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Perma-Perk Incident, Kangaroo Style or Glitch?

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Alright guys, here's a new one for you. Twas a weird night for zombie Tranzit style apparently. I'll skip the pleasantries this time and go straight to video,


Alright, I uploaded from my phone so it destroyed the quality (it's saved on codtv so I'll do it correctly at another point in time) Here's the breakdown of the 7 different segments on that video.

1. This game is what I like to call Kangaroo Jack style, pretty much I spent almost an entire hour jumping. It was purely boredom and me trying to stay awake for 4 more hours to change over to 3rd shift work. After 50 minutes of jumping it was round 18 and I was holding a zombie while another person was heading back towards us. That's when the green poof appeared as you can see.

2. I did a closeup of the poof to try and pinpoint when and where exactly. It looks like its near my jumping point but slightly after. I was convinced after seeing this part that I claimed the perma perk when I landed but it activated from where I jumped from because that was my 5,000th time jumping or whatever it would be.

I could not hear voice audio to be certain my character said anything to confirm the perm perk, I was in mid conversation and wasn't trying to do anything at the time but, as you can see, jump mindlessly along (it's amazing what can entertain me sometimes lol). I immediately started experimenting. Ran to town and started jumping off buildings (not qualified for that I found out, only opinion to go off of as I don't purposely jump out to hurt myself often) but no results. Did lava dances, grenade tosses....more jumping.... everything seemed the same.

3. After reviewing the video I went deeper and watched my friend who at the exact moment of my poof activated her characters Perma Perk audio. It just so happened it was the exact same time she built a barrier and the exact same time I got the poof and the exact same time I landed from the jump where the poof originated from.

4. This is simply the outside view of the bus showing her riding by and repairing but not receiving the green poof but her character still giving the audio.

5. & 6. Here is where everything gets so, so much worse. The video segment's before happened on round 18, we ended the round and started 19 where we simply just plowed through the round. At the end of round 19 I heard the Perma Perk losing audio que (hard to hear in the recording, sound was low (everyone's sleeping!)).

I was baffled, but after reviewing it I came to the conclusion that Rosiefrog received steel barricades and the poof possibly glitched onto me. The biggest problem, in the game she never repaired another barrier so I couldn't confirm the switch to steel barricades. Another problem, we now know the green poofs come in all shapes and sizes. The headshot one is a little pinpoint burst, this one looks like a full body size poof but doesn't remind me of the smaller steel barricade window perma perk poof. What makes this all worse is we were split screen so there's no telling.

7. This was another weird addition I threw in. I had not played with Rosiefrog for 2 days, even then it was bus depot survival, our last tranzit game was 3-4 days prior and I had played tranzit with different people since then and hadn't played with Blackpuppy, who was also playing this game, in a week or so. Nonetheless as you see I received the Perma Perk Quick Revive after only 7 revives.

So, what do you guys think? I'm on the fence, if it wasn't for the timing of the poof being the exact moment I landed and the fact I wasn't able to confirm steel barricades then I would pick the obvious "it's a glitch" answer.

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Running into a slight problem with trying to do a new edited video. I've figured out the trick of fast forwarding then pulling up the scores in theater so you don't actually have to hold down the trigger the entire time but I get through 2 edited clips and it kicks me out with the fake entity error.

Really wanting to get this upload because after slowing it down things get a little weirder plus a more detailed view is always nice. Anyone have some tips to stop the error popping up? I know if you pause for to long it throws you out with that error but this is while I'm actively recording that its booting me out.

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