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~Why there have to be 6+ maps to go~

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As most of you know, most maps have a comic book page on their loading screens. These maps are all the WaW maps, all the BO1 maps except for "Five", then Nuketown, and Die Rise. (Five is a shot of the 4 survivors, Green Run are a series of postcards, and MotD features a bunch of drawings.

What you may not have noticed on the Nuketown page is that the staples in the comic book are visible.

Everyone who has read a comic book knows that this means the book is halfway over.

Based on this count, there are 8 comic book page maps before the staples, so we can assume 8 more will be after Nuketown. Since we've already seen 2 pages after nuketown, we can guess that there are 6 pages left after mon of the dead. However that only includes maps that are featured as comic book pages. It's likely more than one future map will not be a comic book page. So that means there will probably more maps in the future than there are pages left.

Bearing that in mind, there will most likely be at least 6 more zombies maps in the future. And unless map pack 4 is an all-zombies map pack, this means there might just be zombies in the title after GHOSTS.

Also they don't even necessarily have to end it with the comic; there could be "Nazi Zombies the Comic: Part II"

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Hm, that is very keen observation. And it makes sense because you wouldn't have a certain set of pages and then have an irregular or mismatching set right after the middle of the comic book. That would just be a fatal flaw on Treyarch's part.

I don't think that they'd continue this story (as far as Black Ops II goes) into the beyond titles; perhaps something much similar to the Rezurrection DLC that included a few maps? It seems illogical to repeat that step, but hey - how else will you squeeze so many maps in?


I've said it before and I'll say it again... Zombies has become too big to end. We can pretty much assume Zombies will be in the next Treyarch title in some form. Now, that doesn't mean Black Ops 3 (or whatever it will be called) will continue the current story... there could be an entirely new storyline or a Mob of the Dead style spinoff that is loosely related to the original story.

If the next Treyarch CoD doesn't have Zombies, I won't be buying it... and I know I'm not the only one. They pretty much sold the Hardened Edition for the last two Treyarch CoD games on a Zombies gimmick... that should tell you how much faith they have in the game mode moving copies. They won't alienate those potential customers.


  Megaton A said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again... Zombies has become too big to end. We can pretty much assume Zombies will be in the next Treyarch title in some form. Now, that doesn't mean Black Ops 3 (or whatever it will be called) will continue the current story... there could be an entirely new storyline or a Mob of the Dead style spinoff that is loosely related to the original story.

That makes me ponder, is what we're seeing then something that's completely unrelated to our previous story line? I know I'm echoing other posts with this but are we seeing a possible future branch off? If there successful in satisfying the community why not include zombies in other titles to entice sales? Pretty much like soap opera's we will see multiple "zombie apocalypse" game modes where black ops has our original story but other versions will have things like "lucifer" tormenting or maybe another title carrying an alien zombie apocalypse story line where they aren't mysteriously hinted at but forefront characters and bosses to fight (kinda excited if they did that one).

The fact that another team worked on it and it's still as golden could further prove them wanting to expand zombies into other titles but could of course mean other things. From a bussiness stand point I think the sells of "Ghosts" will determine the future path they take, not sure how much longer they can go with "Black Ops" because at some point using the same name can be hurtful when there's better avenues to take (even bungie moved on from halo). As everyone stated though, zombies is a cash cow. The storyline can't continue forever but the mode can live on.


  InfestLithium said:
Hm, that is very keen observation. And it makes sense because you wouldn't have a certain set of pages and then have an irregular or mismatching set right after the middle of the comic book. That would just be a fatal flaw on Treyarch's part.

I don't think that they'd continue this story (as far as Black Ops II goes) into the beyond titles; perhaps something much similar to the Rezurrection DLC that included a few maps? It seems illogical to repeat that step, but hey - how else will you squeeze so many maps in?

I beg to differ. The story is one of the main attractions to the game.

I can, however, see how the story would be a complex subject for new players. So if they were have another game that expanded on zombies more, they could make an adjustment to account for that. Simply have everything be fixed. Have the world go back to normal and everything. And THEN make zombies come back with little relation to the story before. Make it a new "arc" if you will, so players won't HAVE to know what happened previously. But they can if they want.


I think that if they wanted to Treyarch could make two games next year, Cod (Blackops 3?) and Cod:survivors. I think the zombie fan base has reached a point where it can diversify into its own game. This would include a campaign with a new story, while also continuing on with the richtofen story in the "multiplayer" mode.

Just my idea ;)


Really good spot on this one mate. Can't believe we all failed to take note of this before.

If there is 6 pages left to go, then it would imply that we have 2 maps to go on BO2, and then 4 pages for the third zombie installments maps.

If we go by how previous installments have went, BO3 (or whatever title Treyarch go with) will have 5 zombie maps also, 1 that comes with the game, and 4 with DLC.

Could work if they have another 'Special' map, like MotD, which does not feature a comic book page.

Well done on this. :)


I suspect that in about July next year, right after a reveal trailer for cod. 11, we're going to get a single image, nothing specific, but an image...

An image of the cover of: Zombies Return! The sequel to the best selling comic book: Zombies! Featuring a picture of a bloody teddybear, a ray gun's tip, maybe some art of Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, Sam, richtofen, Samule, Misty, Marelton and Russman...

The point being: We have plenty more storyline to go with these 8 characters... Especially the new four... Maybe not in this book, but DEFFINANTLY more!


This is making sense, but some of the loading screens are just diagrams of the maps. Even though, the diagrams appear to be within a comic book, can they really be considered a part of the comic? Here's how I break it down:

Nacht Der Untoten = Page 1

Verruckt = Diagram

Shi No Numa = Diagram

Der Riese = Diagram

Kino Der Toten = Page 2

Ascension = Page 3

Call of the Dead = Page 4

Shang Ri La = Page 5

Moon = Page 6

Nuketown = Page 7 (halfway point?)

Green Run = Postcard (between 6 and 7)

Great Leap Forward = Page 8

Mob of the Dead = Escape Plan/Newspaper

This is how I see it. Though, I agree with the OP, I don't think our comic book would include diagrams since the rest of the book has that classic story board flow. I do believe there is much yet to come. If you have a different outline for the page numbers, please explain.


  BriggzyJ97 said:
I think that if they wanted to Treyarch could make two games next year, Cod (Blackops 3?) and Cod:survivors. I think the zombie fan base has reached a point where it can diversify into its own game. This would include a campaign with a new story, while also continuing on with the richtofen story in the "multiplayer" mode.

Just my idea ;)

as much as i like this idea. i doubt zombies will ever get its own game.. doesnt make alot of sence because COD is #1 a online multiplayer shooter. and i dont think they will move away from what is bringing in the money. i need to look it up again, but i think it was only 14-18 percent of the online communities bought Rezzurection, which if you looking at a zombies only game, would be a massive fail seeing that you are only pulling in a 14-18 percent of your fanbase. and there is the other 82-86 percent of untapped money.

thats just how i see this. not trying to shoot you down at all, i really want a zombies exclusive game myself.


  Seanolith said:
  BriggzyJ97 said:
I think that if they wanted to Treyarch could make two games next year, Cod (Blackops 3?) and Cod:survivors. I think the zombie fan base has reached a point where it can diversify into its own game. This would include a campaign with a new story, while also continuing on with the richtofen story in the "multiplayer" mode.

Just my idea ;)

as much as i like this idea. i doubt zombies will ever get its own game.. doesnt make alot of sence because COD is #1 a online multiplayer shooter. and i dont think they will move away from what is bringing in the money. i need to look it up again, but i think it was only 14-18 percent of the online communities bought Rezzurection, which if you looking at a zombies only game, would be a massive fail seeing that you are only pulling in a 14-18 percent of your fanbase. and there is the other 82-86 percent of untapped money.

thats just how i see this. not trying to shoot you down at all, i really want a zombies exclusive game myself.

I don't disagree, but keep in mind that you're talking 18% of the people who purchased what was (as of March 2011) the biggest selling game in history. That's still a pretty damn big fanbase. For a bit of perspective, Black Ops sold 5.6 million copies... 18% of that is still over a million. Now, that 18% might only be of those people that bought that game and are online which may skew slightly, but then again you have to consider the people that aren't online that would buy a retail Zombies game.

Taking that all into account, we could predict that a Zombies game might sell around a million copies.... which is pretty damn good, actually.

I guess the real question is whether it would be more profitable to spend the money to develop a full, separate zombies title (potentially losing people who buy CoD for Zombies, who would not buy the next CoD and get the Zombies game instead) or keep it as a side-mode in CoD, saving development costs and still drawing people into purchasing the main game.

Also, I don't know if Zombies could really justify a full retail title as-is. It's a very aracde-y game and unless they changed the round-based gameplay I just couldn't see it working as a retail disc. It would work incredibly well as an Xbox Arcade/PSN title.... but if you're going to do that you might as well keep it as part of CoD and get the money for selling the full game.

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