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NAZI ZOMBIES: Samantha: 'Removing the Barrier' & 'Infinite'

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[uPDATE] This is an old post, my theories have changed since I made this. I don't actually think there is another entity called 'The Blackness', however, keep the idea of "Removing Samantha" in mind. In the comments section of this post I talk about two alternate Samantha's, two with completely separate goals. We have the Origins Samantha, and the German Samantha. For all we know, the Origins Samantha could be this so-called 'Blackness' that I was talking about. If you'd actually want to get into the discussion, refer to the reply section! It's fun talking about this!


Men, welcome once again.

I will be talking about 'the price of removing Samantha's barrier' and 'the infinite'.


I assume that you all know by now that Samantha was the puppet of Satan (The Blackness) himself. From Night to Der Riese she haunted our hallways. We were her play-things, and we were in her sandbox. When playing in her sandbox, she would always liked to be alone. She loved her toys and her sets so much that if anybody else interfered her play things, she would f****** break you.

Now that I've told you that, I'd like to talk about something quite small, and went unquestionable in the past. Imagine yourself in 'Der Reise' once again. I want you to look up to the sky. How messed up does the sky look?


Doesn't it look absolutely f******?

Now, let's look at the dates between Alcatraz and Der Riese. Alcatraz was set in 1933, and Der Riese is set in the 30's also. Now, I'm not saying that these two maps are in correlation with eachother, but the time frame in these two maps are very close to eachother. That being said, we all understand that every map we've seen so far isn't in real-time and they're in their own time-bubbles. But during all of this... I think the Storyline Team (The Future Zombies team) had always had something up there sleeves. An initial plan. And it could be the reason why Der Riese & Alcatraz are two most important maps in Nazi Zombie history. Not, of the storyline itself, but because they are both in direct correlation with eachother because they are both, 'Hell on Earth'.

On that note, let's talk about Samantha now. Samantha was definitely in control, but above her part we have the Devil himself (Or The Editor). It's fair enough that she controls the rewards you get in this game, but it is definitely the Devil himself who controls her. She is the 'Barrier' between Hell (Argartha) & the real world- our world. Also, she is not the Demonic Announcer!
Now, let me show you chart to reassure you of what I'm trying to explain to you.


Samantha is basically, our shield. Outside of Der Riese is presumed 'Hell on Earth' like it is on Alcatraz. The whole of Der Riese is being protected by the entity that is Samantha. It's her play-box. Everything outside of that 'bubble of time' are two worlds colliding with eachother. 'Worlds Collide'. To restore balance to the world, we must put Samantha back in her place! The whole idea of the sky in Der Riese is basically space & time being collided into one dimension. It's the reason for Hellcatraz to even exist. Forget about The Editors 'time loop' and focus on why these two world initially collided? Why is Maxis doing this?

What is his main goal? Sure, I bet you've heard that he wants to switch places with Samantha in Argartha, but what is his next goal? Time & space are collapsing in with eachother. Why would he put Samantha out in this world again? He as showed no real intention to be 'God-like', this is very unsettling.



I am going to make this short. I feel as if our world is slowly turning into infinite. Meaning, no time span. You see the past, you see the future. That is it. 'Hell' is also part of the Infinite. We know why Richthofen wants to do this. If we mend the rift he will be able to access the Infinite. What intrigues about the Buried Side Quest, is that we didn't even touch Vril technology or use Vril-energy to access the infinite at all. This just concludes Richthofen's power. I think we will be seeing more of the 'Infinite' in the next map. I also think that Maxis will need to get his hands on the real "Artifact" to research more into it's power. That's all I have to say about this. Thank you for reading my post! Leave your thoughts below please!


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its interesting to think that Samantha, playing with our 4 friends in her "sandbox", was actually perhaps protecting them from a harsher reality.

now to get timeframes correct, Der Reise was not place in the 30's but sometime after 10/1/45 per viewtopic.php?f=100&t=11967 (fantastic thread by Tac regarding timeframes all backed by specific evidence) so I don't think that der reise and mob of the dead happening concurrently while the darkness or whatever you are calling it is controlling the majority of the world and Sam is just in charge of that little bubble near Breslau Germany.

also disagree that every map is in its own time bubble. in the early maps Waw and early black ops 1 these maps were very chronological in their order. Don't know if you're relatively new to the zombies full story as opposed to just black ops 2's part, but we pretty much know without a doubt the time frames and chronological order of what has taken place. has there been some time travel? yes via the MPD and DG-2.

interesting theory nonetheless. it is something we have to think about, as with the monumental success of zombies in BO1 and 2 i can't imagine them abandoning it for the game in 2014. if they resolve the Richtofen/Maxis family feud in the last DLC there would have to be somewhere to go further... good read though my friend thanks for posting


The Earth is not in control of the "Editor" as you say, during that time nor even present time. The Alcatraz was kind of purgatory, the character we played were dead so that is why the Devil, Vril, Satan, Editor, what ever you like to call him had control on them.

So everything out side of Der Riese or what ever map we were at a time wasn't under chaos until the rockets hit to create the global apocalypse.


this thread hurt my brain :cry:

how do you know "The Editor" is the Devil, whos to say The Editor isnt a actual being (since Weasel DID have some one else handwriting correcting his icarus comic)

  • 7 months later...

Please don't bump this thread by writing the word "bump". There is a button you can use near the top of the thread if enough time has passed.

Also it looks quite rude considering you took the time to do that, and not to respond to the varied counter-points to your theory.

Here at CoDz we submit pretty much every idea to conjecture. If you can't give solid premises, your conclusion will not be accepted.


  On 3/10/2014 at 3:42 AM, MegaAfroMan said:

Please don't bump this thread by writing the word "bump". There is a button you can use near the top of the thread if enough time has passed.

Also it looks quite rude considering you took the time to do that, and not to respond to the varied counter-points to your theory.

Here at CoDz we submit pretty much every idea to conjecture. If you can't give solid premises, your conclusion will not be accepted.

You could of just PM'd me your problem instead of posting it on here. I actually thought you had something worthwhile to say. 

This is quite sad.


  On 3/10/2014 at 4:08 PM, The Editor said:


Please don't bump this thread by writing the word "bump". There is a button you can use near the top of the thread if enough time has passed.

Also it looks quite rude considering you took the time to do that, and not to respond to the varied counter-points to your theory.

Here at CoDz we submit pretty much every idea to conjecture. If you can't give solid premises, your conclusion will not be accepted.

You could of just PM'd me your problem instead of posting it on here. I actually thought you had something worthwhile to say. 

This is quite sad.


MAM wasn't pointing out something he disagreed with personally he was stating the rule and expectations. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean they are not "Worthwhile"


  On 3/10/2014 at 4:08 PM, The Editor said:

You could of just PM'd me your problem instead of posting it on here. I actually thought you had something worthwhile to say. 

This is quite sad.


The arrogance and rude nature of your response is expected seeing as you are from "that" side of the community.


Here is something worthwhile... This is not your theory... it's Benn's, and It is highly flawed. Why don't you come up with your own interpretation of events instead of passing someone else's off as your own!?


He is NOT the messiah... he's a very naughty boy.


The same could be said for your post, however what cannot be said is the following:

My posting in this thread was to prevent you from being bombarded with similar "tips" on how to properly bump, and to prevent others from wasting their time repeating what I said.

Where as your response to my post only affects me.

Likewise it's rather entertaining that your only responses haven't even been to the comments which actually were about your threads content.

You're just making yourself look worse.

I suggest you turn it around and start responding the posts on topic, and ignoring the ones like mine which are moreso off topic.

Good luck with your thread.


The main problem I - and I assume everyone else has - (besides the fact that this is largely based on Benn's theories) is that you keep on changing the subject around far too many times right after you've introduced it to us.

It feels like I'm reading a summary of a summary of someone's theory.  




I want you to look at the sky. How messed up does the sky look?


Right after that you should have an argument or statement ready. You should explain why the sky is of importance to your theory -  you need to inform the reader why you've included this in your thread.

But right after that comes a new paragraph about something completely different.


Of course, you don't have to explain everything. But if your theory in general deviates a lot from most theories out there, then you should explain or elaborate the things that are most vital to your theory. All to avoid confusion.


Hope this helps. :)



  On 3/10/2014 at 4:31 PM, DeathBringerZen said:


You could of just PM'd me your problem instead of posting it on here. I actually thought you had something worthwhile to say. 

This is quite sad.


The arrogance and rude nature of your response is expected seeing as you are from "that" side of the community.


Here is something worthwhile... This is not your theory... it's Benn's, and It is highly flawed. Why don't you come up with your own interpretation of events instead of passing someone else's off as your own!?


He is NOT the messiah... he's a very naughty boy.


Zen, why are you talking about Benn? This has nothing to do with him. 

  On 3/11/2014 at 3:35 AM, The Editor said:

Zen, why are you talking about Benn? This has nothing to do with him. 



Your theory is completely based on his "world colide" theory. It is basically 95% his with a little bit of your own interpretation thrown in. You can't deny it. Even he said in one of his videos that the sky was important, and that Der Riese was all futurepoof etc.


  On 3/10/2014 at 4:52 PM, Samara said:

The main problem I - and I assume everyone else has - (besides the fact that this is largely based on Benn's theories) is that you keep on changing the subject around far too many times right after you've introduced it to us.

It feels like I'm reading a summary of a summary of someone's theory.  



I want you to look at the sky. How messed up does the sky look?


Right after that you should have an argument or statement ready. You should explain why the sky is of importance to your theory -  you need to inform the reader why you've included this in your thread.

But right after that comes a new paragraph about something completely different.


Of course, you don't have to explain everything. But if your theory in general deviates a lot from most theories out there, then you should explain or elaborate the things that are most vital to your theory. All to avoid confusion.


Hope this helps. :)

It sure does. 

I do admit that I don't really word things well... It's an old post and I've improved since then. The idea I was trying to get was there are two worlds in the Zombies Universe. The first is where Samantha is watching us as if we are the toys in her sandbox- quite literally- and the second is the world...how would I best describe it? It would be as if we've been purged from her sandbox. The point I was trying to get at when looking up to the sky in 'Der Riese' was that, I think, may be to do with something happening in the future to make it appear like that. It's just general speculation really, and there probably isn't anything to it, however. This was only what sparked this idea I had in mind.


I thought it be fun to write out the what I think of the science behind Zombies and what everything means to me in the storyline and end it with the conclusion of this discussion. I hope you enjoy reading my...spectrum of the storyline, it took me a while to string things together, to make you better understand the things I talk about in my discussions! 


Most of us now understand what this storyline now circles around; never-ending cycles and pockets in time (bubbles of time), and what do these bubbles of time consist of? Significant events that occurred in different cycles of the Zombie Storyline. Given what the storyline has succumbed to...timetravel... There is more than one version of the Zombie storyline, or I could just say that there are hundreds upon hundreds of different versions, but I will only be talking about the most significant versions.

The strange thing about this story is that however it began, to me it's increasingly becoming more & more irrelevant as the story progresses.


[LINE ONE] World at War

At first we had a solid lines starting from  Verrukt, Shi No Numa to Der Reise. This was the first Line where we understood our characters intentions, especially Edward's. I don't want to go far in-depth of the first storyline but I do want to talk about our characters (including Richtoven's) losing their memories. It was clear to us in World at War that Edward wanted to conduct experiments on his allies on the use of 'Ununpentium' (115) and log how it affect their behavior and how it may be the cause of them losing their minds. It was also implied that Element 115 was the cause of the Zombie outbreak, however this never seen the light of day because it wouldn't make sense for Element 115 on it's own to cause the dead to be undead, and I also have a theory on how- given past events- it actually happened. 



[LINE TWO] Black Ops

The second line occurs in the Black Ops era, and this is the story where we think we all understand, but this theory proves otherwise. From start to finish, from Ascension to Moon, it's hard to accurately pinpoint where we are in the story, because from Ascension to Shangri-La, there is no storyline at all. There's no main object for our characters except for Richtoven's, but even he is losing his mind. 

"Why do our four characters appear in "Night" and "Asylum", as well as the last two?" - This question doesn't get answered very well because most just assume it's a marketing ploy; which is correct but everything must have a reason. A more detailed answer to that question will come eventually but right now I want to tell you what I think the whole premise of Black Ops: Zombies consists of and why. The more obvious answer would be "Time Travel", but hopping from Russia over to Siberia without the use of the "M-T-D" (Matter-Transference-Device) does not make any sense at all, but to be frank, the game in general does not make any sense at all. 


It has been said in the long run of Zombies by various fanatics that our characters that take place in 'Der Riese' are dying every second due to the cycle of things, this includes every map we see in Black Ops, except for Shangri-la. You can see the clock ticking back and forward on the same digit in the factory every time to you play it. The most important thing I like to say to people about Black Ops is that each event we find ourselves in do not take place in the same stream of time. They occur in different realities. There's a big hint towards it in Ascension, where the the Gersch Device sucks the Zombies into the vortex, the reason why the device is not sucking you into the device is because you belong in that reality of time, and the Zombies do not.

If you don't know what I mean, just think of Doctor Who: Series Two: "Doomsday", where the rift vacuums anything that has parallel-particals will succumb to the vortex and be sent back to wherever it originated from. When our characters enter the vortex we are ported to the same reality, Ascension.


This is the developers telling us straight up that we did not time-travel from the Kino to Ascension. As go for the rest of the maps...It's the same case. The amazing thing about these events happening, is that our characters may be dying the same death over and over again, but as soon as we start playing we are slowly mending time itself to make these event seem linear. Turning their defeats into victories, and this is the science of the Zombie storyline. What I'm trying to get to is that there might be a definitive point in the future of the storyline that tells us everything that had occurred-occurred for a reason, and by our characters realizing these two realities were separate would eventually have them come to the realization that there was a world before theirs and that their world is colliding with theirs. This may be the defining answer to why there are writing in chalk on the walls of the original maps in World at War, because it was our four heroes that originally wrote it in Black Ops. This was why I said World At War is increasingly becoming irrelevant. 



I said before that there are many different versions of the storyline that it took due to time travel, and you probably get the picture already. However I'd still like to add something about the Matter-Transference-Device. The majority think that this machine can make you travel backwards and forwards in time, more specifically the same time-stream. The truth is that it cannot make you travel backwards and forwards into, but it can however make you travel through time, meaning. That it will be able to port you into other realities. This theory immediately rules out the idea of Kino Der Toten occurring in the same time stream as World At War's, and it could potentially be the reason why Kino Der Toten was pushed back for the release of Black Ops, again everything has a reason. 


["The Worlds Collide Theory"] 

DeathBringerZen thinks Benn was the first person to think of this theory. He is false. In fact, "Worlds Collide" is only a reference to a song title, there's no real recollection of them talking about what it actually means either on the their forum or their YouTube channel...until somebody in that side of the community gave it meaning. The theory is about our characters in the storyline whose soul purpose is to break the chain of events, by mending time itself. Right now it is unclear how they are able to jump from one reality into another, but it's pretty clear that the chain of events started ever since they entered the time-vortex in Origins once they completed their quest. Once you enter the vortex you land straight back into 'Night' and by doing certain things in these maps you break the chain of events for time to mend, this must be done for all four original maps. The main objective is to 'Break the Cycle', however by doing this may cause severe consequences. The problem we have encountered here is that in reality, they have done this before, and look where that has lead us to? Considering what the future may hold for us, it doesn't sound too good. It's probably the reason why we've come back to fix the cycle, because we have already done this...In Black Ops 1...understand? 


If you have read and understood all I've been saying, then you would understand that all the maps that our four heroes have been in occur in a linear stream of time, and theoretically if they broke the cycle once before, then the following would have been catastrophic due to the paradox being rewritten and the rockets from Moon hitting Earth. Maxis' initial plan was to launch the rockets into the Earth, so that once we break the cycle the events following would all occur at the same time in one linear time-stream for the rockets to not just hit in its own reality, but every reality following from Night to Moon. This is the reason why Tranzit exists and why we see Nacht there as well.


And if you thought the storyline would just suddenly be over just like that, you are wrong. Our four heroes still need to 'Break the Cycle'and finally end it all...except something is missing, Samantha is watching us no more... Nobody really knows what else lurks in the Ether, but whatever it is, Samantha isn't there anymore to shield it from reality. "Mob of the Dead" is everything to expect if we are not in Samantha's "Sandbox", but the question still stands. 

What of Der Riese? Is the sky a real indicator of what is happening outside its bubble?

What of Nacht?


  On 3/11/2014 at 7:03 AM, The Editor said:

I do admit that I don't really word things well... It's an old post and I've improved since then.

It sure does. 


Then accept my apologies for being negative towards you, but I have found that several members from the PTG side of the community can tend to be very negative at times, so expected the same here.


  On 3/11/2014 at 1:33 PM, DeathBringerZen said:


I do admit that I don't really word things well... It's an old post and I've improved since then.

It sure does. 


Then accept my apologies for being negative towards you, but I have found that several members from the PTG side of the community can tend to be very negative at times, so expected the same here.



If you are talking about the forum, then yes. They are quite negative, but that's only because they are extremely tolerant towards eachother. In terms of creativity on the forum there isn't so much. This is why I sometimes come to this forum to get more feedback, yet still being very active on that one. There are reasons why they are negative towards certain things, and it's mostly because of the Zombie storyline- mainly because it's a Zombies driven forum. There used to be a lot of people who really invested their time in the game to create theories for the story and where it can take us, but that suddenly died down on the release of Black Ops II. Since its release a lot of their community had died down and most of them were replaced by these...new people who are not creative at all, to be quite honest. I'm not trying to bitch about them on here, we just don't have a "community" anymore.

Extinction mode isn't bringing anybody back either and the story for that gamemode is starting to get really good, but no. There's no more "community" for us.


This is why we are so negative for the most part, Zen.


That was very well put, and I completely understand where you are coming from. Black Ops 2 left a bad taste in most peoples mouths and it also broke down a once strong community. Shame.

Anyway, again my sincerest apologies. :)


The reason you received so much heat right away is because of your bump. You could have answered one of the points raised about your original post, like Der Riese being in 1945, and then naturally "bumped" your thread while adding new info. Instead you chose to ignore those replies all together and just write bump, like their points didn't matter. Then you were rude when this was pointed out to you. Not the best way to get positive feed back on your theory. 


All that being said, I am inclined to agree with the general idea of your thread. I've been thinking of alternate dimensions being a bigger part to the story for a while. Mostly because its the only way I can make sense of Origins, and still have the story matter. There are some things I question about your theory, but I still question things about my own to be honest. The ending did make a mess of things. Once time paradox's and infinite alternate realities come into play, then the story means absolutely nothing. The story behind each map would be as relevant as if it was a game being made up step by step by two kids, which is still a strong possibility. But if we are limited to a certain number of dimensions that occur on 1 timeline, then the story can have a lot of freedom, but it all can matter and be relevant. Everything from The Weasel escaping MotD, to the old WaW story line is still important. Thats why I like the idea of only three dimensions. Ours, the Aether, and Argatha. They are places already introduced to us, so they must fit into the story in some way. So if we set the alternate reality maps there, like Origins and MotD, we can still make sense of the story in a way. But I think the dimensions begin to merge after the rockets hit, while you seem to think they merge at the rockets hitting. 


As most of us probably think, there is a lot more to Der Riese than we yet to understand. This is the place where the Aether is mentioned all over the walls and where Maxis was doing tests with an endgame of reaching Argatha. A place where the sky is purposely weird and the clock is stuck at a single repeating moment. We also know that the along with the eclipse, the Black Sun was written about on the chalkboards and the Black Sun logo seems to be on the Argatha zombies on Origins, who even in the crazy place, are coming from another dimension. So trying to understand Der Riese and Origins does allow for a lot of creative theorizing. 


I think your theory is something similar to what I'm thinking. Some problems I had with yours, were firstly that you said "this theory proves otherwise". Its a good theory and one I agree with on some parts, but theories and ideas don't prove anything, no matter how hard we convince ourselves. I've been convincing myself lately that Maxis' radios on Origins are like Al's journal on MotD. Its his own record of how he explains the craziness of the place he is in, as Al draws pictures of seeing ghosts. Meaning this map was possibly his "hell" after he got shot on Moon, and he was stuck here reliving the nightmare over and over till he somehow "broke the cycle", freed himself like the Weasel did, and ended up in the machines on Moon. Then the original 4 end up there after they die, adding aspects of their own to the map. Thats a theory I've been pushing toward in my head, but one that has many holes and issues. I can make some points to justify it, but nothing is proven. 


Second issue I had was you state that after Der Riese, the original four begin to jump around on different timelines. But then you end with they all needed to occur on a linear time line at the same time. Thats why Tranzit and Nacht are together. So you are saying that all the events and timelines all meet up when the Moon rockets hit? So after Der Riese, the Orignal 4 were sent to a Nacht, Verruckt, Kino, Call of the Dead, Shangri La, and so on, timelines? Meaning all those maps occur at one universal time, even though its seems like different time periods, and then are all hit by the rockets, remerging together? Is that what you were thinking? Was having trouble following that part.


And the last issue I have is the concept of Sam putting a safety bubble around us. The main point of the story, introduced back in WaW, is that Sam wants to kill us. Yes, she is toying with us, like its a game, but her goal is to kill us since Richtofen killed her dad. This is made clear by the events on Der Riese, and then reinforced on Moon. So why would she want to put a safety bubble around us while the rest of the world was falling apart. And why would the rest of the world be doing fine in Five, Call of the Dead, and later maps like Tranzit and Die Rise which clearly evolved since WWII? 

Second issue I had was you state that after Der Riese, the original four begin to jump around on different timelines. But then you end with they all needed to occur on a linear time line at the same time. Thats why Tranzit and Nacht are together. So you are saying that all the events and timelines all meet up when the Moon rockets hit? So after Der Riese, the Orignal 4 were sent to a Nacht, Verruckt, Kino, Call of the Dead, Shangri La, and so on, timelines? Meaning all those maps occur at one universal time, even though its seems like different time periods, and then are all hit by the rockets, remerging together? Is that what you were thinking? Was having trouble following that part.



There's one thing you forgot to mention. Our characters died in Der Riese, it was portrayed in the music video. In fact our characters were meant to die in all the maps, given it's round based. Most users in the community cannot grasp onto the fact that this is an actual story to scare children. I personally hate telling people my theories, but you seem to heavily grasp it the story, so... I may as well tell you everything I think is going to happen in the next game. I will also talk about the Lost theory.


Our "Original Characters" did not originate from Origins, Night, Swamp and so on... They originated from the future. They were born in the future to live in the future, they also come with different identities and different personalities. The future they were brought up in is quite different than ours however, the Zombie apocalypse is still amongst them. They were born with it, no idea how and no idea when. The reason their world is like this is because we broke a fix point in time. Once we break a fix point in time it would cause our reality to inevitably restart, as everything that happened before technically never existed in the eyes of humanity. With this being it would cause collateral damage, and this 'collateral damage' is causing the different realities to collide into one reality. In this case, it would be the reality foreseen in Green Run, where we see Night and even Five in this area. Green Run happened because of the rockets hitting Earth, however there is more to it. Once the rockets hit Earth, Ludwig Maxis knew that they would attempt to break the chain of maps, so he planned in advance that rockets hit Earth at this exact time. So that it wouldn't just hit it in real-time, but since multiple realities are caving into one the rockets would hit all realities at the same time. This includes parallel worlds like Origins. But time is running out. 


Humanity lives on after this, eradicating the horrors, forming moshes and surviving. This is when I think it starts, my eyes are on Thomas Dempsey for this- that won't be his name, but it could be anybody in the group. I think that Dempsey one night has a vivid dream, an epiphany maybe, where he dreamed of him of him fighting along side with his "crew" in a past life. Where in his adventures he discovers why his final endeavors lead him to be here. So he began to write about the story, then it became popular with people. Then eventually the story was used as a scare tactic to educate young people about what's really out. Then inevitably over the popularity of the story it soon became merchandise.  This is somewhat the reason why Samantha is playing with her "Zombie toys" (merchandise), she is obviously convinced that it's real... Humanity is convinced as most of our population are convinced the stories in the Bible are real...

(just saying)


This is where are story begins, because well, time is messed up. The reason why we are going into these events happening within the storyline is because our crew were sent from the future to mend time. And there is a way to do this but it if it's true if might be very discrete... I call this the Dream Theory, but I could of chosen a less generic name. In their future they had no idea where the origin of their world came from until Thomas (Tank) had wrote about it. Once they understood that what they were dealing with derived from a vivid dream he had, they would then try to access his mind to find its routes, in which they did. To access his mind they would need to hook his head up to something called a machine that could handle Aether Projections, unveiling his third-eye. The Aether Projectionist knew a way for him to enter his dreams, but he couldn't do it alone. 

Here is a video that explains what I'm talking about: 


This is the part where I start posting links of importance. 


The science behind the Dream Theory is quite simple. Due to World's Colliding with eachother, it all has to transfer from somewhere in time and space. It is caused by a Crack in time (A lot of this stuff is from DW). This crack in time is either and entrance or a gateway to another reality. Even if I've said that all realities have collided, we can still travel back in time using this, however. It is highly dangerous and once a man enters this crack your body will eviscerate but your "soul" will live on; lost in another dimension. In this case, your Soul is what collects your memories, thoughts and traits until you your brain receives them. The Aether Projectionist- let's just call him that- found a way to enter the crack in time as a means of safer travel. They would first need to pinpoint an origin, a place to meet up. In that case it would be in Origins, where after they complete a few steps they enter this vortex some people like to call... "The Rabbit Hole".


After they have found the location in time they would need to need plug you into the machine that does the job. This machine is a Mine-Saver programmed to pinpoint the time and location from the "dream" and for it to initially transfer your mind and soul into the Crack in time putting you into a dreamstate, in which your mind reinstates itself into the mind of your previous ancestor's, in this case, you but from another reality. By doing this your soul from your original body replaces the constant and syncs within eachother. Meaning you have become that person, however the memories of which you had before have been eradicated, but. This time you are able to regain your memories each time you progress.

Don't understand or believe it can't happen? Look at Samantha and compare her too how much we progress through the Easter Egg, she begins to sound more consumed and more demonic than usual. Also when our characters first meet up in Origins they begin- just for a second- to realise who they were, Richtoven didn't look happy either when he was sawing out Maxis' Brain. As we progress through this Easter Egg time slowly changes around us until everything we are all in sync. 


This became clear to me that once we enter The Rabbit Hole the man who brought us into Origins would have control of where they go. The Aether Projectionist. As I said the instructions were clear in Night leading upto the Theater were clear as day. All call these maps The Darkness. In the past we had been given instructions on what to do in the future; the writings on the walls mainly. I'll tell you what I think they mean quickly:

"Ascend from Darkness" - Ascend from this Darkness

"(T)Eddy is a Liar" - Here is a link talking about what it actually means, excuse the outlet... http://www.playthegame.co/forum/topics/eddy-is-a-liar-the-memento-theory-conclusions-answers


"Embrace the Trinity and true power will be yours" - Other words, break the cyle of events.

"Return through Aether" - â€‹Der Riese 

"Brimstone to Damnation" - In other words, this is only the beginning to something imaginably evil. 

"Return through Aether Projectionist" - Kino der Toten


There's one thing I don't fully understand is why there are the Grim Reaper Blood Stains in Ascension and Five? Maybe it was a mistake Treyarch made, but before I realized they were in there as well as the old maps I thought it was mainly to do with The Darkness. And no, I do not think it is an entity. The Darkness, to me us what consumes everything that Samantha cannot barricade for us anymore. I don't know if it may become an entity, but there might be an external force that drives the horrors to consume us... Who knows man?

Just ideas.


I said I would talk about the Lost theory. The numbers we hear in Verrukt next to the generator once we turn on the power are the same numbers used in the number station and the same numbers Hugo used to win the Lottery in the show. They were having normal lives until they boarded Oceanic Flight: 815 and crashed into the island. Two realities served a purpose, one where they didn't crash on the Island and the other where they did. The purpose was for these realities served as their purgatory, their redemption. The reality in which they did not crash is the reality which served as their purgatory and the Island served as the place where they must rejuvenate themselves or just... recreate themselves. If they died on that island they would appear in other reality where they carried on living from not crashing on the Island. Then once everybody was ready to move on, to die on the island, they would do so. 

This is why that Easter Egg served its purpose in World at War. It was speaking about the other reality, and the other reality is Black Ops: Zombies.





And the last issue I have is the concept of Sam putting a safety bubble around us. The main point of the story, introduced back in WaW, is that Sam wants to kill us. Yes, she is toying with us, like its a game, but her goal is to kill us since Richtofen killed her dad. This is made clear by the events on Der Riese, and then reinforced on Moon. So why would she want to put a safety bubble around us while the rest of the world was falling apart.  And why would the rest of the world be doing fine in Five, Call of the Dead, and later maps like Tranzit and Die Rise which clearly evolved since WWII?


I actually don't know. She isn't aware that she is doing it, she is trapped in the Aether. I'm not entirely sure, I guess the real question you should be asking yourself is "Why has she?". We get it, we are her toys, she is the narrator of the storyline. Maybe something happens to her in the future? I mean in the next game future. Maybe she plugged into a machine which also transfers her soul into the Aether. That sounds weird, but to be honest I just thought of it in this moment in time. Maybe the reason why Samantha is American in Origins is because in another reality, she was.

]I don't know, I'm just thinking on the spot. Maybe it's this "Origins Samantha" that protects us, not the evil German one. Maybe, the reason our four heroes wrote "(T)Eddy is a Liar" in Der Riese is exactly when everyone's memories from their previous ancestry begin to sync in with everybody, including Samantha's, and they find out that all of this was Edwards fault. Afterwords they come to the crucial decision on whether they should keep Edward alive. Maybe by killing Edward we would be able to break the cycle, just like what happened in Alcatraz.


Sorry if this was a long read.  I tend to go full out when trying to get my ideas and theories across. You seemed interested so I couldn't stop myself!


"Sorry if this was a long read.  I tend to go full out when trying to get my ideas and theories across. You seemed interested so I couldn't stop myself!"


I have the same problem. When I start going I can't stop sometimes. I didn't make it through your video yet, and I have no interest in signing up with PTG so I can't check your link, but did read the theory. Not bad. Its like a 12 Monkeys Assassin's Creed mix. I do have a few questions for you. 


First is, what in the story line points to them coming from the future? The Aether projectionist could just be a reference to either Sam or the other thing in the MPD with her (which you might be saying is the future being anyway). They are the ones materializing the drops and boxes and even the hell hounds. They are projecting things from the Aether realm on to ours. Not saying you are wrong, since your theory could be real as any other. Just curious what other things point to a future interference.


And I was also curious as to why the realms are all colliding as the rockets hit? You are saying that Maxis knew this, so it sounds like he is the one behind sending them back from the future to fix the crack. But then doesn't that restart the loop all over again?


Lost SPOILERS: And its funny you bring up Lost cause I think my theory is kind of like that. It wasn't ever two separate parallel realities at the end. The Island had nothing to do with them going to "purgatory" or the alternate reality. They went there after they died no matter what. Everyone in the world did. Half the people on the show didn't die on the island but were still there at the end. Jack's Dad died before they even went to the island and Kate and some others escaped and probably lived on for years before they ended up at the same spot with the others. It was just a mix up of afterlife themes and religions, which is something I think Treyarch is doing in the game. Taking different religious themes like 666, Cerberus, Aztec gods, greek gods, Japanese gods, Norse gods, Faust, and so on and so on, and then using these themes to hide some other power in the game. The Ancient evil or the Vrill Ya or whatever it is. Its obviously something technologically advanced since it built the MPD, and its something that collects souls for energy. Its like Kane from Poltergiest. Instead of sucking Carol Anne through the TV to use her life to guide them to the light, the Ancient Evil has sucked Samantha into the MPD and is using her and Richtofen for some unknown purpose. 


Unlike the show Lost though, where they all meet up at the same exact time when they die, I think its more like the What Dreams May Come effect. Robin Williams was living a dream life in heaven where Earth time moved a lot faster than he was, and his wife was reliving a slow loop over and over in hell. I think time moves on once the people pass in the game. The MotD crew died some time ago, and time has continued on as they are stuck in their place reliving a loop over and over. So they died in 1933, but time has continued past Ferguson retiring in 1942, and probably even to around the time of Moon since we have modern weapons and Nikolia's name being heard. And as time continues, Al has saved messages and notes to help him remember each time it resets. So when Al breaks the cycle, the year might really be 2025. The question is where the hell did he go after that, and why was the THING in control helping him escape in the end. 



  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/11/2014 at 4:24 AM, ETEl2NAL407 said:


I was going to say this but you beat me two it.. XD but seriously it's not a terrible theory but its not very accurate either. Motd and origins were defiantly some sort of soap bubble universe (name that reference) with motd being one made by teddy and origins being made by samantha. Listen to samanthas quotes on moon and all the little hints. That demonic black voice you are talking about is what sam and richtofen refers to as teddy. Killing zombies as samantha says gives teddy more power. The blackness has always been there, a soul of the MPD and the aether. The world outside der riese wasnt destroyed, it was fine, the bubble wasnt protecting der riese from destruction, it was the only place on earth with destruction. How else would history have happened (ascension and five 30 years later, cotd 50 years later, tranzit further after that) Teddy, and samantha and richtofen to an extent are twisted people who just like to f*** with peoples heads because they can. Not to go on a tangent but all the announcer does is add power-ups and wall weapons, mystery box, perks, ect. they don't really control the zombies. Why would richtofen have the zombies attack you if he wanted the easter egg done? He gives you all of those things as tools to help you, and samantha added them in her time as she thought of it all as a game (listen to her quotes and listen to abracadavre) it wasnt until moon she realized it was all real, even then she dosent fully think it is. 

  On 3/24/2014 at 1:54 AM, Prince Lolz said:



I was going to say this but you beat me two it.. XD but seriously it's not a terrible theory but its not very accurate either. Motd and origins were defiantly some sort of soap bubble universe (name that reference) with motd being one made by teddy and origins being made by samantha. Listen to samanthas quotes on moon and all the little hints. That demonic black voice you are talking about is what sam and richtofen refers to as teddy. Killing zombies as samantha says gives teddy more power. The blackness has always been there, a soul of the MPD and the aether. The world outside der riese wasnt destroyed, it was fine, the bubble wasnt protecting der riese from destruction, it was the only place on earth with destruction. How else would history have happened (ascension and five 30 years later, cotd 50 years later, tranzit further after that) Teddy, and samantha and richtofen to an extent are twisted people who just like to f*** with peoples heads because they can. Not to go on a tangent but all the announcer does is add power-ups and wall weapons, mystery box, perks, ect. they don't really control the zombies. Why would richtofen have the zombies attack you if he wanted the easter egg done? He gives you all of those things as tools to help you, and samantha added them in her time as she thought of it all as a game (listen to her quotes and listen to abracadavre) it wasnt until moon she realized it was all real, even then she dosent fully think it is. 

This post is old, I've longed scrapped the idea of another entity living within the Aether amongst Samantha, who keeps the link between our universe and the Aether separate- from my mind for some time. There is no other Entity as of right now, but the community does know that there are two versions of Samantha, one of which had actually been a mistake to bring on in the storyline, but since we are starting a new, Treyarch thought it wouldn' affect the storyline as much as it did. They introduced an American Samantha, a alternate of the original but from another universe. This rules out the idea of there being a never-seen-before demonic entity within the Aether and this is now the reason why the Power Drops are not announced by the German Samantha, but the American one. 


Was this a smart move? Kind of... This is just another sign that they're trying to get rid of this storyline and revert back to their old roots, which isn't bad at all, but it still rules out an idea of "The Blackness".

SO bleh.

  On 3/24/2014 at 1:54 AM, Prince Lolz said:



I was going to say this but you beat me two it.. XD but seriously it's not a terrible theory but its not very accurate either. Motd and origins were defiantly some sort of soap bubble universe (name that reference) with motd being one made by teddy and origins being made by samantha. Listen to samanthas quotes on moon and all the little hints. That demonic black voice you are talking about is what sam and richtofen refers to as teddy. Killing zombies as samantha says gives teddy more power. The blackness has always been there, a soul of the MPD and the aether. The world outside der riese wasnt destroyed, it was fine, the bubble wasnt protecting der riese from destruction, it was the only place on earth with destruction. How else would history have happened (ascension and five 30 years later, cotd 50 years later, tranzit further after that) Teddy, and samantha and richtofen to an extent are twisted people who just like to f*** with peoples heads because they can. Not to go on a tangent but all the announcer does is add power-ups and wall weapons, mystery box, perks, ect. they don't really control the zombies. Why would richtofen have the zombies attack you if he wanted the easter egg done? He gives you all of those things as tools to help you, and samantha added them in her time as she thought of it all as a game (listen to her quotes and listen to abracadavre) it wasnt until moon she realized it was all real, even then she dosent fully think it is. 



I would go ahead and try and give an explanation to everything you've just said as well, but I've written to much in my previous replies to this post and it may or may not make you feel whole... The best advice I can only really give is to not look at Black Ops 2 as... as anything, really. 

  On 3/24/2014 at 6:32 PM, The Editor said:




I was going to say this but you beat me two it.. XD but seriously it's not a terrible theory but its not very accurate either. Motd and origins were defiantly some sort of soap bubble universe (name that reference) with motd being one made by teddy and origins being made by samantha. Listen to samanthas quotes on moon and all the little hints. That demonic black voice you are talking about is what sam and richtofen refers to as teddy. Killing zombies as samantha says gives teddy more power. The blackness has always been there, a soul of the MPD and the aether. The world outside der riese wasnt destroyed, it was fine, the bubble wasnt protecting der riese from destruction, it was the only place on earth with destruction. How else would history have happened (ascension and five 30 years later, cotd 50 years later, tranzit further after that) Teddy, and samantha and richtofen to an extent are twisted people who just like to f*** with peoples heads because they can. Not to go on a tangent but all the announcer does is add power-ups and wall weapons, mystery box, perks, ect. they don't really control the zombies. Why would richtofen have the zombies attack you if he wanted the easter egg done? He gives you all of those things as tools to help you, and samantha added them in her time as she thought of it all as a game (listen to her quotes and listen to abracadavre) it wasnt until moon she realized it was all real, even then she dosent fully think it is. 

This post is old, I've longed scrapped the idea of another entity living within the Aether amongst Samantha, who keeps the link between our universe and the Aether separate- from my mind for some time. There is no other Entity as of right now, but the community does know that there are two versions of Samantha, one of which had actually been a mistake to bring on in the storyline, but since we are starting a new, Treyarch thought it wouldn' affect the storyline as much as it did. They introduced an American Samantha, a alternate of the original but from another universe. This rules out the idea of there being a never-seen-before demonic entity within the Aether and this is now the reason why the Power Drops are not announced by the German Samantha, but the American one. 


Was this a smart move? Kind of... This is just another sign that they're trying to get rid of this storyline and revert back to their old roots, which isn't bad at all, but it still rules out an idea of "The Blackness".

SO bleh.


this sort of sounds like an idea a friend and i had. That some form of samantha, i.e from the future, american samantha, origins!samantha, ect was the dark voice guiding her young self into becoming the monster she became. in her early days she just wanted revenge on richtofen, but later on she attacks innocent people (cotd, nuketown, origins) add that on top of the fact that there are quite clearly two voices both in origins and in the original story. 

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