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Ideas for a COD:Zombies

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First of all,if there's a topic like this on the forums already,I do sincerely apologize.Now for the thread...

OK.In this thread I will share with you some of my ideas for a Zombies Only COD.I also want that you post your ideas for this too,and evaluate mine suggestions if you can,OK?So there we go:

"Interface" Announcer

This popped in my head a few days ago.Know those characters that guide you in-game?What if we put our Demonic Announcers(and Maxis)to guide us through the entire COD:Zombies?

In my head it works like this:Enter in the game for the first time and you will have to choose who will guide you in the game(you can trade later):Maxis,The Demmonic Being of MOTD,Richtofen or Samantha?Who would you choose?

Your choice would change the entire atmosphere of the game.Interface,phrases,everything would have a little change.

Picture this:You're almost completing a challenge.Maxis would say:"Continue.Do what you must!",but Richtofen would say:"I need more to reward you!The doctor is not pleased"

I hope you could understand.

Map Editor

That's a personal dream of mine for consoles based off of Tony Hawk's Map Editors of the PS2 and inFAMOUS 2 "Mission Editor".

Particularly,I think that a Map editor would be something vital for a Zombies Only COD.With time,People would be tired to play on the maps the game had and would not even play the game.So what about giving us a Map Editor?Nothing too complicated,like creating Perks,but nothing too simple.

Simply make your map layout,put in the Zombies(skins) and Bosses you want,choose the character crew,and the weapons in the wall and box,along with the perks and buildables.I think this is more than enough!


This is another personal dream of mine to be on Zombies/COD.It's based completely off of MK'S Krypts(who played MK in PS2 and MK9 may know about what I'm talking).

In Zombies,it could work like this:We have Concept Arts,Zombies Songs,Secret Radios,Trailers for the Game,Minigames,etc.A bunch of things would be archived there,locked,and it could be unlocked by performing some actions in-game,leveling up(it will be below),completing challenges,or even putting codes to unlock it.

Basically,unlock something in the Database,and it would be like an Extra unlocked permanently.

Example:Kill 1000 Zombies in Ascension to unlock the song Abracadavre.

New Game Modes

This will be separate in various Game Modes for Zombies that I idealized.Some could work out well,and others could just not fit Zombies.But anyway:

1.Gun Game

Multiplayer Gun Game,with adaptations to Zombies.To rank up a weapon,you need to get to a certain amount of total points gained.The match ends when a player "beats" all of the Weapon Tiers.

Looking at this,each "era of Maps" could have it's particular Tiers.Like WaW maps with WW2 guns,BO1 maps,with Cold War guns,and BO2 maps with 2025 guns.Of course,not forgeting the Wonder Weapons.And as most of you should have predicted,this game mode would retire Wall Guns and the Mystery Box.It would still have rounds.

2.Team Deathmatch

Really self-explanated.A quick game mode.The objective here is to kill a total of 1000 zombies(example,but it seems to be a good goal for a quick match mode)before the Enemy Team.Pretty much like Grief in trolling enemies.

3.Objective Gameplay

A Survival match of Zombies with objectives.Some particular for each map,some random and general.All stays normal,and you have to complete your objective in a certain period(1 round,or two.Just examples).If you fail in a goal,then you would be punished by losing ammo,points,or Perks.

Example of a particular objective for the mode Tranzit:"Build every Equipment before round 12"

Exemple of random,general objective:"Kill all the Zombies of this Round using only Melee Weapons"


Grief.With no teams,four players and only one extra chance.The Last Standing Player wins.Simple like that.


2 Teams with 4 players each in this mode.Based off of Hardpoint,there would be a certain area in which players would have to kill Zombies to make points to its team.The area of the Sacrifice would move,and the Team that got to 500 Zombies(again,just an example) killed in those areas would win.


Co-op,minimum 1 player;maximum 4 players.It's like Survival,but the Zombies are the minority in the rounds.They would be composed more from Special Zombies and Bosses.Except that,everything would be completely normal as in the common Survival we have today.

7.Hunter Mode

Why don't you assume the role of a Boss Zombie in the match of someone playing the Arena game mode?Come on and end his suffering.You would get 3 chances to get the player(s) down in the match(as you would be powerful enough).Die the three times and you're out.

8.Time Trial

Self-explanatory.It could be applied in most game modes(like a Timed Gun Game).


Push yourself to the limit.More expensive Perks,weapons,Zombies start running in Round 1.You know,it's hardcore!

Could be applied to most game modes.

More Minigames

OK.In Black Ops 1,we have DOA(I,at least,see it as a minigame).Why not give us more in a Zombies COD?Bring Zorg,the classic games from Nuketown 2025,and some others Zombie Related.Along with some imporvements in DOA.It would be nice to see that fantastic minigame evolve to something even better.

Multiplayer Features

We already have ranks in BO2,but I think that these are not the rankings for who the community begged.We wanted to level up like in Multiplayer,with prestiges,levels,etc.

And with this type of rank,why not increase our customization as we level up?Wouldn't this be cool?

Give us Calling Cards,Pre-made emblems,an Emblem Editor,features for the Map Editor as we level up.And,of course,Zombie Challenges and Carreer Summary(although we already have it)


Why not give us a machine where we can buy random camos?What about Random rare camos be given you when you PaP a weapon?Why not,maybe,give us character skins?These ones are some of the reasons people keep on playing MMOs.Why not give us the already cited Calling Card and Emblems?And what about more options for Custom Games?Those are some of my ideas for Customization in Zombies.

Secret Maps

Well,Treyarch in a game like the one I'm talking about could give us some 3 or 4 Secret Maps with no correlation with the storyline.Some maps that would be like an "Mini All-Stars Zombies".They should just be fun to play in.But of course,you should do something special to get them(but sure,not buying DLCs).

Remakes of Custom Zombies Maps

What about honoring the WaW community of Zombies Mapping and Modding remaking some of their maps?It would be fun to play in them with Treyarch's "technology",and it would be sure,cool for them to see themselves honored by Treyarch.


In DLCs,they would have to add a bunch of stuff,but I believe in Treyarch.

It could be like,4 or 5 new maps(maybe some other custom maps remakes),new character skins,new things for the map editor and the database.Maybe even more.


Well,after thinking and writing all of this,I think that we can see that a Zombies Only COD could be a successful game,no doubt.They would have to add a bunch of stuff,but anyway,it would worth the work.

And of course,if Treyarch do it someday.They'll do it their way,with some community ideas(not necessarily mine suggestions,for example.),and bang!"COD:Zombies exceeds sales of its every predecessor!"

I hoped you liked my ideas,and that you post yours too!


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This looks really cool. However, your thing about secret maps... I think that maps with LITTLE story relevance would be alright, but NONE? I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, they can do something simple like Nacht, which has very little story relevance, but not none.

Oh yes.Maybe some kind of spin-off map like MOTD.After all slaying Zombies without a reason in COD seems quite wrong really.

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Well, you seem to have some pretty good ideas. Seems like it'd be fun.

If I may suggest one?

A Multiplayer-style Zombies mode. Free-for-all, team deathmatch, whatever. But a Create-A-Class system with zombie weapons on zombie maps where you directly kill each other and respawn and stuff. I've always wanted to use the Wunderwaffe DG-2 on 10 humans. (Is that wrong?)

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I've always wanted Timed Gameplay (never ending rounds) on consoles and not just Custom Zombies.

For any who don't know, instead of a round counter, there's a timer, and every 1-2 minutes, the zombies' strength increases by 2-4 rounds. So 7 minutes in, you may have round 23 strength zombies.

Really hectic, and works amazing with the "Gun Game" mode also on Custom.

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Certainly would be fun.Using the Thunder Gun,and the "Baby Gun" could be nice too.

And what about Zombie Perks in Tiers?Like maybe:Utility,Improvement and Attack maybe?

Also,this is a litte off-topic,but as you,MMX,writed the great "Zombie Trilogy",what did you thinked about this post format?I would really like your opinion and the opinions of others too.

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Oh definitely. I can imagine a bunch of death around the Box as people fight over it. (Going to the Box isn't hard. Making it back alive, is.) Although, I think the Perks as they are are fine. You could start with 1, 2, or 3 (not sure how many) Perks to begin with at every respawn. But you can buy more in a singular life if you make it to a Perk machine alive.

Lol, sure thing. I think you did quite well. It is very legible, which is the most important thing in a post. There's always room for improvement. You could've utilizing more of an outline system, making the big headers more noticeable than the smaller ones. You also could've used the center feature. But like I said, people can easily read it. That's the most important part.

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I've always wanted Timed Gameplay (never ending rounds) on consoles and not just Custom Zombies.

For any who don't know, instead of a round counter, there's a timer, and every 1-2 minutes, the zombies' strength increases by 2-4 rounds. So 7 minutes in, you may have round 23 strength zombies.

Really hectic, and works amazing with the "Gun Game" mode also on Custom.

Yup.Timed gameplay could be really nice in consoles.I wouldn't be surprised if Treyarch added this later to BO2.

Also,thanks for the tip,MMX,I'll work on some improvements for my next threads!

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This is an incredibly well thought out idea, and I think Treyarch would be foolish not to incorporate something like this into an all zombies COD game should they ever decide to make one.

The only thing I think you're lacking in your post is that you don't seem to discuss any kind of traditional campaign at all. Yes I know that many people here prefer finding out the story through EEs and other hidden secrets contained within a map, but I think most gamers would still prefer a campaign that's been typical of a call of duty game (as it would still be labeled as a COD game). The progression from one level to another and such.

Other than that, very well done :D

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This is an incredibly well thought out idea, and I think Treyarch would be foolish not to incorporate something like this into an all zombies COD game should they ever decide to make one.

The only thing I think you're lacking in your post is that you don't seem to discuss any kind of traditional campaign at all. Yes I know that many people here prefer finding out the story through EEs and other hidden secrets contained within a map, but I think most gamers would still prefer a campaign that's been typical of a call of duty game (as it would still be labeled as a COD game). The progression from one level to another and such.

Other than that, very well done :D

I just didn't talked about that,because I really can't imagine how a Zombies Campaign would work.Sure it's a pretty good idea,and I would totally love it.

Live some events that wouldn't be those in the maps would be awesome too,like,assuming the role of Peter escaping from Verruckt.

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This is an incredibly well thought out idea, and I think Treyarch would be foolish not to incorporate something like this into an all zombies COD game should they ever decide to make one.

The only thing I think you're lacking in your post is that you don't seem to discuss any kind of traditional campaign at all. Yes I know that many people here prefer finding out the story through EEs and other hidden secrets contained within a map, but I think most gamers would still prefer a campaign that's been typical of a call of duty game (as it would still be labeled as a COD game). The progression from one level to another and such.

Other than that, very well done :D

I just didn't talked about that,because I really can't imagine how a Zombies Campaign would work.Sure it's a pretty good idea,and I would totally love it.

Live some events that wouldn't be those in the maps would be awesome too,like,assuming the role of Peter escaping from Verruckt.

It is kind of hard to imagine what a campaign would be like, though it would be cool to explore some of those unexplained stories.

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