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Idea for New Zombie Game Mode

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I had an basic idea for a new zombie game mode that could be added to the next DLC map pack. Here it is.

The game mode would be called Horde. A new map could be made just for this game mode would be relatively open. There would be only a select few perks near where you spawn including Mule Kick, Double Tap and Speed Cola, the mystery box and PaP will also be there and a few wall weapons. Hundreds of level 1 zombies but most of them run come from all directions. The goal of the game is to last as long as you can and not let a certain amount of zombies in a certain area that your in. You could play it against other teams similar to grief, co-op or solo. All stats would be counted separate than your regular stats.

What are your thoughts on this? Anything to add?

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