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~Green Run and Turned~

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I would like to draw your attention to the signs near the diner on Green Run. As you probably know the signs have coincidentally burned out in such ways that they spell out "Now Die," "On 4 U," etc. however, in turned most of the letters are still illuminated. Since we can safely assume the bulbs burnt out over time, we can say that turned takes place shortly before the events of green run.

As for an actual purpose for the mode, we can guess that richtofen is just amusing himself by toying with his minions. He might also be "training" for his upcoming exertions of power in Green Run, establishing the extent of his control and "omnipotence."

What exactly does establishing a setting for Turned help us with?


To be continued. Just something I noticed that seemed worth mentioning.

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Well if we ever get a condensed version of the power area in Green Run, I'm guessing whatever game mode they incorporate in there will tell us something about how denizens were released, the avogadro got trapped, where the bus came from exactly and why the CIA and/or CDC were there. If there is some form of setting in this smaller sections/game modes anyway.

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