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A map outside of time...

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Ok I, and everyone else, have been pondering this: Why are the zombies eyes red? Are these actors playing charracters? Or just actors trying to survive? When is this map? WHY is trayarch so confusing?

So I got thinking and put this togehter:

The Map isn't real... Or at least not fully...

Here's what I think will happen, has happened, and is happening: This was ORIGINALLY a normal movie with the actors playing the rolls of the charracters seen in it... And it was all set on rails, everything was the same as many times as whoever in the REAL world with Samule, richtofen, maxis and co., played it... But then IT came.. A creature FAR worce then richtofen or Maxis...

It came and it CHANGED the reality inside the movie... NOTICE, the alcatraz we see is YES destroyed, but look... No lava.. Its raining... And water... And so close to the nuketown site? It should at least have some form of radiation about this...

Taking a normal movie and in turn used an emmence amout of power to form it into a split reality... But still... Events were always the same... Over and over...

So then the entity created a boss zombie... That CHANGED the course of the movie! Making it so the charracters would react differently! Would perform different actions, and eventually, the being created a course that would Result in the charracters building and linking a spire: Now hold on, becaus this is where it gets good!

Because the movie NOW is made so the events in it happen the way they do, so does the movie set in THE REAL WORLD! There is now a spire, who's history has CHANGED from whenever the movie was MADE, to the spires now! Whatever this spire is doing, it's throwing a wrench in maxis, and richtofen's plans! And it has altered history!


The REAL movie was made on Alcatraz using fake zombie actors---> Then the apocalypse came...

After the apocalypse, a being from OUTSIDE our universe changed the movie's events by forming the events of the movie in a purgatory dimintion and adding a boss zombie to change the events of the movie... This caused NOT ONLY the movie to change, BUT THE ALCATRAZ OF THE TIME BEFORE THE NUKES TO CHANGE AS WELL! Now with history out of line, and a mystery spire looming, unnoticeable due to the fact it exist in two realitys at the SAME TIME, this entity has caused SOME kind of formidable caios for likely both richtofen and maxis!

I hope you all understood that correctly, IT'S VERY CONFUSING so don't feel stupid if you don't get it at first...

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