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Buried Intro Analysis!

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Hey Guys, as you all should know our second last zombies map pack came out today, it hasn't answered many questions yet but the intro has answered and raised more questions, I'm here to address them!

If you all haven't watched the Intro to Buried you should before reading this theory so it makes sense: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4hMKNFoi5I

Now there are many interesting points in this intro, firstly, we find out that Russman isn't just some homeless nut-job a lot of us thought he was, taken directly out of the intro hes actually "A former Operative from Broken Arrow.", lets focus on this very statement for awhile. When it says former operative it shows Russman outside the building, presumably the Broken Arrow HQ with boxes beside him, just like a very cliche scene of someone being fired, I've googled broken arrow and went to the Wikipedia, there were multiple things such as movies and songs, but these two stuck out.

Broken Arrow (nuclear), a nuclear incident which is an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons, warheads or components but which does not create the risk of nuclear war.

Broken Arrow, a distress signal used in the US military to call in all available close air support aircraft to deliver air strikes in an area where US and allied forces are (or are in danger of) being overrun by the enemy. It was primarily used in the Vietnam War.

I feel the first definition is very relevant to the situation, because not only did he say he worked for 'Broken Arrow', Marlton also stated something about an incident, which is EXACTLY what a 'Broken Arrow' is, a Nuclear accident which doesn't threat Nuclear war, So maybe Russman caused one of these Nuclear accidents, I'll list a few examples that I found:

Accidental or unexplained nuclear detonation.

Non-nuclear detonation or burning of a nuclear weapon.

Radioactive contamination.

Loss in transit of nuclear asset with or without its carrying vehicle.

Jettisoning of a nuclear weapon or nuclear component.

Public hazard, actual or implied.

The main ones that caught my attention were Radioactive Contamination and Accidental or Unexplained detonation.

Radioactive Contamination: Russman could have worked with some Radioactive chemicals when he worked for Broken Arrow, maybe the accident was him colliding with some radioactive explosion, I remember seeing videos of nuclear testing grounds, where they'd detonate nuclear bombs and when it was over they'd go out into the grounds and check the damage out, this was in the late 1900's, so when the people who worked there got older, around the 2000's the radioactive effects kicked in, giving them numerous problems and diseases, such as cancers. Maybe this is what happened to Russman, him working with the Broken Arrow caused him to be contaminated, which has only now began to affect him, giving him severe memory loss, Alzheimer's and many other problems, sending him practically crazy, explaining why hes like this

Accidental or Unexplained detonation:This could make sense of The explosion in Nuketown, Broken Arrow may have caused this explosion, I know that it was caused by Richtofen and Maxis playing with the scientist's minds, said in a radio in tranzit, so maybe that was the 'Unexplained detonation.' the scientists going mad and causing it to detonate. So maybe Russman had something to do with Nuketown Zombies and so did Marlton, connecting them two and maybe explaining why they hate each other.

Directly after this, Russman is beginning to recover his memory, saying "A Town?" meaning 'Town' off Tranzit, followed by Marlton stating "That's where you found us!"

and most importantly followed by a picture of Marlton and Misty shooting Zombies, the Bus stopping revealing Samuel to be in it, followed by a statement by Misty saying "When we meet, you already had your lapdog in toe." meaning "We we met, you already had Samuel with you/Under your orders." so this confirms that:

1. The N4 Met in Tranzit.

2. Marlton and Misty met up before meeting with Samuel and Russman and same for the older two.

Then afterwards Samuel states hes the only one that knows whats going on, then Russman argues that Samuel only does what The German (Richtofen) tells him to, Marlton says something to the lines of:

"You can't judge him Russman, particularly given your own proclivities."

I have highlighted this statement because it is extremely interesting, I shrugged it off the first time watching but the word proclivities means this:

proclivities plural of pro·cliv·i·ty:

A tendency to choose or do something regularly.

This means Marlton is saying "You can't judge Samuel for following the German when you're often doing other objectives." The something he regularly does that Marlton is referring to can come down to this:

1. Following the orders of Maxis.

2. Leading the group to locations just like the beginning of the Video, where he is leading them to the rift.

A lot of this points to Russman being the leader of the group, knowing more than the others do.

The Rift

After Misty gives her motivational speech to the group Russman says something about the Rift being less than one day's travel, than a important looking meteor falls from the sky, causing a glow to pulse near the starting area of Buried.

Like so: http://imgur.com/a/aUj7R

If that is the rift like many have been saying, this is what it looks like on the map, up close: http://i.imgur.com/U3CU6Ea.jpg

So if that is the Rift, the final easter egg should do something with it, is it finally time to "Mend the rift.", If this is the rift, why is it so important and why has it only just appeared at the beginning of the cutscene and finally, how does Russman know where and what it is?

This is my first medium sized analysis so I doubt it will come to CoDz's standards of an Analysis, If anyone has made a bigger analysis that expands on alot of this I'll be glad to put it in the post, right down below.

Continued: ________________

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