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The Slab - Jimmy Z's Twitter

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I'm not terribly sure whether or not anyone has paid attention to Jimmy Z's Twitter lately, but it seems that he has posted a rather interesting link in his description once again.


Here is a quick copy & paste for those who don't want to click the link:

Slab (geometry)

In geology, a slab is the portion of a tectonic plate that is being subducted.

Slabs constitute an important part of the global plate tectonic system. They drive plate tectonics both by pulling along the lithosphere to which they are attached in a processes known as slab pull and by inciting currents in the mantle (slab suction). They cause volcanism due to flux melting of the mantle wedge, and they affect the flow and thermal evolution of the Earth's mantle. Their motion can cause dynamic uplift and subsidence of the Earth's surface, forming shallow seaways[3] and potentially rearranging drainage patterns.[4]

Slabs have been imaged down to the seismic discontinuities between the upper and lower mantle and to the core–mantle boundary. Slab subduction is the mechanism by which lithospheric material is mixed back into the Earth's mantle.

Seems rather fishy if you ask me. I went on to conduct a bit of investigating of an slabs within the Alcatraz island, and came up with an image of a morgue there.

Originally, this site was the entrance to an 1870s tunnel used by soldiers to cross to the opposite side of the island. In 1910, the Army built a morgue inside, which contained three vaults and an examination table.

Deceased army personnel from Alcatraz were buried in the military cemetary on Angel Island. When the burial ground was closed in the early 1900s, funerals were conducted at the National Cemetary in the Presidio of San Francisco.

This small structure had a stell door, a grated skylight, and now - a dank and mossy examination table. This morgue had only one documented use - overnight storage of the body of a prisoner who died after the last boat run.

No autopsies were performed there. All deceased inmates were brought back to the mainland and released to the San Francisco County Coroner.

This area seems like a hightlight for Alcatraz, and may even be noticeable inside the map itself. Could the zombies be coming from the depths of the mortuary, where the dead dwell?

Another interesting thing to observe is one aspect that a few people have mentioned, Alcatraz (the show). If you watched this series, then you may know about "the jump". For those who do not know about the jump, here is a very simple message behind it directly from the show itself:

“The jump was caused by a geothermal event, possibly tectonic plate slippage.” – Warren

Doc had previously mentioned that was of his theories about 3/21/63 was a “quantum thing.” Hauser’s lead nerd herder Warren suggested that time dilation, quantum tunneling or cryogenics were also possibilities. I have explored a few of these theories in previous posts, but will now drill down further.


I believe it is possible that the 302 who vanished in 1963 were cryogenically frozen in time. They were subjected to myriad chemicals during the process, which made a particular subset of inmates appealing to the Warden: the Korean War veterans. It is my theory that those prisoners were previously exposed to elements that prepared their systems for the cryogenic process.

“Someone’s helping these guys, maybe unfreezing them.” – Doc Soto (“Paxton Petty”)

Comic book expert Doc knows that Captain America spent decades frozen in a block of ice, in a state of suspended animation. He was injected with a super soldier serum that replenished itself, a virus-like organism that altered his genetic and biochemical makeup. The 302, cryogenically stuck in time from 1963-2012, were likely injected with a serum designed to reanimate them on very specific dates in the future. And in addition to Dr. K, the Warden must have had an entire team dedicated to unfreezing both himself and his subjects.

When guard Guy Hastings remembered his last night on Alcatraz, he described a “fog that took all the stars away.” Vapors released from cryogenic liquids tend to condense the moisture in air, creating a visible FOG.


Time dilation is a difference of elapsed time between two events; in this case, between 1963 Alcatraz and 2012 San Francisco. Applying the theory of time dilation, one can travel thousands of light-years and their lifespan will increase.

The quantum mechanics of the Casimir Effect can be used to produce a region of space-time, and that negative effect could then be used to stabilize a wormhole to allow faster-than-light travel. On 3/21/63, if Dr. K and the Warden were somehow able to use the Casimir Effect beneath Alcatraz – it may have resulted in a geothermal event, causing tectonic plate slippage. In other words, they created a wormhole that caused an earthquake…their great escape route. My theory is that they built a tunnel deep beneath Alcatraz after the quake and wormhole opened up that space, creating a massive location to store and transport 302 people…unbeknownst to anyone up above. [side note: I believe this tunnel was located much lower than the one under the lighthouse that was constructed during the Civil War.]

The tunnel beneath Alcatraz may actually connect 1963 with 2012. On one end of the wormhole, an exit point from 1963. On the other end of the wormhole, a re-entry point to 2012. I am starting to believe that the 302 in 1963 were frozen in time right beneath the very location where they vanished; that the Warden’s hidden cryogenic lair, equipped with reanimation technology, has been dispersing inmates and guards one by one from below the Rock. Along that line of thinking, it is entirely possible that the Warden himself still resides/hides down there. At some point after the 302 vanished in 1963, he had someone seal off the dungeon door where the colloidal silver tracking map was located. But he needs to access it once again; thus, the programmed inmates seeking his 3 keys.

If we stop to think about how 302 people vanished without a trace, it sounds logical that they all traveled down the same rabbit hole after being knocked out by chemicals dispersed throughout the island.

The same effect could be a participant in Mob of the Dead's storyline. Well, maybe not too much emphasis on the cryogenics, but of a disturbance below Alcatraz; a shift in time as a distortion through space itself. The map may be linked to our current storyline, or it may be in the set of a different dimension/timeline somehow relating back to our major timeline.

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