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Buried Achievements Analysis


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Hey guys, Rissole here! Us PS3ers have received trophy info regarding Buried. I've done a small analysis on each achievement.

I did a small video, but it's only a quick analysis/explanation. The written version is much more detailed and analyzed better, but feel free to check it out if you're in a hurry.


Now that that's out of the road, let's begin! :twisted:

Mined Games

In Buried, be their pawn.

Since it's the only Silver Trophy, and by it's description, I believe this is the main Easter Egg achievement. Much like Tranzit or Die Rise, the N4 do as Richtofen or Maxis say like pawns.

Ectoplasmic Residue

In Buried, acquire a perk for free.

Take note of Ectoplasmic. That term is usually used with ghosts, specters, wraiths, poltergeists, etc, which is what our female ghost (who looks like Samantha) is. With that, defeating her in a certain way would probably get you a free perk or Random Perk Bottle. If that's the case, it's possible she is a round based enemy like the Hellhounds, the Thief, Space Monkeys and Jumping Jacks. Though she still might possibly be a always-present boss like George, Napalm & Shrieker Zombies, Cosmonaut, Him and Brutus.

I'm Your Huckleberry

In Buried, access all areas with the help of your new friend in one game.

The giant mystery hillbilly looks to be the friend here. Somehow he can help you get to all areas. Now this may mean areas without spending points on debris or doors, or completely unique areas only accessible with our friend, much like the Turbine to the bus part rooms.

Death From Below

In Buried, drop the beat on 10 zombies in one game.

Not really sure about this one, but it looks like it has something to do with the perk. At first I thought it could be PhD Flopper and it's Flopper ability, but now I'm not so sure. If it's the new perk, I still have no idea what it's ability is, though "drop the beat" reminds me of something music related.


In Buried, make a candy delivery.

We know from the The Replacers Vengeance Trailer that our mysterious friend can eat candy and sweets. This might just be like taking candy from a baby. Easy. But who knows.

Awaken the Gazebo

In Buried, Pack-a-Punch a weapon during round 1 with no one using the bank or Weapon Locker.

Since Gazebo is capitalized, I'm getting the feeling that is the name of a person/boss. Possibly our friend, but it's way to vague.

The description however lets us know that like Tranzit, and like Die Rise today, a Bank and Weapon Locker will be accesible on Buried. If this is the case, DLC 4 most likely will have the same features. Mob of the Dead most likely won't get them though, due to the vast weapon differences it has from other maps and the characters present.

Revisionist Historian

In Buried, rewrite history.

This probably has to do with the Easter Egg. Though only Bronze, this was the case with Mob of the Dead, so we could see a repeat case here.

Not to mention, Black Ops 2 Campaign is full of choices which can change the future and outcome.

Since it's "Rewrite History", we're obviously doing something to change the past, whether that be big or small.

Mazed and Confused

In Buried, survive an entire round within the maze on round 20 or higher.

A maze! This truly is like Shangri-La haha! If the requirements of the maze are to survive in it for one whole round past 20, than it must be a big maze. Whether it's a changing maze like the Mudpit Maze in Shangri-La, who knows. But it will obviously be confusing, hence the title.

FSIRT Against the Wall

In Buried, purchase the LSAT off the wall and Pack-a-Punch it.

A LSAT on the wall. You read that write. A very powerful LMG and sought after weapon only found in Nuketown, Mob of the Dead and Grief Cell Block. Looks like it may be hidden in a secret area much like the Galvaknuckles tend to be, and it definitely won't come cheap I imagine. The usual 500/4500 ammo price will surely be higher too.

When the Revolution Comes

In Buried, return to processing.

This one I am not really sure about. I would say Easter Egg related, but that seems like too many easter egg related achievements. It might be a room or a phrase. I have no idea about this one.

Okay that is it guys! Feel free to express your opinions and thoughts on these achievements!

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Great theories dude! Keep up the great work. Just a few of my own thoughts to add:

  Rissole25 said:
Revisionist Historian

In Buried, rewrite history.

I think that this achievement might be about changing the fate of our characters, like when that wraith (I do not like the term "ghost") assumedly speaks to us, telling us that we will stay here forever. By re-writing history, we may be able to escape.

  Rissole25 said:
When the Revolution Comes

In Buried, return to processing.

I have two theories on this. One is that this map seems to have a few mining references, and therefore, we might be sent to the ore processing area (maybe containing the PaP?)

The second is a bit more interesting. What if this is the reverse of the Revisionist Historian achievement? What if these ARE actually the Easter Egg achievements, but there are two sides? You will still get Mined Games the first time you complete it, but when you do each side, you will get either of these?

Anyway, just somehting for you to ponder.


"When the Revolution Comes" seems pretty interesting. It could refer to the mysterious hillbilly, possibly if you don't give him enough candy he'll lash out, and we have the power to send him back to his cell in some way. (I also find it kind of interesting seeing as the map pack titles have been Revolution, Uprising, and Vengeance, all being some form of a rebellion or resistance of some sort. If it were to possibly relate to this, could it be about choosing one side over the other during Mined Games, in combination with your choices on previous maps?)



Death From Below

In Buried, drop the beat on 10 zombies in one game.

Not really sure about this one, but it looks like it has something to do with the perk. At first I thought it could be PhD Flopper and it's Flopper ability, but now I'm not so sure. If it's the new perk, I still have no idea what it's ability is, though "drop the beat" reminds me of something music related.

You're right; dropping a beat is a musical term. My initial thought was that it would be a Bass-Frequency wonder weapon which shakes the ground and kills zombies, kinda like Tesla's earthquake device or like a dubstep gun. However it says "...10 zombies in one game." usually wonder-weapon related achievements say "in one shot." since it is easy to get THOUSANDS of WW kills in a game, this most likely refers to something more exclusive or difficult to acquire than a weapon.

...but still. Dubstep Guns. Do want.



  Naitrax said:
Great theories dude! Keep up the great work. Just a few of my own thoughts to add:

Cheers :)

  Rissole25 said:
Revisionist Historian

In Buried, rewrite history.

I think that this achievement might be about changing the fate of our characters, like when that wraith (I do not like the term "ghost") assumedly speaks to us, telling us that we will stay here forever. By re-writing history, we may be able to escape.

I actually never thought of it like that. It kinda makes feel better about them being trapped or killed off, because if it means that, than they won't be haha.

  Naitrax said:
  Rissole25 said:
When the Revolution Comes

In Buried, return to processing.

I have two theories on this. One is that this map seems to have a few mining references, and therefore, we might be sent to the ore processing area (maybe containing the PaP?)

The second is a bit more interesting. What if this is the reverse of the Revisionist Historian achievement? What if these ARE actually the Easter Egg achievements, but there are two sides? You will still get Mined Games the first time you complete it, but when you do each side, you will get either of these?

Anyway, just somehting for you to ponder.

The second seems likely. I honestly have no idea what that cheevo could be other than Easter Egg related. Being the penultimate map, maybe this is the part where we stick with Maxis or Richtofen.

  XAvengedLullabyX said:
"When the Revolution Comes" seems pretty interesting. It could refer to the mysterious hillbilly, possibly if you don't give him enough candy he'll lash out, and we have the power to send him back to his cell in some way. (I also find it kind of interesting seeing as the map pack titles have been Revolution, Uprising, and Vengeance, all being some form of a rebellion or resistance of some sort. If it were to possibly relate to this, could it be about choosing one side over the other during Mined Games, in combination with your choices on previous maps?)

Yeah I think maybe this time we'll definitely have to choose sides with this one, being the penultimate map of Black Ops 2. With Revolution in the title, I thought maybe it could be a reference of the first map pack. But yeah, all the map packs have names of themes related to the Campaign. Perhaps the Revolution has something to do with Buried's backstory or the town maybe?

  Electric Jesus said:

You're right; dropping a beat is a musical term. My initial thought was that it would be a Bass-Frequency wonder weapon which shakes the ground and kills zombies, kinda like Tesla's earthquake device or like a dubstep gun. However it says "...10 zombies in one game." usually wonder-weapon related achievements say "in one shot." since it is easy to get THOUSANDS of WW kills in a game, this most likely refers to something more exclusive or difficult to acquire than a weapon.

...but still. Dubstep Guns. Do want.

Didn't catch that one game/one shot reference so thank you for picking that up :)

So, if it's not a perk, I reckon it could be a new Tactictal Grenade possibly.


Hmm, there seems to be a place like the Bridge in MOTD or No Man's Land in Moon.

You can obviously reach the maze in Round 1, racking up points and PaP your gun then.

"Return to processing" could simply be to return from the maze to the main area. Putting the boss zombie back to his place seems more realistic though.

"Death from below" sounds like a trap to me. Kill 10 zedds with it. It could be related to a gun, but I don't think so.

The Easter Egg may be a two stepper like in Moon. Rewrite History and be their pawn somehow indicate it. Or maybe it's again a two-side egg, and this time one achievement for each side. Rewrite history, could intend that you can either time travel within the map (reminding of shangri la), or that the map simply takes place in an early time.

I wonder what that candy delivery is. What is candy??


  Rissole25 said:
  XAvengedLullabyX said:
"When the Revolution Comes" seems pretty interesting. It could refer to the mysterious hillbilly, possibly if you don't give him enough candy he'll lash out, and we have the power to send him back to his cell in some way. (I also find it kind of interesting seeing as the map pack titles have been Revolution, Uprising, and Vengeance, all being some form of a rebellion or resistance of some sort. If it were to possibly relate to this, could it be about choosing one side over the other during Mined Games, in combination with your choices on previous maps?)

Yeah I think maybe this time we'll definitely have to choose sides with this one, being the penultimate map of Black Ops 2. With Revolution in the title, I thought maybe it could be a reference of the first map pack. But yeah, all the map packs have names of themes related to the Campaign. Perhaps the Revolution has something to do with Buried's backstory or the town maybe?

Maybe this town was used just like Shangri-La was (an abundance of 115, the prospect of hundreds of gold rush miners willing to work) but unlike the natives in Shangri-La, the miners caught on and revolted against harsh treatment and were killed? The mystery hillbilly might be a survivor of this, or a survivor in general, mutated by the exposure to 115 (allowing him to be of a large size/grow in size when fed candy)(If he is a survivor/knows of what happened there, he could possibly reveal plenty of backstory to this map and add more to what we know of the whole storyline).

I totally agree that this map will force us to choose which side we pick, probably allowing us to know more of either sides intentions (for us AND the world). The only other thing about revolution I could think of is within choosing sides, or an option to not choose a side due to what they learn in 'Buried'. The N4 isn't like the O4 in the fact that they most likely weren't brainwashed and used by Richtofen, meaning they have their own free will, and the only things leading them are voices of Richtofen and Maxis.


Revisionist History- This honestly to me is the or the second most interesting achievement from the list. For me there are two possibilities, and it could go with the side you choose for the EE.(Richtofen or Maxis) And it could honestly be a "step" or have two parts like moon for example. I think if you choose Richtofen perhaps the end result would be that the N4 die, and Richtofen has enough power from the spires, that in DLC 4 he will be stronger than ever. And for Maxis, this one is the most unlikely but perhaps there is some way we might end up going to the moon in buried.(through secret MTD's, the ghost, light teleportation like in TranZit) Why I say this is yesterday after the big update MrRoflWaffles tweeted "New map in space? Can't access directions unclear" and it came with this image of the zombies loading screen.

Now obviously with the update yesterday all the maps pretty much said "new" next to it but what about the one to the side? I'm surprised no one has really said anything about it. The "new" on the left is not on the earth, it is off the earth in space. I don't know if this is something we will get in Vengeance, maybe it is in Buried. It could also be a secrete Survival map featuring out O4? Either way....discuss


  TheNathanNS said:
^ I never got any "NEW" on the globe.

Me neither. Though I'm pretty sure that NEW is just indicating there's something "new" if you rotate the Earth all the way to the left. It's not necessarily pointing at the outer space...


MrDalekJD said the map takes place in Africa. He didn't quote a source so it's unconfirmed. However MMX tells us that there is indeed a meteor containing 115 located in central africa, according to coordinates found in-game. It would make sense if zombies were in africa, but why would an old replica western town be there?


  Electric Jesus said:
MrDalekJD said the map takes place in Africa. He didn't quote a source so it's unconfirmed. However MMX tells us that there is indeed a meteor containing 115 located in central africa, according to coordinates found in-game. It would make sense if zombies were in africa, but why would an old replica western town be there?

When the rockets went off and exploded on the earth, everything got closer together. So the "New" text and the Buried map SHOULD be on the left, in the Horn of Africa.


  Electric Jesus said:
MrDalekJD said the map takes place in Africa. He didn't quote a source so it's unconfirmed. However MMX tells us that there is indeed a meteor containing 115 located in central africa, according to coordinates found in-game. It would make sense if zombies were in africa, but why would an old replica western town be there?



Here's my analysis of it all:

Mined Games

In Buried, be their pawn.

Like the OP suggested, if it's the only Silver Trophy, it has to be the EE. Not to mention it pretty much says we're a pawn of Richtofen/Maxis. But then again, we could be getting tricked by the Hillbilly (I honestly think he's secretly Macklemore nah jk) and the Ghost. Like we get pawned off haha. However, these 2 definitions suggest something else:

1. Pawn (chess), the weakest and most numerous piece in the game- Either turn into a Zambie, or maybe, like I mostly think, we'll be tricked by who we follow?

2. Pawn, another name for a pledge (law) in certain jurisdictions- Be the law, AKA be a metaphorical sheriff, and lock up Zombies or free the Hillbilly.

Ectoplasmic Residue

In Buried, acquire a perk for free.

This is definetly from killing the Ghost Girl, though the means of which are what makes this interesting. My main belief is that the Hillbilly has to kill her, though it could always be something else.

I'm Your Huckleberry

In Buried, access all areas with the help of your new friend in one game.

I believe that the Hillbilly will be able to smash into certain areas that would be otherwise unavailable.

Death From Below

In Buried, drop the beat on 10 zombies in one game.

Perhaps the new perk has to do with Dubstep? I would also like a Sound Gun. But think about it, it says death from below, which means we'll obviously be shaking the ground, and then it says drop the beat.


In Buried, make a candy delivery.

Feed the Hillbilly, Duh.

Awaken the Gazebo

In Buried, Pack-a-Punch a weapon during round 1 with no one using the bank or Weapon Locker.

I bet the MAZE gives you TONS of points if you go all the way through it, or it's like a no-mans land.

Revisionist Historian

In Buried, rewrite history.

I don't know why, but this just makes me think of the EE. Perhaps it's a 2-step one.

Mazed and Confused

In Buried, survive an entire round within the maze on round 20 or higher.

That MAZE is gonna be difficult.

FSIRT Against the Wall

In Buried, purchase the LSAT off the wall and Pack-a-Punch it.

I bet that the Hillbilly has to break open an area for you to purchase it. Ehh... I'm honestly not too fond of LSAT's, but I'll do it lol. Hopefully we get an AN-94 in the box.

When the Revolution Comes

In Buried, return to processing.

I believe that this is either EE-related, or we enter a certain area.


  JMDogg said:
  Electric Jesus said:
MrDalekJD said the map takes place in Africa. He didn't quote a source so it's unconfirmed. However MMX tells us that there is indeed a meteor containing 115 located in central africa, according to coordinates found in-game. It would make sense if zombies were in africa, but why would an old replica western town be there?

When the rockets went off and exploded on the earth, everything got closer together. So the "New" text and the Buried map SHOULD be on the left, in the Horn of Africa.

The uncited source was Play The Game Central. The fed this info to him in the form of a "theory", and told him not to share that it was they who shared it. On their forums, however, they say they did tell Dalek and RadAustin this "theory". But I'm pretty sure most things PTG say are more than "theories." :roll:


Not to change the topic or anything, but I won't believe anything from PTG and Benn. They only got MOTD right from that inside source, but that doesn't change the fact their claims about previous maps were ALL wrong. Not to say Africa isn't the place, but we have a whole world to deal with, not to mention Benns word means nothing to me.

Anyway, I am actually surprised there are no achievements revolving around the RGM2 for this map.


I respect your opinions, if that's what you'd like to call them. But I was simply stating where I thought the map would be. If you people don't like Benn, take it up with him.


think back to our very first EE on ascension. Free Maxis. ive had the feeling for a while now that what side you choose on each ee will end up determining some sorta fate in the 4th dlc or perhaps this one. So id suggest doin the maxis EE for teh greater reward. Maby perma perks return like in moon and shangrila? Im not very knowlageble in the whole story, so maby one of you experts guys can make a connection witht he ascension easter egg and the buried EE's?

EDIT: If ascension freed maxis, call of the dead gave riftofin the golden rod, shangri la gave riftofin the foucusing stone, then on moon, riftofin used the rod and stone for that EE. maby transit, die rise and bured we help maixis is related to ascension where we free maxis. so maby change history to where maixs never get imprisioned. I think when we free maxis in ascension we pissed off sam and stared the chain of events for rictofin to take control. Maby we have the chance to reverse rictofin's control keep maxis from ever being imprisioned in the first place? Hell idk i cant make a connection right now..... lol :D


think back to our very first EE on ascension. Free Maxis.

We didn't free Maxis in that Easter Egg. He had nothing to do with Ascension. We freed Yuri ( I think, may have been Gersch. ) But we certainly did not free Maxis in Ascension.

The only reason Samantha had him trapped there was because she was lonely and wanted someone to talk to and play with. That's why she placed dolls and bears all around the Ascension labs and ultimately caused the outbreak at Ascension. Think about. For the O4 they went through 20 years in a second from teleporting. Samantha however was stuck in the Aether with no one to play with anymore ( since this was all a game to her) so she needed a new playmate.

Sorry for getting so off-topic.

Now on to the original topic.

The Achievement "Back to processing". I personally feel this will be for Maxis's side and won't affect the past but mainly push toward future events while Richtofens side seems to the one about re-writing history. He does want to change the world back to it's non-apocalyptic state and in order to do so he would want to go back before the rockets launched on moon but still after he gained control. Maxis does not want this and wishes to continue his advances of defeating Richtofen.

The achievements part is just a theory so please don't take this as me stating fact.


Don't get me wrong here, Benn is a total a**. However, I just like looking at his assumptions and trying to make theories on how such a map could connect to the storyline. I was amazed when Buried was revealed, because I didn't think it would truly be a map. However, it is also not right to continuosly leak information which could endanger whoever is stupid enough to give him info's job.

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