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List of ALL Perma Perks!

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Hello, I decided to make this list since I've been doing some research into the perma perks lately and wanted to have a place to save what I found out, enjoy!

Layout Example:

Perma Perk Name

-how you get it

-what it does

-how you lose it

Super Revive

-get 15-17 revives (since buried came out, it seems your revives to get this perma perk will carry over from other games)

-revives faster, and even faster with Quick Revive

-fail to fully revive someone


-get multiple headshots back to back (use to be collateral headshot, but it seems to have changed)

-extra damage to the head (basically Double Tap but only for the head)

-no headshots for a full round


-get 50 barrier rebuilds in a game

-wooden barriers turn into steel barriers, which makes zombies take longer to get through barriers

-dont rebuild a barrier for a full round


-kill a zombie through a barrier after picking up a carpenter powerup (must kill the zombies before the "+200" shows up)

-makes carpenter powerups give steel barriers like the barriers perma perk

-dont kill a zombies through a barrier on the next carpenter

Perma Jug

-get downed before round ten 5-10 times (seems the amount of downs to get this perma perk has increased since buried)

-lets you take 4 hits without jug, and 6 hits with jug

-get downed after round ten

Red Insta Kill

-dont kill any zombies for multiple insta kills

-red insta kill powerup when you pick up an insta kill, which lasts for half the time as insta kill (15 seconds) and lets you run into zombies to kill them

-killing zombies during insta kill without using red insta kill

Cash Back

-go prone in front of a perk machine after buying it around 10 times

-gives you 1000 points after buying a perk

-dont go prone the next time you buy a perk

Teddy Bear

-hit the box before round ten about five times while taking every gun it gives you

-teddy bear on top of the box, which gives you a higher chance for better weapons

-goes away no matter what after round ten


-take fall damage around 10 times (only works on buried unfortunately)

-take no explosive damage, and make an awesome explosion that kills zombies until round 20 by dolphin diving off an incline (you still take falling damage)

-take fall damage again


-buy 4 perks before round 4 (lasts for multiple games so don't worry)

-when you get revived after being downed, you keep all your perks except for one (on solo it's always going to take quick revive obviously, but on coop it takes your least expensive perk)

-dont buy 4 perks after round 4 a few games after receiving this perma perk

Half Points

-get a lot of points on a double points, or get no points on a double points (someone please test which one it is)

-buy anything for half price on next double points

-get points on next double points

Pistol Points

-have horrible accuracy with a pistol by missing a lot of shots, then kill a couple zombies

-pistols now give you double points

-start getting better accuracy

Sniper Cash

-get a longshot with a sniper rifle

-your next sniper kills with you give you extra points in multiples of 30, and keeps adding 30 the more kills you get

-kill a few zombies with a sniper

Ray Gun

-must have never been to round 4 or higher on a zombies map, buy the olympia, shoot all of its ammo, then buy ammo

-when you buy the olympia or ammo for the olympia, it gives you a ray gun

-go to round 4 or higher

So I hope you guys enjoyed this full list of all the perma perks! I will be sure to keep this updated when new information comes out.

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