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Recoil ruins HAMR, MTAR, & more

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I've been meaning to make a thread on this. If you didn't notice, the recoil has been turned up about 10 notches. The once great HAMR is completely, COMPLETELY, unusable. I'm forced to fire from the hip if I want to hit anything. Luckily great guns like the Galil, M16, AN-94, don't seem to be affected at all. Why did they change this? Did they really think it was over powered? It's zombies :roll:

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I admit the hamr is really fucked up but the MTAR is fine for me, I always semi-auto fire headshots and it goes really well and even when I use it full auto it's really not that bad, but yes the PaP HAMR with 2x TAP got the worse recoil I've ever seen


I'm just glad that they fixed the spread. If you didn't know before this patch all in un-upgraded gun had close to the same spread as if you were hit fireing from the hip while aimed down sights... A little more recoil for a gun that shoots where you point it, is a fair trade off if you ask me ;)


ah tbh i dident no they had actualy changed it till i read this :/ i played 1 day & i thought "jeez this feels weird 2day" tbh i thought i was having a of day & was playing weird or summet lol but after seeing this post im glad i can say im not going mad xD


  Caddyman said:
The HAMR's recoil being changed does really really annoy the ish outta me.

I loved the HAMR, that love is now lost :(

Now only way to make good use of it without looking at the sky is hipfire

  TheBSZombie said:
they are zombies, not people with guns that have better aim then you, recoil shouldn't matter.

just saying.

In my opinion recoil is still important in zombies because some guns need to be fired in bursts to get a manageable recoil and sometimes you just need to keep shooting


I guess I'm weird, but I enjoy recoil. It makes the guns feel authentic.

A great example is an argument I've had with a guy about Sniper Rifles. I say the DSR 50 is the best, he says it's the SVU-AS. The DSR has less ammo, but more power in my mind. The SVU has less recoil, but not as much power. He claims the SVU is more accurate, but I disagree.

I am more accurate with the DSR because I am expecting the recoil, so I aim a bit lower than the head and when I pull the trigger, my sight is lifted just enough to blow the head off. When I fire the SVU, my habitual thing to do is expect recoil, so I aim a bit low and miss.

So, I enjoy recoil because I anticipate it and have no problems with accuracy. I like it, it makes the game more authentic.


  xiRoNiCzZ said:
ah tbh i dident no they had actualy changed it till i read this :/ i played 1 day & i thought "jeez this feels weird 2day" tbh i thought i was having a of day & was playing weird or summet lol but after seeing this post im glad i can say im not going mad xD

Playing Nuketown last nite my friend was really complaining about the Hamr. And he went down a few times screaming bloody murder. :lol: I guess he was right. The gun was firing all over the place and he got overrun.

And yes. Recoil is obv important.


  ETEl2NAL407 said:
I guess I'm weird, but I enjoy recoil. It makes the guns feel authentic.

A great example is an argument I've had with a guy about Sniper Rifles. I say the DSR 50 is the best, he says it's the SVU-AS. The DSR has less ammo, but more power in my mind. The SVU has less recoil, but not as much power. He claims the SVU is more accurate, but I disagree.

I am more accurate with the DSR because I am expecting the recoil, so I aim a bit lower than the head and when I pull the trigger, my sight is lifted just enough to blow the head off. When I fire the SVU, my habitual thing to do is expect recoil, so I aim a bit low and miss.

So, I enjoy recoil because I anticipate it and have no problems with accuracy. I like it, it makes the game more authentic.


MTAR has always been a piece of shit gun it has no accuracy wat so ever n yes HAMR big disappointment BUT if u PAP n gt da grip it feels a lil better i still use it


all you have to do is pop shot.... its simple. the reason i said it isn't that big of a deal because the zombies aren't really running away from you or in different patterns like people do in actual multiplayer (not zombies). in multiplayer you have to aim and recoil plays a huge part in the aiming process. most of the time in zombies you are doing trains and it isn't hard to kill a zombie comming right at you. just aim for the chest or something.


I noticed this too. The HAMR is much nerfed. I think perhaps the reason the Galil and M16 are still fine is because they're from previous COD instead of BO2.

Good thing I usually use M&S/Ray Gun instead...

As far as DSR vs SVU I'd have to say SVU takes the cake due to its larger ammo magazine. Wish it could get iron sights though...


Aren't heavy machine guns suppose to have that kind of recoil anyways? I think it's fine tbh, makes it more realistic. Now getting the grip upgrade actually means something. The MTAR always has been pretty bad recoil without PaP imo too.


Yea more realistic but why patch it now? By now everyone was used to the way it was. I didn't use it much anyway because I felt really slow when I would run. Do you know if the RPD is affected too?


  zachjd said:
Yea more realistic but why patch it now? By now everyone was used to the way it was. I didn't use it much anyway because I felt really slow when I would run. Do you know if the RPD is affected too?

I did not see any difference while using it


Honestly I think it was good that they nerfed the HAMR. Not so much the MTAR, but whatever.

With the HAMR, you have 125 shots per magazine, and these are pretty powerful shots mind you. Add double-tap and pack a punch and you've got almost 1000 bullets, all of which are capable of 1/2-hit killing zombies maybe even into the high 20s / low 30s. OP much?

Adding significant recoil on a weapon that was easily the most powerful bullet-based weapon and which required no skill whatsoever to employ effectively is a great idea. Now you have to actually make your shots count rather than counting on the weapon itself to do the work for you.

actually taking the time to go for a short concentrated burst to the head requires at least some skill. Forcing players to do this in turn improves their aim and skill.

PSHHHH. And I'm sure you've all complained about spraying and praying at least once. :mrgreen:

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