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Creative Creations - An Author's Control Issue

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Hello everybody and thank you for coming to this thread. Anyone that takes there time to appreciate one's expression by just reading the text included is what makes this website so great. Anyone regardless of there beliefs and opinions I feel have provided me with joy by simply clicking, thus adding a view count to something I have created. While although it may appear petty by nature, the overall enjoyment comes from every single view regardless of my overall number in relation to other threads.

This being said I want to emphasis that the contents of this post is not to condemn or belittle those who may feel I am negatively attacking them. This is purely a thought process that I have had for a while now and have some views and opinions I wish to hear others perspective on.

Creative Creations - An Author's Control Issue

Over the course of several months I have posted in other threads about how the world of zombies is slowly changing and evolving. I'll try not to get off topic with it but I speak of it a little in this thread. Regardless though the basis for that particular thread was not just "Navcard's", but the fact that change is upon us while we continue with the same methods that have gotten us by this far.

The future of zombies is unknown to me. I wouldn't begin to suggest I have answers to the problems and situations we will face. I do though contemplate regularly the way's in which we have in place.

As many of you have experienced we now exist in a flame war community. No longer are posts allowed discussing possible EE path's or idea's without several comments wanting proof or in general telling the OP he is out of his mind. Many of you can recognize this as a path most of the world has gone including science as a whole which when breaking it down is exactly what we are doing. We present a hypothesis and several experiments, hopefully with some type of progression if we wish to have positive feedback from the general public.

What I ask is everyone's view on a particular control mechanism if it were in place. This mechanism is the ability to control the content that is provided by others into a thread you have created. In layman's term this is the function of deleting and/or marking as negative(spam), those posts that do not reflect your thread.

Possible Problems/Solutions:

In the thought process of this, the idea of simply deleting another person's post can be effective but also destructive. One problem which might arise is idea theft or creative stifling. Also confusion could come if a reply is made to a negative post but then the negative post is removed. To counteract this though one could have a "Youtube spam comment" system where it is present, but hidden in something "spoiler" like.

I have presented a possible problem and a solution for this idea first in the efforts for creative response instead of opinion response to my views. The purpose of this idea is for many reasons. We now have hesitation and unworldly negative debates being conducted on a daily basis. Even those post's that are being "nicely" negative still have an impact on the overall thread's ability to reach a particular reader.

An Example:

Say you are reading a book. This particular book is pure fantasy and by scientific means has many flaws. While any normal book wouldn't matter after reading it, imagine this book has twice as many pages at the end with peoples comments about how horrible of an idea this book is or many examples about how the concepts inside of the book are completely wrong.

This is a stretched example but lets look at the process of a thread being reviewed. A completely uninformed person new to this site reading a thread is allowed to dive into the author's text and completely absorb the content. This allows for your mind to expand and possibly enrich your experience. These thread's sometimes have nothing to do with the actual facts behind what has "photo" proof or hardcore evidence. These thread's can sometimes be ones own imaginative fantasy of something they love and do.

The fact is though for the most of us we know how a thread's response's will be within a paragraph of reading the topic. For those who don't know you find out when you read the magnitude of pure unhelpful posts such as "Move on" or "You're wasting your time". These, unfortunately, are examples of the polite posts which we've all seen turn much worse.

Further, there are other area's this may help. While I believe making comment's "wait" for approval from the OP is enforcing to much authority, the process of control over negative comment's may empower the OP to be involved with his work even more. Also, marking certain posts as "unnecessary" may provide a cleaner view for someone coming to a multi-page thread for the first time. We have seen in old posts where pages of posts can be non-informative or possibly post's like "let's meet tonight" when researching a thread idea in motion. While although these aren't "negative/spam" they still reduce the value of the information that is present.

Another aspect this could improve is personal involvement between two individuals. Improved reply posts will always make the author recognize those that are helpful and being able to mark negative comments also makes you notice those that are not. While although there will be negative reactions like, "I'm definitely not posting up in his thread because he always marks my comments as negative". This could also make those posting a reply think deeper about what they are typing and if this is really helpful for the thread at all.

Also if these "negative" comment marks are recorded in a counter type fashion, you would have better informed readers knowing how the people conduct themselves. For example many of us count "posts" next to a persons name with how we view or process there comment. While 2000 posts is impressive, if 1000 of them are negative remarks, we now know this person flames as much as actually contributes.

Extended Conclusion (wrapping it up but not quite finished ;):

The idea is to improve everyone's experience. An idea does not need to be proven true to be effective. If 1000 false idea's lead to one person's mind expanding to allow for a single discovery, then the site has succeeded. Alternatively, If one negative comment keeps any individual from posting there own idea on the contents then it has caused a detrimental loss.

This ability could technically be impossible depending on the functions available to administration and how the Forum is coded. But, like my thread linked before, this isn't about one idea. This is about what we can do to make things better. There is always room for improvement and when it involves creativity, we must always be ready for a new way. I encourage those who have the same thoughts to ponder the most basic of what we do, "How do we improve that which we have always done?"

We have been hinted at concerning missed quests that the zombie makers have provided for us even after millions of people's tries. We have qualified teams who do nothing but investigate and try to unravel it all. Thousands of pages of documents can be found on the internet involving this game but we still have yet to be 100% effective. These reasons alone push me to improve how we conduct ourselves to the tiniest degree. If you have ever felt discouraged, overwhelmed, attacked or anything that has given you a negative spin, then I implore you to use that experience. Help those like you and those who will come to the same place by letting your mind improve and expand your world instead of repeating events time after time.

Thank you again for your time. I never say all I want, nor do I present it the way I wish I could. I don't let that stop me though because I love this community. All of you make my day better repeatedly without ever realizing it. I do these posts for the many or for the one, if that's not accomplished then I do it for the mind kick. Regardless, what I wrote isn't stagnant for just this forum but the pursuit of life in general. Many have written that the world is corrupted by the fact we can post a comment thousands of miles away with no consequence versus something spoken in person. This only encourages me, we now have a no consequence society where moral's for physical existence are not needed to be socially involved.

You can look at this two way's, 1. Individuals are more likely to be negative and hurtful towards you, or 2. If a complete stranger, who you'll never possibly meet, disagrees with you but can still be kind, morally upstanding and helpful. Then this person is truly someone bettering humankind as a whole and I will always feel privileged to have met them.


(Derek Harmon)

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