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Guns you want in zombies

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I would personally like:


Crossbow (either one)

Peacekeeper (thought they would've added this when Revolution was released)

Assault Shield (with different mechanics; can be PaP'd)


What would you guys want?

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I want the c4 as a grenade alternative (Like the symtex) put it in the box and have it super powerful like it is in multiplayer :lol:

The KSG. I think this would actually be an amazing shotgun that would plow straight through the zombies head with its slug (I think thats what its called)


  TheBSZombie said:
I want the c4 as a grenade alternative (Like the symtex) put it in the box and have it super powerful like it is in multiplayer :lol:

The KSG. I think this would actually be an amazing shotgun that would plow straight through the zombies head with its slug (I think thats what its called)

Yup it is a slug and imagine it with Double Tap :D


And sorry if I come out as a noob or whatever, but if we had the ksg I want this bad boy to be a one shot up to round 40 (With double tap of course). I want to see the zombies to just fall to the ground.


  ZombieGK said:
inb4 ppsh.

Skorpion EVO, Peacekeeper and Vector.

M27 on all maps pretty please?

The peacekeeper would be great as a wall weapon imo. The skorpion probably wouldn't transition well into zombies because it has such a high fire rate. I have no idea how good the vector would be, probably somewhere in between the peacekeeper and the evo.


I think the "storm" sniper riffle from the campaign would be nice, the one that can shoot through walls!

Another thing would be instead of a hacker: A ziggy that one can control to hack perk machines, doors, pack a punch and while in use the zombies would ignore you......


  Edward Richtofen said:
  ZombieGK said:
inb4 ppsh.

Skorpion EVO, Peacekeeper and Vector.

M27 on all maps pretty please?

The peacekeeper would be great as a wall weapon imo. The skorpion probably wouldn't transition well into zombies because it has such a high fire rate. I have no idea how good the vector would be, probably somewhere in between the peacekeeper and the evo.

Well the Peacekeeper being a wall weapon would be an impossibility, as it is only available who have Revolution or the Season Pass. It would work the same as the Ray Gun Mark II, available in the box depending if you have the download needed.


Peacekeeper all the way.

Tactical insertions could work if you want to get to the bank straight away after you spawn. Probably wouldnt use them, but they would be interesting.

Shock charges as well would be interesting, I would use them over normal grenades.


The peacekeeper could be a wall weapon the same way people can pick up the gun from the ground. Treyarch probably wouldn't do it purely on a buisness standpoint. If I was treyarch, I would put it in the box and people that haven't bought the first dlc couldn't get it lol. I think tac inserts would work just like the time bomb


Any weapon can be a wall weapon or put into the box, by the means of one simple title update.

This also applies to putting weapons that are only present in one or two maps (like the AN94/M27) available in every map.

But yeah, Treyarch's too lazy to do that.


  ZombieGK said:
Any weapon can be a wall weapon or put into the box, by the means of one simple title update.

This also applies to putting weapons that are only present in one or two maps (like the AN94/M27) available in every map.

But yeah, Treyarch's too lazy to do that.

Its not laziness. Its if that map/mode really needs it or if they have enough room memory wise to put it in the map.


I do know it in fact COULD be a wall weapon, because it is already in the game. It just seems they would go the Ray Gun Mark II route with it. A simpler way to not allow people with Revolution have it. I don't know.


  TheBSZombie said:

Its not laziness. Its if that map/mode really needs it or if they have enough room memory wise to put it in the map.

"It's not laziness" "Its if that map/mode really needs it" = laziness.

Believe me they have quite enough memory to put whatever new guns they want in the map. Adding new guns is not related to memory issues.

It's two lines of C++ code. TWO lines.


  ZombieGK said:
  TheBSZombie said:

Its not laziness. Its if that map/mode really needs it or if they have enough room memory wise to put it in the map.

"It's not laziness" "Its if that map/mode really needs it" = laziness.

Believe me they have quite enough memory to put whatever new guns they want in the map. Adding new guns is not related to memory issues.

It's two lines of C++ code. TWO lines.

I don't know if thats true or not. But im pretty sure if it were true, then they would do it if they felt like it needed it. Im 100% sure there is a reason they don't put every gun into every map. Plus from what I have heard, the reason that the fn fal is called just the fal is because they had to cut down use of the code.


  TheBSZombie said:

I don't know if thats true or not. But im pretty sure if it were true, then they would do it if they felt like it needed it. Im 100% sure there is a reason they don't put every gun into every map. Plus from what I have heard, the reason that the fn fal is called just the fal is because they had to cut down use of the code.

They won't put every gun into Zombies because there needs to be a good balance between the quantity of good and bad weapons the player(s) can get.

The simple reason they won't add a few new guns in like the peacekeeper and/or replace guns with other guns is sheer laziness.

Don't know about the fal but I highly doubt naming it "Fn Fal" "Fal" or even "Nikolai's Falafel" will change the weapon's file size at all, so don't believe the cut down of the code story.


QBB LSW. That would be an awesome zombies weapon. And I would rather have the Scorpion than the AK74SU again. The c4 idea would be epic. And if scorestreaks were ever introduced somehow, could you imagine a K9 unit going crazy on some zombies? :lol:


  DFSnake said:
QED's and Wonderwaffe back would be cool in my book as well. :twisted:

Well I was talking about normal weapons from BOII or past CoD, but the return of both of those would be grand! Especially that QED :D


Peacekeeper Pack-A-Punched ---> "The Rambo"

I've always wanted them to add in a proper mountable turret or be able to use the deployable browning & whatever else there was in World at War. I think there was only 1 spot in Verruckt that you could use the feature? I'm not sure if this was actually patched out of the game?

And the fountain in the middle courtyard of Verrückt actually has a mountable gun underneath it, even though its in a non-playable area. I've always wondered why they never brought this type of weapon into the game for other maps? Sure you have the turret traps in Kino & Ascension, but why can't we have a mountable gun in which we try to hold down an area? Zombies started as a border defense game. It would make for some great challenges.


  TheBSZombie said:
And sorry if I come out as a noob or whatever, but if we had the ksg I want this bad boy to be a one shot up to round 40 (With double tap of course). I want to see the zombies to just fall to the ground.

yes but also make it difficult to hit. Meaning places great premium on accuracy and rewards it handsomely, but the penalty for missing is high. i think this would be a awesome weapon to have in zombies

I also would love to see the crossbow and awful lawton back for dlc 4. maybe add the tri bolt attachment to the PaP version?

and maybe one of the other 2 yet unused LMG's and add a special effect of some sort to the PaP version.


  Matuzz said:

My gosh o.O that looks completely ridiculous and awesome at the same time lol so:

MKI - Pistol



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