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Hello thar!


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I am abox. Recently have gotten much more interested in the zombies franchise of CoD.

I love reading some of your theories, really great content.

Anyway, I am on XBox and my gamertag is : aboxinabox

I have been frequenting MotD in multiplayer, best round with four "randoms" was Rd 25 and solo Rd 19 (I believe).

Would love to find some reliable players that don't rage quit or drop out early (I don't)

I use my mic almost all the time, friend invites are welcome ofc and my party status is always open.

Once again, GT: aboxinabox

Will be on shortly after UFC finishes up. Hit me up! I wanna play some Mob!

- abox

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There was an entire free viewing of last nights matches on fox. Some awesome fights, namely Henderson v Melendez, and Mir v Cormier. The best of it all was the prelims though.. those guys all threw down!

I am going to go head to the make a match board now, find me some slayas!



Thanks. Was talking about your theories in the above post, by the way.. Ghosts of Alcatraz being my favorite.

And I am in support of your evil maxis theory!

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