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Old maps on final DLC?

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If you have a Season Pass, then you've already paid for the maps if they exist. So.. you wouldn't you WANT them since the price is FIXED for you? You get more maps for the exact same price, since you've pre-paid.

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I don't understand why people are suggesting that there will be a fifth DLC pack. Treyarch said that there would only be four. The season pass will only cover four DLC packs. Want proof? This is taken from the official website. "Buy the Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 DLC Season Pass and get all four epic DLC Map Packs, including the Revolution DLC Map Pack, for a discounted price *, plus an exclusive in-game calling card and access to the Nuketown Zombies bonus map."

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  ExperienceThis said:
I don't understand why people are suggesting that there will be a fifth DLC pack.

Because people want their "FEAR TEDDY".

That's why.


I remember seeing that "Fear Sam" stuff etc. in youtube comments a year ago.

And I was laughing my ass off.

But now people still insist on this "code" having any kind of relevance.


  Lenne said:
  ExperienceThis said:
I don't understand why people are suggesting that there will be a fifth DLC pack.

Because people want their "FEAR TEDDY".

That's why.


I remember seeing that "Fear Sam" stuff etc. in youtube comments a year ago.

And I was laughing my ass off.

But now people still insist on this "code" having any kind of relevance.

It may,but I doubt there will be a 5th map pack


I'd prefer they focus on new maps.

But if they were to port them, it would most likely be Kino der Toten, Ascension, Shangri-La and Moon. Like Flammen said, licensing issues and stuff would probably prevent FIVE and CotD from appearing because of their characters. I honestly think the Easter Eggs might be a problem. Without CotD, you can't do Moon EE. Plus no one would probably do them.


They don't have to be the same BO1 characters, they could be the O4 on CoTD and the CIA as the new "FIVE" characters.

Like we didn't have the Marines in Black Ops' Nacht or Verruckt.

I'd love to see completely new maps though as I think Treyarch have made enough money off old maps, such as Nuketown 2025, Studio and Uplink.

OK Nuketown was free but you get the idea.

I do NOT want to see Dead Ops returning. I hated that "map" so much.


  Lenne said:
  ExperienceThis said:
I don't understand why people are suggesting that there will be a fifth DLC pack.

Because people want their "FEAR TEDDY".

That's why.


I remember seeing that "Fear Sam" stuff etc. in youtube comments a year ago.

And I was laughing my ass off.

But now people still insist on this "code" having any kind of relevance.

I'm not saying that I believe in any of this "fear teddy" nonsense, but don't we only need one more map pack to make it possible?


die risE

Mob of the deaD


Last map Y

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People used the dlc names for "Fear Russ" right?

But since it's not possible anymore they just made something else up.

I just can't keep up with that "awesomeness" anymore.



The 5th map dlc thing comes from mrdalekjd. He made a vid where he was searching through codes and whatever and found something that said dlc 5


I do not think that we will see the return of many of the WAW maps and ANY of the BO1 maps...

WAW: Rules of Productions chapter 4: NEVER sell the same product more than twice, sure a grief map in Der Reise or verruct would be cool but we don't need all the maps back again for a 3rd time...

Black ops: Those maps were way too big... MAYBE kino will be seen again but NOT Ascension, Not COTD, NOT Shangri la, and Sadly, Not Moon.... Five is not a map I think they should return to either....

Some better Ideas:

along side the Epic map (s ;) ) We receive any combination of:

A schoolhouse map that shows some kick-awsome teenagers killing zombies

A Greif version of Kino or Der reise

Dead-ops arcade 2.0 (Sha-weet!)

A zoo map that doesn't feature any people zombies, however there will be monkeys, dogs, crawlers and other zombi-fied animals!

A drone map that features a kill-streak system for zombies

A vehicle map

Maps showing us the origins of misty, samule and russman and where they were durring the nukes....

The final DLC SHOULD be all about zombies, as there is WAY too much room for more, and NOT a lot of time to do it! GET GOING TRAYARCH!


  LJx19 said:
The 5th map dlc thing comes from mrdalekjd. He made a vid where he was searching through codes and whatever and found something that said dlc 5

This. I'll find the Article in a second but on the PS3s coding it clearly says dlc 1,2,3,4 & 5. They could just be the MP Personalization Packs or something but they have or will have release(d) 5 DLCs this game.

Edit - Found the Article. Here it is: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/User_b ... rs_surface


All DLC's for Black Ops 2:


Personalisation Packs/calling cards/extra slots/Nuketown Zombies/Nuketown 2025


Personalisation Packs 2


I'd count the Personalisation Packs/calling cards/extra slots/Nuketown2025/Nuketown Zombies as DLC 5, as they were all released at the same time. Or near the same time anyway.


  Stop mocking me0 said:
Dlc 5 could be referring to the nuketown 2025 or nuketown zombies stand alones....

Well, in the coding DLC_0 and DLC_ZM_0 is there so it's assumed those are both Nuketown remakes.

I just think DLC 5 is all the Camos they've added to Multiplayer.. Think about it, you've got both Nuketowns which weren't part of any DLC Packs, The 4 Map Packs and the ~10 DLC Camos they've released, totaling 5 DLC Packs not counting Nuketown.


  Pskgusky said:
Hey everyone. The 3rd DLC pack and information from the EEs have started to apear with some foreshadowing of the next Zombies map has gotten a few people talking about the final DLC (assuming there isn't going to be a 5th one that is rumored to happen). I'm not interested in what the new map is going to be, but I am interested in seeing if they bring back the old maps from WaW and BO like they did in the final DLC for BO. I have been wanting this to happen pretty much since the game first came out. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could play our favorite maps with the ability to "customize" the game play? My favorite map in Accession but the space monkeys are a real pain in the butt to deal with. It would be awesome if I could have to option to turn off the space monkeys like you can on Town (of course its dogs instead of monkeys).

What do you all think about this? Would you like to see Treyarch bring the old maps back with the option to edit gameplay/ and do you think it will happen?

I strongly believe a final DLC pack wont have only zombies. It worked for BO1 but the way that DLC sales are going for BO2 I don't think it will happen. It would be a step back in the direction we are going. I also don't want to pay for anymore maps that I already have. If they did this then they would have to sell the one map at a low cost like 400 Space Alards/$5 than bundle the rest of whatever shit they would push with it.

I also firmly believe that if they do bring back some maps it needs to be redesigned like how Halo does there MP maps. I don't want to pay for a port like GH did with there songs. Either way I think they see this and they wont do another all Zombies pack.


I guarantee you that DLC 5 was a portion of code from World at War. Remember, Kino Der Toten was going to be a DLC. In all of the coding I have seen, most of it is scrap from old games. I really do want another all zombies DLC. We've only got three modes in zombies after all of the hype for new modes, and even then we only have 2 turned maps and 4 grief maps. I think another all zombies DLC is needed to add more maps.


  Jake-Duck said:
I guarantee you that DLC 5 was a portion of code from World at War. Remember, Kino Der Toten was going to be a DLC. In all of the coding I have seen, most of it is scrap from old games. I really do want another all zombies DLC. We've only got three modes in zombies after all of the hype for new modes, and even then we only have 2 turned maps and 4 grief maps. I think another all zombies DLC is needed to add more maps.

Of course, I'm hoping for a new story map (Or two hopefully) along with a barade of new survival, greif, and turned maps and maybe even a new mode! (Dead ops arcade anyone?)

I can see Von. Now: (Big title anouncer text) "Dead ops arcade" V: "Back in the first black ops there was this 3rd person zombie mode called dead ops arcade, we desided to bring that back with a brand new twist!..."


They're not going to bring back Dead Ops Arcade. I can't remember the last time there were 100 people on that playlist. Most of the time, it has under 50 people playing it. Same with Shangri-La, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Nacht.

If they bring back any maps, it's going to be the ones that have the most traffic on BO1 (Der Riese, Kino, Ascension, maybe Five?).


  Jake-Duck said:
I guarantee you that DLC 5 was a portion of code from World at War. Remember, Kino Der Toten was going to be a DLC. In all of the coding I have seen, most of it is scrap from old games. I really do want another all zombies DLC. We've only got three modes in zombies after all of the hype for new modes, and even then we only have 2 turned maps and 4 grief maps. I think another all zombies DLC is needed to add more maps.

WaW only had three map packs, though, and Makin Day. Even then, there are those other code strings that wouldn't be accounted for.


  Lenne said:
  ExperienceThis said:
I don't understand why people are suggesting that there will be a fifth DLC pack.

Because people want their "FEAR TEDDY".

That's why.


I remember seeing that "Fear Sam" stuff etc. in youtube comments a year ago.

And I was laughing my ass off.

But now people still insist on this "code" having any kind of relevance.



Die Ris[E] - DLC 1

Mob of the dea[D] - DLC 2

Buried[D]- DLC 3

_ _ _ _ [Y] - DLC 4

DLC 5 would not fit in anywhere...and saying "Tranzit isn't dlc" leads to the fact that the only letters are eddy. Eddy....

OH SHIT. I think I started something.

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