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Juggernog for half price?


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There have been reports of some sort of persistent upgrade that would either double the points earned or halve the points spent.

This is just further proof. Next question is how do you get it?


I've gotten a green flash before if I get 10000 points during a double points, however it seems to have no effect. Perhaps it halves the price of things in subsequent double points, I know that whatever it is it's lost by not getting 10000 points in a double points. I need to look into this.


  A Drunk Soviet said:
I've gotten a green flash before if I get 10000 points during a double points, however it seems to have no effect. Perhaps it halves the price of things in subsequent double points, I know that whatever it is it's lost by not getting 10000 points in a double points. I need to look into this.

I've been noticing random green mist (on Die Rise) in front of me and it's been on double points. Then I've heard the sound of loosing the perk. When I get it & when I've lost it, I'm like what is causing that? I did notice it was on double points a few times. I have never checked my points score while in double points. Nice find & thanks.

Edit - BobbyofCanada has a thread were everything he bought was half pricehttp://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=152&t=33650&p=315773#p315773


I had jumped to the conclusion based upon what A Drunk Soviet said and made the assumption that once you have gained the Persistent Upgrade where you earn over 10000 points within a single Double Points, within all subsequent Double Points' (until you lose the Upgrade) you will be able to purchase things for half their original price. Both this and your Mystery Box incident take place within a Double Points. I hope this clears things up a little, and this is by no ways confirmed. This is just a logical assumption.


It doesnt need to be 10000 points, i have had it with 2000. When the next double points is active, everything you buy is half price. I have no idea how to keep it, i always lose it after the double points has finished.

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