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Continuing Dlcs and Sledge hammer...

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Alright, I'm normally NOT the guy to break tradition... But I REALLY hope our zombie DLCs carry over past "ghost" launch...

There have been some news going arround about sledge hammer being added to the rotation... NOW I'm not sure if this is just some rumor started because of their work on Cod ghost and MW3 multiplayer, but it has been stated their making their own game by random people on CODZF...

And as we all know, trayarch is the only company with the access to zombies... And if this is the case, we may not be seeing zombies again for another 2 years after the 4th dlc... As IFW need to make their game, and then sledgehammer..

I REALLY hope this is just a BS rumor, but if it isn't... I think trayarch should:

A: 100% N-O- -D-O-U-B-T absolutely dedicate the last DLC to zombie's ONLY...

B: Continue making mini dlcs past the "ghost" release... Not a full map pack but a few more survival, turned, greif, and story maps to keep us happy until it returns later...

NOW again NONE of this is confirmed, this is all just rumors that I'm concerned about...

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Oh poop. Sledgehammer, you better let 3arc hoard the money from COD. We need our Zombies! However, in the words I saw on the loading screen of Minecraft today,

"Always assume rumors are false, rather than assuming they're true."


  jerry533482 said:
I'll just be happy to see zombies come back every treyarch COD.

That's the problem, it NORMALY goes: Trayrch IfW Trayarch IWF, but now it will go, Trayarch, IFW, SH, Trayarch, essentially DOUBLING the amount of wait we have for our next zombies game...

But as bagel said: Assume rumors are false, (And hope, pray and beg god and richtofen)

Also I do agree: Plain bagels are delicious!...


I wouldnt mind waiting a couple years for the next zombies installment.would give me plenty of time to get a next gen console and maybe pull of some great games in the zombies we already have! :) Of course, I hope the next installment id COD:ZOMBIES! :D :lol:


I would love to see a full zombies game after BO2 with all previous maps included and a true campaign to zombies. With continuous DLC support.

Pre-ordering could include a real life comic made up of all our precious loading screens we've had so far and the final DLC could have a code for a 2nd comic issue with all loading screens in order (assuming they stick with the comics that far ahead)for free. Just how Rezzurection had a code for a free download of the music for zombies. :D


  bagel_ said:
"Always assume rumors are false, rather than assuming they're true."

This is a wonderful quote to go by, especially during Treyarch DLC season.

But yeah, if zombies DLC continued through into Ghosts' year, then I might not even get Ghosts.

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I don't mind waiting one more year for zombies.

More time on developing stuff means a better product. (Most of the time.)

And I am 95% sure that Treyarch will give us some small updates even after the dlc.

Maybe a new weapon in the box or some perks that haven't been on Map A but have been on Map B.


It will definitely be interesting for sure. If Sledgehammer is indeed part of the developing companies, that means we have 3 companies essentially making the same game with their own views and what they believe is good in it.

Though unlikely, what if Sledgehammer took over Treyarch's spot, and they began doing a Zombies only title?

But yeah, depending on Sledgehammers game, it could make and break them. Might cement them into CoD history and they'll be a central developer, or maybe not. I really hope they don't do a future or present-era game. A mid-late 90's game would be nice, like WaW or BO.

Definitely reckon that there will be a Ghosts 2 though :roll:

Oh and I do reckon they'll do mini update/DLC's. Hopefully not payable like Personalization Packs, but a small update once a month to add Survival, Turned or Grief to a map.


  TheVyhl said:
I would love to see a full zombies game after BO2 with all previous maps included and a true campaign to zombies. With continuous DLC support.

Pre-ordering could include a real life comic made up of all our precious loading screens we've had so far and the final DLC could have a code for a 2nd comic issue with all loading screens in order (assuming they stick with the comics that far ahead)for free. Just how Rezzurection had a code for a free download of the music for zombies. :D

We've wanted this for quite some time, but I think we still have a good 1-3 more titles before we're ready for that... Check out the link in my sig, that will show you an idea on what the zombies campaign could be like...

Also why does everyone think trayarch will produce better results if it's given an extra year? we all know trayarch isn't going to get anything truely mind-Blowingly better....

We're still going to have lag, and rage quitters, and the same count for zombies, and the same drops, maybe 4 new perks, maybe they'll move back to their own engine, we'll still have epic maps...

Purhaps however if we do move back to the zombies engine, an extra year will allow trayarch to upgrade it so it gains all the perks of the multiplayer engine: Custom matches, host migration, ranks and leaderboards, perma perks, and game-remembrance...

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