perma-Jugg

7) Training may only be done at Depot, Diner, or Tunnel

This is meant to be a high round challenge with limited firepower, health, and training areas. Accessing other areas is OK, as long as it's only to acquire certain guns/buildables. Training in these areas (such as Power Plant) will only be acceptable if done during a round and only done to move a horde so they don't interrupt your building. Killing should be kept at a bare minimum for such activity.

Let's see what round we can get to!

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ive done this messing around already. my friend had a high solo round of 22, i wanted to beat that and i hate running around all over, power, pap, blah blah. so i said screw it.

i spawned, killed, got on bus, rode to diner, built the zombie shield, got 4 crap box spins, bought the mp5 and started training. i went to 23 just messing around.

i know that is not awesome, but the zombie shield is a huge help. cool challenge ETEl2NAL, ill give it another go.

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Without Jugg, the Zombie Shield is almost necessary with this challenge, but CaddyMan...You can't use the box for this challenge. ;)

What really makes this challenge tricky, I think, is reaching respectably high rounds. I'm sure we can all break 30 without too much effort, but beyond that it might get a bit dicey.

I'm thinking that aid from the Machine gun turret or Electric trap might make it possible, but those will be a challenge to build and use effectively.

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I did get crap from the box and it did move but I think I may have used something out of it just because, like a smr or something. So that would make the game not count.

No worries, that was a while ago, I feel I am a much better player now and I will give it another shot.

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