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Where are we going?(from here)


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For me it's not so much the locations that have had me weary of the next DLC but how for me Die Rise and MotD both got boring very quickly. Doing challenges and such like 2 pulls from box only and no double tap 2 have been keeping it interesting. It seems that Buried has a lot to do and experience so it won't get as boring as quickly. However I can go back and play Moon and have a blast every time.

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  FatedTitan said:
I think I'm one of the few that thought MotD, atmosphere wise, was great but gameplay-wise I didn't like. I liked Die arise better.

Didn't even buy MotD because it looks so insanely boring.

And because I don't want to give them my money uneless I am sure that I will play their map more than 7 times.


  Lenne said:
Didn't even buy MotD because it looks so insanely boring.

And because I don't want to give them my money uneless I am sure that I will play their map more than 7 times.

I played MotD only a few times on solo. Found it boring after just a few games, and despite the fantastic visuals and atmosphere within the map itself, the design is such a letdown. Completely unimaginative in it's layout, and bias when played with 3-4 players in terms of spawn balance, and location of items such as the shield.

Nah... MotD may be one of the best looking maps to date, but it is FAR from being one of the best maps to play.

So far, none of the BO2 maps have lived up to the expectation in terms of design or story. I hope that when all DLC is in place, the previous maps get some kind of alteration or addition of perks/weapons etc, so I will reserve my overall judgement on BO2 till then.

I am also not happy at the way Treyarch are allowing a certain YT group to spoil the maps before release, but this is another matter altogether, so that is best left alone.


Am I the only one not taking crazy pills here?

I again relate the MP reimaginings of Studio/Firing Range and Summit/whatever the new one is called. People love those maps. The fact that they can totally Re-dress the thing with a new design and skin and its still a popular map proves that whats on the outside means nothing, and whats on the inside counts. All we know about Buried is whats on the outside. We know almost nothing about the inside. I have high hopes that this will be one of my favorite maps of all time,and i fear for those of you who for whatever reason are against a wild west theme, will let that preconceived notion ruin the whole experience for you... surely i'm not the only one....


MP and Zombies are different beasts.

MP maps can be reskinned and still loved because it's the layout that matters, not the theme normally.

For zombies, it's both. A map can have a great theme but poor layout. Look at TranZit or Shangri-la for this. A map can also have a great layout but poor theme. That's what I'm afraid can happen here.


Oh geez. Guys. How many years have 3arch been making zombies. Five or so years? Getting ready to head on to six? Half a decade. HALF. A. DECADE. They have a five year old child, starting out in kindergarten. Their wife (us, the community)loved how they treated it in it's baby years. And they're trying their best to appeal to their child and their wife. It's hard to continue to impress the community because you're all expecting something mega ultra hyper speed god polished map or something that you considered unrushed or something more dynamic. What do you want? A GIANT ROBOT UNICORN TO DESTROY THE STATUE OF LIBERTY AND ZOMBIES HAVE SCUBA OUTFITS AND SWIM THEIR WAY TO NEW YORK CITY AND YOU HAVE TO PROTECT THE PRESIDENT? You just have to take the maps wit ha grain of salt. Play it. Do you love it? Proclaim your love. Do you appreciate only certain aspects of it? Say what could've been more flawlessly executed and still proclaim the things you like about it. Do you despise it? Well criticize all of it. Just thank 3arch for trying to make you happy. Because they try. Don't insult them directly. But especially don't be upset that prerelease hype isn't your cup of tea. Wait until you have a grip on the controller and see the first tally mark. I'm honestly excited that i'm getting something new. That 3arch didn't pull a Capcom and say "Lol we have seen the complaints and decided that we're stopping zombies all together".

TL;DR: Think about it from 3arch's standpoint. Wait until you play Buried.


Come on people. At least give the damn map a chance. I didn't like the idea of the Western theme at first, but now with footage we've gotten, I'm pretty stoked for it.

Don't go into the map with any expectations, and you'll feel satisfied in some way.


I completely agree, like I'm not gunna say there isn't the possibility of me really liking the map, but at the same time this isn't the kind of thing I wanted or expected as the next Zombie map. I mean I didn't expect Die Rise of MOTD either, and I really like those maps, but this one I feel like there wasn't any fan consideration as to where we wanted it to go, it's just where they felt like taking it. And yes, a bunch of you said they had been talking about an underground thing for a while and so have I but there were a ton of other things that they could have done in terms of that. Personally the idea of Paris with the catacombs underneath it as a map sounded really appealling to me and it would have made sense. But this. This is just totally off track, and I know that MOTD doesn't actually have anything to do with the plot itself overall but with that map what they were saying was that they could pretty much take it wherever they wanted it at this point, at any point in history with any group of people, but then they give us back the new four and stick us somewhere that makes absolutely no sense? Come on.

And to the person that was saying that Nuketown and Moon and Shangri-La didn't make any sense in the plot either, I sincerely think you don't understand the plot. And Kino played a huge role in the overall events early on, it was where Maxis tried to brainwash the zombies. Need to read up a bit I think.



And honestly, some of that isn't bad, as long as they could fit it into the plot rationally. Cause like I was saying, if were gunna start doing stuff that has nothing to do with the real plot like MOTD, who the hell cares. Not that I didn't like MOTD again, but still.


  EvilHERNeos said:

That would be pretty cool.. I joke.. but I can't explain why this map doesn't make sense. Buried just isn't where I thought we were going.. what does this map location have to do with anything is my question. I don't care that it's underground (it could be up on land and I would still be confused), the way it's set out or the characters I care about the fact that this map has no relevance to the story what so ever from the looks of it. In BO1 the maps had connections with each other and to me each map that was released I understood why it was there and I know I haven't played the new map yet so don't even tell me to wait until I have.. All i'm saying is how I feel about what I have seen in the trailer.

If someone attacks me because of this I swear to god..


  birdman22 said:
Am I the only one not taking crazy pills here?

I again relate the MP reimaginings of Studio/Firing Range and Summit/whatever the new one is called. People love those maps. The fact that they can totally Re-dress the thing with a new design and skin and its still a popular map proves that whats on the outside means nothing, and whats on the inside counts. All we know about Buried is whats on the outside. We know almost nothing about the inside. I have high hopes that this will be one of my favorite maps of all time,and i fear for those of you who for whatever reason are against a wild west theme, will let that preconceived notion ruin the whole experience for you... surely i'm not the only one....

Definitely not the only one. I believe Buried will be a great map to play on and have many things to offer us (gameplay-wise). It's just that some people really don't know what the hell is up with the storyline. All we've been doing is powering up towers as an Easter Egg and then mess around with these "time rifts". When I first played TranZit, I was worried all the future maps were gonna be terrible since the whole planet got nuked... I, too, wish that they came up with better locations. But it's just not possible after what happened on the Moon...

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