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Hey everyone i would just like to say everyone is so welcoming here and i feel like this community that all shares a wonderful passion for an amazing game. First off, i have been playing Black Ops 1 (Xbox) zombies maps lately because of the lack of interest in the Black Ops 2 zombies maps. The map I am trying to get down is Der Riese and there is no strategy that i really know, so if you have any good ideas post them below. Also another thing is I am trying to complete the Moon easter egg because i have never got around to it, if you are interested message me or add me (Xbox) GT:Mxryland.

Thanks, BK

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Ayee BK.

Thankfully, CoDz has categories for everything you need. If you're looking for some strategies for the old maps (or any maps) scroll down the dashboard page until you hit "Zombies - Gameplay and Strategies".

I corner camp with 3 friends on the catwalk above the Bowie Knife

If you're looking for teammates/forming an EE team, post up something in the Teammate Finder section.

I'd play with you sometime if you want. GT: xPORKxM0NST3Rx -- The second "O" in my name is a zero.

P.S. I love burger king

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