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The Robot was built in Der Riese

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I know I'm not the only one who is pumped to see some new info, and wow. A giant mech warrior? I don't think any of us expected that. But maybe we should have.

Firstly there is the obvious connection between this machine and Der Riese, which is that Der Riese is German for "the giant". The sign on the facility's wall reads "waffenfabrik Der Riese" which means weapon factory: the giant. Maybe this name doesn't refer to the facility itself, but whatever they manufactured there.

As MrRoflWaffles has pointed out, there are several frames flashed during the trailer, which form an image when photoshopped together. The 935 logo is visible in the image, so we can assume the robot was made by group 935, and it was likely designed by maxis.

Now, I want you to imagine you're standing in the Der Riese spawn. You're standing with the Kar98k to your left, and you're facing the mainframe.

You'll notice that there is a sort of moat around the catwalk, on the left and right side. Try to imagine what could have stood there. That's right. The giant robot might have stood right over the pack a punch machine, with each of his feet in one of the indentations adjacent to the catwalk while under construction.

If this is true, there are many unanswered questions that follow. If the map takes place in the past, in what year was the robot built? It seems like it'd be weaponized, condidering the nature of Der Riese and 935's work. It might pose as an enemy in the game, although destroying it would likely eliminate it from the game, as there would be no way to repair it. So unless there are more of them (oh god) I think we'll be interacting with it as an environmental hazard or we may even use it as part of the Easter egg. Maybe we could even control it.

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The Robot(s) were most likely manufactured in Der Riese and then sent back in time (remember they were perfecting time travel, Richtofen and the crew traveled forward in time to Kino from Der Riese)

This was most likely done so that the Germans could rewrite history so that they won the first world war, creating many time rifts along the way of course!

A video I just created on the teaser mentions this and explains my thoughts on the whole premise of this map:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v_LPymg ... e=youtu.be

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