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Original Maps with Grief Mode

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I was thinking one day for some odd reason, "What if they brought back some of the old zombie maps, and also implemented Grief mode into them?" I mean, wouldn't that be cool?... Now even though I don't think it would happen, what map would you like to see come back with Grief Mode? What area of the map would be playable, what weapons/equipment would you want there and would you add and/or remove perks from the map?

I would like to see a map like Der Riese come back with Grief, as I think it is big enough for 8 players in my opinion. I would like to see the addition of Stamin-Up, Deadshot and maybe Electric Cherry. Also, put in Double Tap 2.0 as that would be awesome (and I can care less if Mule Kick is still in there or not). I would trade out the Thompson for the Black Ops 2 version (M1927) and maybe take out the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and maybe trade it in for some other Wonder Weapon. Traps will be usuable. Also, players would start in the room with the teleporter nearest the power and the room with the power (this would be good as Quick Revive would be available from the start, unlike in survival mode) . Players could teleport, but only to teleporters with the room opened (so you can not use the teleporter from the start and teleport to Pack-a-Punch). Pack-a-Punch would be in its original location, but accessible once you open to the room it's in. Also, while I don't think there should be a Hellhound round, Hellhounds should appear alongside the Zombies after certain rounds (just like in the original). The demonic announcer could be Samantha (as all this could take place before Richtofen takes controls of the zombies) and the teams can be the Marines against the Nazi's or Group 935 members.

So that was my idea. What did you think of my idea? What are your ideas?

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I still think a Grief version of Verruckt would be fantastic. Four players on each side of the door, with two of each team on both sides. That would make for some very interesting games. ;)

That would be amazing!and the traps,tight areas..this would be chaos,fun chaos! :) btw 999th post,you guys wont here from me till my 1000 thread!haha ;)

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Asside from nact, I don't think greif will appear on any older map...

It's hard to implement those kinds of elements into a redone map...

How would you know? Are you a developer?

No but I know how this works,

You'd need to first rebuild nact again for the 3rd time.., change it so 8 people can spawn in..

Make the wall weapons

Institute the radio, the cabinet, the two doors, the wall writing, the bucket, the shelves, the lamps, the lighting, the barriers, and all other types of things

Plus: This would be an umbeleivably hectic map: 8 people at each others throats, in a super-small enclosed starting room, for kills...

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Or they could copy the coding for the map again so they don't have to manually replace everything. Then they could change whatever they need, which would still be work, but at least rebuilding the entire map wouldn't be a good 50% of the work.

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True, but I would expect most of it to work alike, just like how character models, weapons, and even a few SP mission locations were copied over to be on the MP engine.

Would be a lot of work to fix everything, but the onr map I'd like to see is… Verruckt.

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What would solve ALL these problems is if trayarch would release the Mod tools for black ops 2...

Then WE could create a veruct greif map and play it that way...

That's what trayarch should do:

Create a way for players to create and play on custom maps for greif, turned, and survival. All of the player's own design...

That would be SO cool...

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They won't release the mod tools. Activision wouldn't allow it. They allowed it in WaW because all DLC was free anyway for PC. However, not that Acti wants money for the DLC, seeing as how their sponsorship ran out, they don't want to risk losing money.

For example, someone could take the time to make an almost exact replica of Nuketown Zombies. Instead of someone paying for the DLC, they could just download the fan-made version for free. Activision doesn't want something like that to happen.

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They won't release the mod tools. Activision wouldn't allow it. They allowed it in WaW because all DLC was free anyway for PC. However, not that Acti wants money for the DLC, seeing as how their sponsorship ran out, they don't want to risk losing money.

For example, someone could take the time to make an almost exact replica of Nuketown Zombies. Instead of someone paying for the DLC, they could just download the fan-made version for free. Activision doesn't want something like that to happen.

Then make someone charge for access to mod tools and downloading maps... That earns Acti. And trayarch $$$ and we'll be happy...

You could also have moderators to go arround and double check that type of thing as well...

Because technically someone could go into WAW custom zombies right now and make an exact replica of nuketown and give it out for free online, we have the technology to do this... We just want easy access to it...

Easy access is so much more awsome then us slaving over code to get the same result later... And it can earn them $$$s...

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Verruckt grief would be interesting. The Americans v the Russians, with them meeting at the power room. Killing each other with the traps. It's already pretty much set up like that.

SNN grief could start with 2 people in each hut and everyone one meeting at the middle.

Just my thoughts :)

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Yeah, I think so too. But should the Germans be Nazis or members of Group 935?

Definitely Group 935, seeing as how it was their facility.

Also, nice avatar. ;)

Thanks, :).

Hey guys, what would you think of Bus Depot Grief? How about Nuketown? And even though I think it would be ridiculous, Die Rise?

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If we went back to der reise it could be maxis's scientist vs richtofen's defectors....

Team richtofen:

Groph----- Was given head control of griffen station by richtofen

Shuster---- Loyal to richtofen, as they both worked against maxis on the teleporters

Gersh----- Was freed by richtofen and torchered by samanthia, naturally he sided with richtofen...

Peter McLain------ Richtofen didn't give away his position even when he KNEW there was something wrong with him and Harvey Yena

Team Maxis:

Sophia------- Maxis's sweat heart

Harvey Yena-------- Simply sided with Maxis, knows about how richtofen "killed" maxis

H. Porter-------- Maxis allowed him to continue his work with the ray gun to inovate richtofen's origional invention, richtofen finds it offfencive and kicks him off his team...

Yuri Z. -------- Neutral, but hates gersh for killing him, so he sides against him

Unlike other greif maps helpfull drop effects are automatically given to the team who does a sort of MINI-Easter egg.(such as galva-ing a power pox or keeping zombies off a certain machine)

Normally being that whatever richtofen wants you to do (Say, he wants you to use a teleporter 3 times in 2 minutes that's frequincy is jamming his system), Compleating that task and using the teleporter would reward the team with:

A max amo,

A double points,

An insta kill,

A fire sale (works for both teams)

A nuke (awards points to your team)

Random perk: Awarded only after 5-10 successfull tasks in a row...

However, maxis's team can attempt to stop you by disabling the teleporter by EMP-ing a generator, galva-ing a fuse box, and/or keeping zombies in front of the teleporter so it can't be used...

After a while one team or the other will loose and the opposing one will win...

Box weapons are the same as tranzit... However this map is in hell, and is INFLUENCED by richtofen and maxis, however the anouncer is still the one from MOTD (because this is hell)... The box is demon-ized...

Wall weapons are replaced as well with black ops 2 counterparts: Starting area gets the M-14 and the Olympia....

Other weapons include: Semtex, galvas, Bowie, tommy gun, monkeys, emps, war machine, Fal, LSAT, mp5, mini Uzi, b23r,

Perks include: Doubletap 2.0, juggernog, quick revive, speedcola, pack a punch,

PHD is located in the same room as the lone green watertank that activates the beauty of annialation..

Mule kick is in the same area as it is in the black ops version...

No deadshot,

No stamin up,

Eletric cherry is in the back room of the teleporter near the left of the die glock...

Tombstone is not on this map

Who's who is not on this map

At the end of a match the teleporters either go blue or red with electricity, depending on who won...

There is a music Easter egg, but it's lullaby for a dead man, or 115.... Not beauty of annihilation (they're all great songs but I feel one of those two songs are the really remember-able ones)....

Traps are enabled, but the flyswayer Easter egg is NOT enabled, neither is the furnace-monkey Easter egg...

This is all just a REALLY good thaught, but a VERY UNLIKELY good thaught...

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Nacht: Grief and Turned would work well here.

Verruckt: Grief definitely, but it would have to be 2v2 on each side, so you can grief the other team from the start.

Shi No Numa: Grief in the central building only, with all 4 exits inaccessible, so no Flogger or Gondola. Turned maybe, but only in one of the four sections and it's building. Maybe make it random each game? Cause all four have a real great map layout.

Der Riese: Hmm, well it seems too big and open for Grief or Turned for me. But teleporters would be a great mechanic. So maybe if only Spawn, the two side buildings and Teleporter A were accesible, that could work? Locked debris on the stairs so no accessing the bridge. The walls that are up near the clock when the powers off would be up as well.

Kino: Theatre and possibly Lobby would be a great place for Grief and Turned. All other doors would be unbuyable.

Five: All 3 levels would be suitable for Turned and Grief, with Elevators obviously inaccessible, and Basement teleporters would only connect with each other, never War or Top Rooms. War Room DEFCONS would work as normal. Top Room would have built traps already with no access to teleporter as well. Thief would appear on all 3 Grief levels with greatly increased health. (Other team could slow and block players so Thief essentially "aides" them. And Turned would be glorious on Basement with all them teleporters 8-) )

Ascension: The main building (Centrifudge, staircase with MPL, Jug, Stakeout and Power) as a Grief level (This means small outside access where that crashed rocket thing is). And the Stamin-Up area to the Lunar Lander area for Turned. As a 3rd possible level for Grief and Turned, the main outside area (with the Gun trap, PhD, MP5k).

CotD: Grief for the whole lighthouse, 74u area and Stamin-Up. Grief for the whole ship (Though the power area would be inaccessible after jumping off that part, so that would be a problem. So maybe if debris was added on the spawn bridge by M14, and by the spawn box so only the island and path the to ship are available, that could work). Turned in just the spawn area. (Water could definitely slow down Zombies).

Shangri-La: Could probably do several Turned maps. Power-Stakeout room (Under Spawn Geyser), Maze room-Waterfall(Slide would be blocked), and Spawn-MPL/Mine Cart area. For Grief, Maze Room-Waterfall-MPL-74u. To get to each area, you'd take the Mine Cart to Waterfall, and the Waterslide to the 74u room. If just those methods are used to switch sides, than we can use Spawn as well if we want? But it takes away the gimmick kinda.

Moon: Receiving Bay and outer area for Grief and Turned. MPD/Power Room for Turned. Biodome for Turned and Grief, Tunnel 6 for Turned, Tunnel 11 for Turned, and finally MPD, Labs and 74u area for Grief. Maybe even Area 51 for Turned (and No Mans Land as a selectable mode, customised you could have a Grief style with 8 people for extra chaos).

Tell me what you guys think? Moon has a lot of opportunities, but I'm loving the Shangri-La Grief were you have to use the Mine Cart and Waterslide to access both sides. :)

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Gersch was even born in 1946. That doesn't make sense. I'm telling you, Americans versus Soviets would make the most sense story-wise.

It's hell... All these people are dead and all these people have been to, and worked at, der reise... It makes fine sense...

Not even a "tank you" or a "good idea"

How rude... :(

Rissole over there has just KNOCKED it out of the park with ideas

Of course... Not all these ideas can be implemented... But some of them may! :D

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