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Element 115 In-Depth Explanation

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Hello people. So, I was trying to explain the Focusing Stone when I came upon some interesting observations. So I figured I'd make a thread on it. So here it is:

Element 115

What is it?

Element 115, at its marginal unit, is an atom. Having 115 protons, 115(-ish) neutrons, and 115 electrons, it is a very large element. It, like uranium, is also surprisingly stable, having a half-life of an incredible length of time that it is not known. In 2004, an isotope of the Element, 115-174, was artificially created in a lab, but that variant decayed immediately.

Where is it from?

Element 115 is an extraterrestrial element. No, not a biological alien. Just not found on Earth. Element 115 is present within some meteors, originating from either the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt, or extrasolar dust. There have only been a total of 12 meteors that contained 115 to land on the Earth binary system, that is, the Earth and Moon.

What are its properties?

Element 115 is a heavy metal, and it is unique in that it has inherent electrical properties. The 115 within the meteors is very, very dense. It takes a lot of 115 to power technological devices that were developed to run off of it. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 is a notable example that uses massively dense 115 as a power source. 115 in small quantities can, however, affect biological organisms. 115, despite being primarily found in a solid state, can turn gaseous when exposed to extreme amounts of heat, but then it stays in that form. Using its inherent electrical properties, 115 goes through a process of electromagnetic levitation.

That is how 115 is able to turn gaseous despite its large atomic size. Being an atom though, it can easily enter the bloodstream of a living person and make its way to the brain. The effects it causes on the affected person is psychosis, short-term memory loss, and paranoia. Dr. Maxis was the first person to experience this. However, when 115 comes into contact with a dead organism, its electrical properties reanimate the dead cells in the body, creating a zombie. However, the effect only works on primates, although it can artificially be made to affect dogs. This formulation is why a zombie can still run at you with its head blown off: the zombie's cells are reanimated, not just the brain. This process only works once. Once the undead cells return to death, even 115 cannot reanimate them again.

Also, some scientists artificially transformed some 115 they had into a new state of matter, colloquially called Sliquifier gunk, previously existing only in theory.

The Focusing Stone

The Focusing Stone is perhaps the most interesting case of 115. 115 meteors are quite dense, much denser than the 115 in a Wunderwaffe, much less a zombie. The meteor that hit Shangri-La was no exception. When Richtofen shot it with the 31-79 JGb215, powered by 115 ironically, he shrank the meteor down to the size of a fist, compressing the molecules together like pushing atoms together, even adding more 115 from the shot. This made the Shangri-La meteor the most dense case of 115 ever.

It's known quite well that the closer you travel to the speed of light the more your perspective of time changes. That remains true for mass and density. Since the Focusing Stone has an incredibly density, it follows the bending of time. Also, due to the electromagnetic levitation of its huge number of 115 atoms, it hovers perfectly in the air. The more massive an object is, alternatively the more dense an object is, the slower time will pass relative to the participant compared to the observer. This means from the point-of-view of a black hole, time doesn't move at all. However, the extreme density that the Focusing Stone was in, in addition to the electrical properties inherent within its quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions, etc., of 115 atoms, it was able to actually REVERSE the flow of time, but only in quick bursts of radiation, radiation as in energy from atoms. Thus, if you touched the Focusing Stone, you would then become a participant rather an observer. In Einstein's theory of relativity, you suddenly switch positions. Time then reverses for you.

If time reversed for you, and you then made the same decision to touch the Focusing Stone, you would be in an endless time-loop, just like what happened with Brock and Gary. Richtofen was able to evade this by using the Vril Generator, an ancient device that generates vril, a mysterious energy that was able to seemingly counteract the time flux of the Focusing Stone.

Element 115's Role as a Virus

Element 115 is not a living organism nor a pseudo-living organism such as a virus, yet it behaves like one. The key difference is that there is a finite amount of Element 115 on the Earth. This is again where density takes hold. The 115 used in meteors and in Wonder Weapons was incredibly dense. The 115 needed to make a zombie is incredibly small in comparison. When the world was blown up by nukes, which likely contained 115, the world as we knew it ended. In addition the ice sheets melted, and water all over the place evaporated. The sudden increase in heat released the 115 in the exploded chunks and guts of the Tunguska meteor that had laid dormant in the frozen tundra. 115 became so rampant on the Earth in its gaseous form until it spread across the entire planet. Eventually, every living organism had some form of 115 in its system. Everyone would experience zombification upon death, where the 115 they inhaled, the 115 residing within them, would take effect upon increasing number of dead cells. If you wanted to power one of the technologies designed to run off of 115, you'd have to kill a bunch of zombies to release the 115 residing within them, because the machines require a lot more 115 than a zombie does.

The "Other" Meteors

Purple Meteors

So, we know what 115 is. And that is awesome. We really don't know what vril is. But we're kinda okay with that. But WHAT is this thing? It's not 115. 115 in its natural, solid state glows reddish-orange with white-blue electrical effects. This thing is purple. We do not know what this meteor is made of. Whatever it is, though, it isn't 115, or at least, it isn't the 115 we know. A different isotope, perhaps? A different element altogether? Whatever it is, Element 115 is not alone. Two of these meteors are known: one appeared in TranZit, the other in Die Rise. They are both instrumental to the NavCard Reader.

Focusing Crystals

The Focusing Crystals in Shangri-La look like they were refined, however, we see one fall to the Earth. Where did it come from? How is a meteor made of crystal? What type of crystal is it? None of these things are known. All that is known is that they amplify the shrinking properties of the 31-79 JGb215.

That's all I have. Thank you for your time. Sources:

http://physics.stackexchange.com/questi ... ths-center


http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2013/0 ... eor-anyway

http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.c ... story.html

http://www.rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za/theses/ug_ ... thesis.pdf


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THIS IS A FANTASTIC THREAD. for a while there I actually believed this(zombies and wonder weapons, re-aninmating dead cells) to be reality, lol.


Thank you for getting all this info, Murder.

Really cleared up some stuff about the element for me.

The "other" meteor is very interesting.

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Very, very nice explanation and thorough connection, friendo. I've pondered for such a long time about Element 115, but never would I have guessed that the science behind it was more than just "a fictional supernatural rock".

+1 and beyond. :)


Thanks Infest. I appreciate it.

When trying to think of it, when it comes to the Focusing Stone, I literally could not think of any possible alternative. As for the virus bit, the only alternative is that each zombie is a nuclear power plant capable of creating more 115, (which I do think is ridiculous). So I'm pretty happy with the results. :D


I think 3arch should hire you to chronicle the chapter in their not-upcoming-book, "Explaining Zombies: Book 1: The 115". I'd buy it. Because that's how interesting this thread was. *bro hug*


  Shooter said:
This certainly is an interesting take on what Element 115 is.

I know you probably don't agree with me, so I really appreciate that.

@EvilHERNeos: Lol. I always thought the idea of a Zombies novel was intriguing.


Firstly this was an awesome read. +1.

I'm particularly interested in the other meteor as well. It isn't 115 (at least not in any form with which we are familiar.)

Well it's purple, and the only other strikingly purple state in which we've seen 115 is sliquifier gunk. Perhaps rather than altering pure 115's state of matter from a solid to a liquid form, the atomic makeup was altered more dramatically? The other meteor could be a sample of this new manifestation of 115. Then this new solid's state of matter could be altered to form sliquifier gunk. So the new isotope (or whatever it may be) is found in solid form on the navcard table and in liquid form in the sliquifier.

By that logic it could simply be a new isotope, but when a different color is all I have to go on it's a bit of a stretch to say anything too farfetch'd just yet.


Thanks Electric. That's an interesting theory, especially because there are actually two "other" meteors (which I didn't specify, sorry). There's on in Die Rise as well. So that could very well be. We just don't know for sure. : /


  rise of takeo said:
THIS IS A FANTASTIC THREAD. for a while there I actually believed this(zombies and wonder weapons, re-aninmating dead cells) to be reality, lol.

Lol i was the same way. I was reading thinking, wow this is really informative. Then i read the line

"However, when 115 comes into contact with a dead organism, its electrical properties reanimate the dead cells in the body, creating a zombie."

and was like :o WHAT?! :shock: this really happens??? Then I figured out you were talking about in game lolz

Great thread though! Hope they go more in depth with this crazy purple rock


Brains to you MMX.

Great explanation of Element 115's involvement in COD: Zombies....

I was wondering where it states within the game the central African Meteor? this is interesting as this could be a possible map location?

I've wondered if the reason we first come into contact with a 115 meteor at Shi No Numa is because it was Japanese scientists that first (synthetically) created Element 115?

And the evolution of the storyline, from the wall writing date of the Chicora Meteor in Verruckt to the Tunguska event to element 115 in Japan is also fascinating.

Props to you for a great post MMX.


Thanks guys.

PINNAZ, the 115 in Japan was in a raw, natural state. It was in a rock. If you synthesized an element, you wouldn't stuff it into a rock and lay it out in the decomposing swamp.

As for the Central African meteor, it is given to us in Verruckt. Verruckt gave us the information for three meteors: Chicora, Tunguska, and African. In the power room, you can hear coordinates. Most people think it is some Lost reference, but the numbers are actually longitude and latitude for Central Africa. So, with all the other meteor references around the map, this is surely one of them.


With what I said about the meteor in Shi No Numa, I was referencing that the (real) scientists that synthesised 115 were japanese. I wondered if that's why treyarch first included 115 there. That's all I meant.

As for the numbers in the power room on Verrückt, they a definitely a reference to the TV show lost.

"4-8-15-16-23-42." (read the comments on the link below)


Brian Tuey wrote:

Have you found the numbers?

Telixion wrote:

The numbers? Hmmm. If by what you mean is written on the walls.. hmm are you trying to tell me there is MORE. lol. This is awesome! Once I just think i found everything.. I found the mini map, machine guns, fountain turret, zombie sign behind the power room. hehe. I had fun. But no i dont think i have found those yet.

Telixion wrote:

haha I found it! The machine in the power room. Thats awesome!

Brian Tuey wrote:

lol. Nicely done. Its just a little omage to Lost since those machines reminded me of the Dharma Initiative


  PINNAZ said:
With what I said about the meteor in Shi No Numa, I was referencing that the (real) scientists that synthesised 115 were japanese. I wondered if that's why treyarch first included 115 there. That's all I meant.

As for the numbers in the power room on Verrückt, they a definitely a reference to the TV show lost.

"4-8-15-16-23-42." (read the comments on the link below)


Brian Tuey wrote:

Have you found the numbers?

Telixion wrote:

The numbers? Hmmm. If by what you mean is written on the walls.. hmm are you trying to tell me there is MORE. lol. This is awesome! Once I just think i found everything.. I found the mini map, machine guns, fountain turret, zombie sign behind the power room. hehe. I had fun. But no i dont think i have found those yet.

Telixion wrote:

haha I found it! The machine in the power room. Thats awesome!

Brian Tuey wrote:

lol. Nicely done. Its just a little omage to Lost since those machines reminded me of the Dharma Initiative

To be honest, I really don't care. DG-3 JZ is a reference to Jimmy Zielinski, but it doesn't mean he made the Wunderwaffe. Verruckt is home to many instances of meteor data. That code is longitude and latitude. Now when you plug the numbers in, does it lead you to abandoned island? No. It leads you to Central Africa. Quite frankly I made this connection many, many years ago. You have to use a little bit of creativity rather than just throwing something away because you think you know what it is.

Twitter is not a primary source of information, and I will never accept it as one.


You obviously didn't read anything I posted.

It was not a twitter message, it was from Brian Tuey's blog, Treyarch's Audio Director who put that sound clip into the game.

dated & titled:-

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Verruckt Music Easter Egg found..

He clearly says "Its just a little omage to Lost since those machines reminded me of the Dharma Initiative :)"

You can't discredit that.

Thanks for taking some interest in what I know about COD: Zombies.


Same thing really. I believe in-game evidence over what a developer says. Always. Or should we call Albert Arthur again?

In the end PINNAZ, this is not my storyline thread. This thread is not for debate. It's a notification, not a discussion. Perhaps I should've just ignored your invitation.


I was not trying to debate. It was a genuine question about where in-game it mentions a central African meteor, because I had not heard of this before.

Your reply was because of the numbers. Is a meteor ever mentioned landing there? Thats hardly ingame proof. I showed you a blog post from the person that put that sound clip into the game & his explanation of why those numbers are even in the game. You rather believe your own theory & story relation, than to believe the person that put it there. This is an informative thread & not a discussion thread as such, but you don't need to reply with a sentence such as "To be honest, I don't care...." That seemed quite rude. I was only trying to be informative myself.

That blog post was from almost the very beginning of COD: Zombies. Just after the very first musical easter egg was found. As much as it is a dissapointmemt that it has no story relation at all, that's what it is.

I really like the idea of the African continent being involved with Element 115 in some way. Perhaps Morocco or Algeria?


Sorry, I did not mean to be mean. But I really simply do NOT care for what a developer says about the game. There's references and allusions throughout zombies, but there is usually a deeper meaning behind. Oh, cool, some weird TV show. Awesome. Whatever. But here is a meaning for why it appears in Verruckt. So I'm sticking with that. I think especially because most of Nacht's and Verruckt's story was made in post.

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