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Filler maps and next gen zombies

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First off if this is just a theory and if this has been covered before please have a mod delete this or bury it.

Now this will somewhat be saying that MotD is simply a filler map and why where Paris was going to fit in at. This is also something I've been thinking of for quite some time now.

As many of you know Kino Der Toten was suppose to be on WaW and Ascension was suppose to be the standard map for BO1. We know that this ultimately did not happen so here's how the maps were originally meant to be in order. This is shown I think by how Five and Ascension both happened at the same time yet did not release at the same time even though they were meant to.


- Nacht Der Untoten

- Verruckt

- Shi No Numa

- Der Riese

- Kino Der Toten

Black Ops 1

-Ascension/Five (this is because they occur at the same time

- CotD

- Shangri-La

- Where Paris was meant to be the 3rd DLC for BO1

- Moon.


- TranZit and NTZ

- Die Rise

- Buried

- ????

- ????

Now since both Kino and Ascension got pushed up the way they wanted the story to be told wouldn't work since each COD only get's 4 DLC's a year. I'm thinking they originally planned to end it with BO2 but the story and maps have thus pushed it so they have to put it on a 4th game. MotD was filler so the timeframe of 4 DLCS could work perfectly with their 4th game.

Here's our current story time frame


- Nacht Der Untoten

- Verruckt

- Shi No Numa

- Der Riese

Black ops 1

- Kino Der Toten and Five

- Ascension

- CotD

- Shangri-La

- Moon

Black ops 2

- TranZit and Nuketown

- Die Rise

- MotD

- Buried

- ????

this leaves a spot open for another game. Unless Buried has LOTS of story to cover this missing piece or there is a 5th DLC or they could just shorten it up and end it soon with the 4th DLC. I don't think so however because we have a lot to figure out still like cult known as the flesh and much more.

I hope some of you understand what I'm trying to say with this. Please if you're going to give criticism then at least be nice about it.


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Anything is possible I suppose, I couldn't say where the story will go until we at least see what's at the end for the Buried map. Things are twisting too much to even say what we will be doing.

I doubt this will conclude the zombie story, too many people but this game just for the zombie mode. Out of all the multiplayer maps, I did combat training for about 10 minutes on the skateboard map, and havnt tried any of the others because it's just not for me, as good a job as they've done on MP I just prefer working together against the AI, and I don't have to worry about a 12 year old zombie calling me names :lol:

I'm sure we'll see Paris eventually, wouldn't be the greatest final map in my opinion so maybe BO3 will have it. I just hope they break away from the "boss" zombies they've done since COTD, purely for originality purposes.

I don't mind toughter, bigger single zombies but I'm coming to the point where I am wondering what the next one will be, every other map would be fine to add one.

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I personally wish they would quit with the boss zombies. Like you said, having them on every other map would be fine though. I want to see more stuff like the Shreiker and Napalm zombies from Shangri-La.

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