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hey all, I figured I would post here (being new and all that jazz). ..Um, where to start.... i am currently 19 and i was originally a lurker on the Black ops 2 official zombies forums until maybe a week ago, when i saw a post about a "zombies exclusive podcast" and so i went into that thread and check out the link to the PDT(Which is goddamn amazing if you guys are reading this!) and from there i was convinced to join on these boards and and put in my 2 cents. I am in a heavy metal band out of southern California and before we started writing our own music(around 4 years ago) my guitarist was talking about this "Nazi Zombies" game mode that him and his friend couldn't get past level 10.(i would later understand it to be rounds) So i bugged him to play it and to boil it down, we never got the time to have a game. well X-Mas came that year so i thought "ill ask my parent for that game with zombies on it!" not actually knowing which game it was, and i ended up getting MWF2. after being disappointed and eventually getting over it, played that until Black Ops where i was finally introduced to Zombies. after struggling on Kino not getting past round 4 or 5, i eventually caught on, and while doing so, i familiarized myself with the O4, with Dr.Richtofen being my favorite playable character. slowly i figured out on my own the song EE on Kino, as well as how the game worked and what you had to do to survive, and eventually played Kino all the way up too moon, because all my money was going into buying music equipment, i was always out of cash and some how i saved enough to buy "Rezzurection" where a friend from school and i did Cryogenic Slumber party. during that EE he was telling me about other people like me who were so awestruck with the whole "Zombies Story" as a whole. so he showed me NGT when Gunns4hire, TheOnlyBently, Meatwagon22, and Spiderbite were doing the Big Band Theory videos. Even without doing all the other maps like many of you already have or started with i have always been taken by the story and i hope to input my ideas and theories that are the most possible to be inputted into the game when possible, and an oped ended theory every now and again and my ultimate goal is to actually talk zombies with people who are interested in it as much as me.

Thanks to whoever took the time to read all of this and hopefully i will see you in the other threads!

Sean, a.k.a Seanolith

EDIT: I play on Xbox live, my GT is Karnage3508. Shoot me a message if you want to play a game

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Welcome to the community, friendo!

Ah, you found our Podcast der Toten thread? Wunderwa! You're a keeper. ;)

You're in a heavy metal band? What is the name of your group? I live out in Southern California, and I rarely let a band name slip from my grasp - especially the local ones.

My first gameplay was on Kino der Toten as well. Funny how we can share so many things in common! I remember having the hardest time just making it beyond the Hellhound rounds...ah, the memories.

I'm sure we'd all love to hear your input in any given discussion. We all speak the same language here (zombies), so you'll find yourself very well at home. Plus, we have such a friendly and active community. :)

Enjoy your stay, and keep slayin'!


my name is Sean, and my bands name is Monolith, boards name=Seanolith!

Im out in Perris in Riverside county, but we have played OC and SD a few times as well as 1 tour and should be jumping on our second within a months time


You guys are badass, i subbed to Channel Der Toten as well, and being extremely new to posting unlike you two, hopefully i can get some credibility and build up through the ranks.

thanks alot for replying guys, i appreciate it.


It's nice to see how well PDT has taken off so far! It's definitely nice to have you good sir, hope you enjoy the forums just as much! ;)

Also, send a link to some of your stuff man! I showed my guitarist Nazi Zombies as well, and now he's hooked too! :lol:


  Undead xP said:
It's nice to see how well PDT has taken off so far! It's definitely nice to have you good sir, hope you enjoy the forums just as much! ;)

Also, send a link to some of your stuff man! I showed my guitarist Nazi Zombies as well, and now he's hooked too! :lol:


that has some of the older recording they did before i joined the band, right now we are mastering our first full length. once that is out i can prolly thow out a song onto the boards.


  Seanolith said:
i was originally a lurker on the Black ops 2 official zombies forums until maybe a week ago, when i saw a post about a "zombies exclusive podcast" and so i went into that thread and check out the link to the PDT(Which is goddamn amazing if you guys are reading this!) and from there i was convinced to join on these boards and and put in my 2 cents.

what fine taste you have :mrgreen:


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