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No one Escapes Alive, Making the Rounds, Pop goes the Weasel

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So with the achievement list we get these 3 that are extremely cryptic:

No one Escapes Alive

In Mob of the Dead, Execute the escape plan

Making the Rounds

In Mob of The Dead, complete the cycle 3 times.

Pop goes the Weasel

In Mob of the Dead, break the cycle.

People are latching onto different things about these 3 but we can all agree they are about the easter egg. So I'm going to throw in my 2 cents about it.

No one Escapes Alive is easy enough to figure out, build the plane and fly off the island. However I do not think this will end the game, it will reset it.

You need to remember back in the other maps there were always 2 plans to execute, Maxis' and Richtofen's, in this case it is the Mobster's plan, and the Zombie Leader's. By Zombie Leader I'm refer to whoever is controlling the zombies making their eyes red. If we look back at Die Rise's opening cutscene we see that the Zombie Leader, Richtofen in that case, can reset the survivors if he is displeased with them. The cycle refered to is leaving the island without doing what the Zombie Leader wants you to so he resets the match. Thus Making the Rounds is to complete the plane and "escape" 3 times in one match.

Lastly, Pop goes the Weasel. Simple, break the cycle by doing what the Zombie Leader wants (Probably to Charge a Tower) and then build the plane and escape. And Al "The Weasel" Arlington is the guy who the Zombie Leader will be speaking to, being this group's "Samuel".

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