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List of All Perma-Perks So Far...

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So far..these are all what I've found on other sites (if there is a thread about this, tell me because I found none):

Quick Revive

How to get:

Get 6-20 revives in one match. You know you have this perk when you see a flash of green light.

Note that you can combine this with Quick Revive from the vending machine for a greater effect.

How to lose:

Fail to revive comrades. If a player goes down and you try to revive him but for what ever reason you stop you will lose the perk if he/she end up dying.


How to get:

Go to solo and buy Quick Revive. Let the zombies take you down. You will then be revived , make sure you kill noone while downed!. Let them take you down again and you should see a flash of green light. If you don't just start another match and follow the steps and you should get it.

Note that you can combine this with the juggernog from the vending machine for a greater effect but be warned.....

How to lose:

Go Down on or After Round 15


This perk will give you a stronger aim assist (even if you have it off),steady aim, and your guns will do more damage via head shot. All kills will knock the zombies' heads off

How to get:

Get a collateral head shot on 2 or more zombies. You should see a flash of green light this will indicate that you got the perk.

How to lose:

Kill ~25 zombies without headshots.

Stronger Barriers (Steel)

Your barriers will be made of metal and the zombies will have a hard time getting through.

How to get:

Repair the same barrier 50 times. If you got the perk you will see a flash of green light and your character will complain about tired hands.

How to lose:

Fail to repair one or more barrier in a round.

Red Insta kill

You will be invincible for about 10 seconds and can zombies by touching them.

How to get:

Grab an insta kill power up and don't kill a zombie and don't take damage from one either. Your comrades must also at least get 1 kill. After the first insta kill runs out wait for a second one to drop and pick it up. You will then see a red skull on your screen indicateing that you have it. If you fail to follow the steps you will not receive the red skull.

How to loose:

Get hit while Insta-Kill is active.


When carpenter is in effect the barriers will be stronger (Steel Barricades)

How to get:

Kill zombies behind a broken barrier while carpenter is in effect.

How to lose:

Fail to do the same you did to get this.

CashBack (Refund)

you get 1000 Points after each perk purchase.

How to get:

While throwing the bottle from the perk machines , Stand in the middle of the perk machine , and Prone (Not Dive, Prone!).. make sure you do it 15 times at least, and you must get a 1000 Coins the next time you buy a perk.(Note: When I said Stand in the middle , I mean After or While Throwing the perk , not all the time , you are free to escape the zombies , but make sure that when the animations end , you prone near the machine , this recreates as if you have spare coins left and you prone to collect them from the small box below).

How to Loose:

Fail to go prone at a perk machine in the 5 seconds after buying a perk when having cash back.

You can also lose it in who's who. (unsure)


All perks are also lost when:

-You reach round 15 (doesn't apply for Deadshot and Carpenter and Boarding)

-You quit a game before completion (unsure).

-You stop playing for a few days.

How to Lose some perks other methods:

-End of a game (Deadshot Daqueeeeeery)

-Turn off system (Deadshot Daqueeeeeeery & Boarding & Carpenter)

Notes:( these notes have priority over the top notes)

To loose the Juggernog , Get Downed (or Die from jumping out of map) after round 14.

My stuff to say:

I got Round 15 fully Headshots , the final one wasn't a headshot , and I lost it , so maybe it is only for Round 15? I did try to get two headshots with one bullet (through snipers and other weapons in the same game) And I didn't get it.

So maybe you can't get perks on round 15?


Communist44: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/683297-c ... i/65347441

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Aite. Very helpful list. Easy to refer to and find what I need, as well as very informative.

thanks, still missing accurate info towards:





More ammo is when you buy ammo from the walls 3 times without needing it (having at least one full mag), PHD is on die Rise , if you dolphin dive from one building to another , you get a green mist and not die.

These are still unconfirmed , but what I can confirm is the green mist , effect still unknown.

Maybe a glitch or something?

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So far..these are all what I've found on other sites (if there is a thread about this, tell me because I found none):

Quick Revive

How to get:

Get 6-20 revives in one match. You know you have this perk when you see a flash of green light.

Note that you can combine this with Quick Revive from the vending machine for a greater effect.

How to lose:

Fail to revive comrades. If a player goes down and you try to revive him but for what ever reason you stop you will lose the perk if he/she end up dying.


How to get:

Go to solo and buy Quick Revive. DO NOT KILL THE ZOMBIES instead let them take you down. You will then be revived. Let them take you down again and you should see a flash of green light. If you don't just start another match and follow the steps and you should get it.

Note that you can combine this with the juggernog from the vending machine for a greater effect but be warned.....

How to lose:

Go down with the juggernog perk from the vending machine or go down from fall damage and the Die!


This perk will give you a stronger aim assist (even if you have it off),steady aim, and your guns will do more damage via head shot.

How to get:

Get a collateral head shot on 2 or more zombies. You should see a flash of green light this will indicate that you got the perk.

How to lose:

Kill ~25 zombies without headshots.


at a Match's end.

Stronger Barriers (Steel)

Your barriers will be made of metal and the zombies will have a hard time getting through.

How to get:

Repair the same barrier 50 times. If you got the perk you will see a flash of green light and your character will complain about tired hands.

Note that its important that you must be getting points for your repairs or it will not count!

How to lose:

Fail to repair one or more barrier in a round.

Red Insta kill

You will be invincible for about 10 seconds and can zombies by touching them.

How to get:

Grab an insta kill power up and don't kill a zombie and don't take damage from one either. Your comrades must also at least get 1 kill. After the first insta kill runs out wait for a second one to drop and pick it up. You will then see a red skull on your screen indicateing that you have it. If you fail to follow the steps you will not receive the red skull.

How to loose:

Get hit while Insta-Kill is active.


When carpenter is in effect the barriers will be stronger (Steel Barricades)

How to get:

Kill zombies behind a broken barrier while carpenter is in effect.

How to lose:


CashBack (Refund)

you get 1500 Points after each perk purchase.

How to get:

While throwing the bottle from the perk machines , Stand in the middle of the perk machine , and Prone (Not Dive, Prone!).. make sure you do it 15 times, and you must get a 1500 Coins the next time you buy a perk.

How to Loose:



All perks are also lost when:

-You reach round 15 (doesn't apply for Deadshot and Carpenter and Boarding)

-You quit a game before completion (unsure).

-You stop playing for a few days.

How to Lose some perks other methods:

-End of a game (Deadshot Daqueeeeeery)

-Turn off system (Deadshot Daqueeeeeeery & Boarding & Carpenter)


-I didn't get any headshots in the crawlers round , and I got killed , and got fall damage , while having juggernog in the same round..

I guess that in the crawlers round , nothing effects.


Communist44: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/683297-c ... i/65347441

things i see wrong with this list.

quick revive is okay

juggernog- nope this isn't necessarily wrong with some of the parts but for the most part it is wrong. for the first part on how to get it, well its technically correct, but you can still kill zombies. You would want to do this so you can get points to get QR. zombies will then kill you and you can get it all in one game every time. you have to go down at least 3 times (w/out jug and possibly before round 15)to get it. you may experience getting it in less than 3 downs on solo because you went down in previous games :!:

How to lose: you can only lose this permanent perk by going down on or after round 15 (im pretty sure this also involves ending the game after round 15). you can go down a lot of times before round 15 no matter the scenario and still come up and have the permanent perk. and as long as you don't go down you will have it on round 50 also.

deadshot daiquiri- this persistent perk can be kept throughout games. i haven't exactly proven this but there have been times on like round 3-4 that i have heard the sound of a persitent perk being lost. and this could only point towards deadshot because by round 4 you have around 25 kills and i usually knife up to round 4.

steel barriers- you don't have to be gaining points. you can get it on round 1.

red insta kill ->don't have that much experience with this persitent perk because iv only had it once so im not going to comment on it.

carpenter pro- how to lose: after recieving carpenter pro you have to kill a zombie behind a barrier every time you get carpenter before you receive the 200 points.

cash back- totally wrong. you do not get 1500 points back unless they changed it in the pass update. you get 1000. you do not have to stand in the middle of the perk machine the whole time. you can buy the perk/wait for the animation while walking away from zombies/then go prone.

you also have to do this way more than 15 times. the first time you ever get this you may get it in the first 15 tries, but after you lose it you have to buy around 50 perks to get it. my theory is that you have to buy 40 perks and then start doing the other 15 perks to get the cash back. (why do i say 40, in der reise you get 25 points for doing this, 25*40 equals 1000 which is what you get with cash back)

how to lose: fail to go prone at a perk machine in the 5 seconds after buying a perk when having cash back. you can also lose it in who's who.

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Aite. Very helpful list. Easy to refer to and find what I need, as well as very informative.

thanks, still missing accurate info towards:





More ammo is when you buy ammo from the walls 3 times without needing it (having at least one full mag), PHD is on die Rise , if you dolphin dive from one building to another , you get a green mist and not die.

These are still unconfirmed , but what I can confirm is the green mist , effect still unknown.

Maybe a glitch or something?

Moar ammo doesn't exist unless i was doing something wrong. I spent 3 rounds shooting the m14 and every time i killed 3 zombies (or got 250 points) i would buy ammo. didn't get anything. shot all my ammo out of the m14 till i had no ammo at all then bought ammo. die that like 4 times. nothing. shot it out till i had 8 bullets left in the magazine. did that like 3 times got nothing. shot it where i had 8 shots left and bough ammo while in the process of reloading. did that 3 times and got nothing. sorry i didn't test it more but that was a lot of shooting. my trigger finger is fast but not fast enough ;)

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things i see wrong with this list.

quick revive is okay

juggernog- nope this isn't necessarily wrong with some of the parts but for the most part it is wrong. for the first part on how to get it, well its technically correct, but you can still kill zombies. You would want to do this so you can get points to get QR. zombies will then kill you and you can get it all in one game every time. you have to go down at least 3 times (w/out jug and possibly before round 15)to get it. you may experience getting it in less than 3 downs on solo because you went down in previous games :!:

How to lose: you can only lose this permanent perk by going down on or after round 15 (im pretty sure this also involves ending the game after round 15). you can go down a lot of times before round 15 no matter the scenario and still come up and have the permanent perk. and as long as you don't go down you will have it on round 50 also.

deadshot daiquiri- this persistent perk can be kept throughout games. i haven't exactly proven this but there have been times on like round 3-4 that i have heard the sound of a persitent perk being lost. and this could only point towards deadshot because by round 4 you have around 25 kills and i usually knife up to round 4.

steel barriers- you don't have to be gaining points. you can get it on round 1.

red insta kill ->don't have that much experience with this persitent perk because iv only had it once so im not going to comment on it.

carpenter pro- how to lose: after recieving carpenter pro you have to kill a zombie behind a barrier every time you get carpenter before you receive the 200 points.

cash back- totally wrong. you do not get 1500 points back unless they changed it in the pass update. you get 1000. you do not have to stand in the middle of the perk machine the whole time. you can buy the perk/wait for the animation while walking away from zombies/then go prone.

you also have to do this way more than 15 times. the first time you ever get this you may get it in the first 15 tries, but after you lose it you have to buy around 50 perks to get it. my theory is that you have to buy 40 perks and then start doing the other 15 perks to get the cash back. (why do i say 40, in der reise you get 25 points for doing this, 25*40 equals 1000 which is what you get with cash back)

how to lose: fail to go prone at a perk machine in the 5 seconds after buying a perk when having cash back. you can also lose it in who's who.

Juggernog , thanks for the tip , I meant do not kill while downed , I will fix this.

and I'll include your other fixes. thanks!

Moar ammo doesn't exist unless i was doing something wrong. I spent 3 rounds shooting the m14 and every time i killed 3 zombies (or got 250 points) i would buy ammo. didn't get anything. shot all my ammo out of the m14 till i had no ammo at all then bought ammo. die that like 4 times. nothing. shot it out till i had 8 bullets left in the magazine. did that like 3 times got nothing. shot it where i had 8 shots left and bough ammo while in the process of reloading. did that 3 times and got nothing. sorry i didn't test it more but that was a lot of shooting. my trigger finger is fast but not fast enough ;)

Probably a glitch then.

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I've heard that Juggernog is disabled after round 15, but you don't lose it. When you start your next game, you'll have it again. Or something. Not too sure.

Nope. heres what happens.

ok you start a game with jug pro. you go down on round 5 and 10. each time you get up you will still have perm jug even if you had the perk-a-cola jug. on round 15 at the beginning you will hear a sound saying you lost a permanent perk. but you will still have it. you will take 5 hits till your screen is red. lets say you do good and you get all the way to round 42. you go down. you will then get up and you will actually lose perma jug. and once you get perk-a-cola jug you will take 4 hits before your screen goes red.

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