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Samule Stulenger quotes-Die rise

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Thank you Resortified for this amazing vid, right now yours is the best I have:


If you notice stulinger talks about a "book" and a "diary" twice, I think he may be holding the maxis diary, somehow, someway, he managed to find that diary and it has shown him something... Or purhaps it's the cult's diary, telling him to eat zombie flesh to survive! I don't know what do you guys think?

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I haven't looked at them yet, but I just wanted to say that the mini-Youtube box isn't working. To get it, take out everything between the Youtube brackets and put everything in the URL after the /watch?v=. It would be "a5rmB8aHHQw". I've only got time to say that, so I'll take a look and give input tomorrow. Nice find, Mr. Mocking Me.

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